Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lebanon is in Grave Danger

Impeach Cardinal Sfeir. Ignore All Politicians. Live Your Life Free. Do not Remain a Sheep under the mercy of Politicians, Clergymen or Foreign Governments.

France, in a frustrating voice, indicated that it is high time Cardinal Sfeir announces his list of Candidates.

It is reported that France could end-up appointing the President it sees as the most moderate because of Bkerke lack of action and decision making.

Hariri owned newspaper Al-Mustaqbal has reported that Syrian Lackey Balestinian Terror Leader Ahmad Jibril has warned that the Syrian Chief Secret Service Boss Assef Chawkat has sent into Beirut Balestinian terrorists to create another Nahr Bared battle between Hezbollah and the Balestinian Camps of Burj Barajneh and Chatila.

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