Friday, November 2, 2007

Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir stated that the Christians of Lebanon should not blame the others if the others select a President for them because they were not able to do so themselves!!!

Presidential Candidate Boutros Harb and ally of Hariri stated that Saad Hariri is NOT authorized to nominate a Candidate on behalf of the Majority.

Confirming that Aoun will not be the next President, Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri announces, after his long meetings with Aoun in Paris, that Aoun will simply play a major role during the next Presidential elections.

Beirut International Airport is reported to be at its lowest operational income ever since Israel and Hezbollah fought their war in Lebanon during the summer of 2006. As a result, many systems in the airport are rendered non-operational awaiting funding for repair or replacement.

Lebanese Pop Singer Big Lips Nawal Zoghbi is reported to have officially divorced her husband.