Friday, November 9, 2007

The People of Lebanon are expressing their deepest disappointment for the lack of decision making by their so-called “Patriarch” (Cardinal Sfeir). RAPIO hereby calls once again for the immediate resignation of Sfeir for ignoring his real historic position and for not make any decision as requested by most if not all the Lebanese.

The Syrian Alawite Baath regime has reprimanded several non-Alawite Syrian Army Officers for protesting against the additional power given to their Alawite fellow Officers.

“Foreign Policy” publishes a study naming Lebanon as one of the most unsuccessful countries in the world. The study is based on 3 elements: economic, social and political. Remember this next time YOU vote blindly for YOUR SAME LEADER!!!

Etienne Sakr the Chieftain of the Guardians of the Cedars has announced his Candidacy to the Presidency of the “Republic” of Lebanon.