Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lebanon under a State of Emergency Controlled by the Army…So Far…

Emil Lahoud will go down in History as equivalent to Amine Gemayel: Two No Good Presidents who left nothing behind but negative memories and a Dead “Republic”.

Lebanon Without a Christian At the Helm For the First Time In Its Modern History Since It Was Created 64 Years Ago.

Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri informs Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun that it is impossible for the latter to become President.

Independent Observers indicate that the Problem is in the fact that the Muslims want to have a veto over the name of the President while depriving the Christians from doing the same with a Muslim Prime Minister or the Speaker of the House.

The situation in Lebanon could be leading towards the creation of a Federal country in line with many other countries inhabited by minority groups.