Friday, January 25, 2008

Lebanese Internal Security Forces Captain Wissam Eid and a Judge are the latest victims of international terrorism by a car bomb that blew-off in the Chevrolet area of Baabda. Four people are reportedly dead and at least 40 wounded.

Meanwhile, Presidential Hopeful, Lebanese Army Commander Gen. Michel Sleiman calls his Masters-To-Be Dictator Bashar Assad and the Syrian Army Command in Damascus. This call could be his "Entrance Key" to the Presidential Palace in Baabda! Ya Haram manna bahdaleh...

Code Name COBRA: Robert Hatem for those who knew him by his real name as head of the security apparatus in the Lebanese Forces under Elie Hobeika.

COBRA, or Hatem, reveals from his self-exiled residence in France that Elie Hobeika was assassinated because he wanted to testify in an international tribunal not only about the massacres of the Balestinians in Sabra and Chatila Terror Camps but also he wanted to tell about the hundreds of massacres of Christians in Lebanon committed by the Palestinians and the PLO which preceded Sabra and Chatila.

COBRA also stated that he distanced himself from his Master Hobeika when the Latter surrounded himself by the Syrian Mafia when he became Minister.

Lastly, Cobra reveals that the assassinated ex-PM Rafic Hariri had commissioned Former Intelligence Chief Johnny Abdo to bribe the Christian Politicians in order to acquire their allegiance so as to side with Hariri’s covert plans.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat accuses Hezbolla of planning another war against the Jewish State. Jumblat has also accused Syria and its lackeys in the Lebanon for engineering and planning the kidnapping and assassination of Foreigners in Lebanon similar to what it used to do back in the 70's and 80's.

Message from R A P I O = While the People of Lebanon are full of Political promises, they are hungry to eat. Say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to the Politicians and Clergymen and Help in bringing them ALL down. No Mercy to the merciless Politicians and clergymen who have brought YOU all down to your knees.