Al-Akhbar daily reports that Hezbollah has, in recent days, conducted surreptitious military exercises in UNIFIL territories South of the Litani River without UNIFIL even knowing about it !
Both Israel and Hezbollah are in a state of full alert along the Lebanese – Israeli borders.
Presidential Candidate Boutros Harb has acknowledged that the Presidential Elections could very well take place in the historic Druze town of Beiteddine.
Independent Observers have indicated that the People of Lebanon have given-up on relying on Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir to announce a list of Candidates for the Presidency.
Egypt has announced that there are too many foreign interferences in Lebanon.
As usual France blinked and has opened-up dialogue with the Syrian Baath regime over the future of Lebanon.
French Foreign Affairs Minister has warned of new assassinations before the elections.