R A P I O issues this WARNING:
A New surreptitious Cairo Agreement is in the making. While the first Cairo Agreement in 1968 authorized the Balestinians to carry weapons and kill Lebanese in the Lebanon, this time it is aimed at naturalizing them.
R A P I O’s choice as THE CARDINAL to replace Sfeir, Bishop Beshara Raii stated that “they have destroyed Lebanon because of the (Hariri) international tribunal; while we know we will not get any results from it”.
Independent Observers wonder what is the real reason behind the Lebanese Government’s and Judicial System’s refrain from keeping Syria’s lackeys in Lebanon out of prison for plotting against their own country!!!
Ad-Dyar Lebanese newspaper which is known for its pro-Syrian Baath adherence is disseminating false propaganda that the US Embassy in Lebanon has requested its Citizens to leave the country urgently.
Balestinian, Al-Qaeda and other Muslim Terrorists are infiltrating Egypt via the newly opened Rafah Crossing between Balestine and Egypt. Syria is happy: that’s what counts the most; the rest is secondary…