Friday, November 30, 2007

So now that almost everyone has accepted the idea to have yet another Army General “Preside” over the country, the same Politicians who have tampered with the Lebanese Constitution during the past 17 years are ready to continue their unconstitutional role to mess with the Country and with YOU!

Opposing or not convinced of the appointment of Sleiman are Dory Chamoun, Boutros Harb, Amine Gemayel and Samir Jaajaa.

Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri postpones the appointment session of the President till Friday, December 7, 2007.

Ad-Dyar newspaper reveals that Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun had a plan to topple the Government of PM Fouad Saniora had the latter rejected the nomination of Gen. Michel Sleiman to the Presidency.

It is reported that the Deputies of the Hariri Clan payroll will be moving from the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel to the Riviera Hotel shortly.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

JUST IN = Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun Gives the Green Light for his Colleague Gen. Sleiman to be appointed President.

Michel Sleimane = Another General Heads for the Presidential Palace.

Hezbollah rejects Sleiman’s Appointment to the Presidency.

The Shia Way or No Way.

Al-Wali Jumblat, yet in another 180 degree turn, is now re-calling for Hezbollah to keep its weapons till…Maybe it takes over the country ! ! !

The Islamic Republic of Iran presents the first submarine “Made in Iran”!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

News Flash = It's Official. All Parties have expressed one way or another their approval of Gen. Michel Sleiman to be appointed President of the "Republic" except Hezbollah... And they call it a "Democracy"!!!

The Majority hints at nominating Lebanese Army Commander General Michel Sleiman for the Presidency in a clear defiance to Ret. General and Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

One Dead and at least 12 people injured in machine gun battles in the streets of the Northern Lebanese City of Triploi overnight.

Pro-Hariri Clan and other Islamists are on a state of alert in West Beirut after the clashes that took place in Tripoli.

The Lebanese Army reinforces its already heavy deployment in the Batroun, Kesrouan and Beirut regions.

Independent Observers are reporting that a split is emerging between Al-Wali Jumblat and the Hariri Clan financed Majority on the one hand and another split between Michel Aoun and his Chief Ally chameleon Michel Murr. Jumblat is courting the Syrians again while Murr is courting Hariri’s Boy PM Fouad Saniora!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pro-Hariri Clan Maronites in defiance to Michel Aoun pour into Bkerke as a clear message to Aoun that He is NOT their Leader.

While the Maronites opposing Bkerke are flocking to Aoun’s Residence.

Samir Jaajaa calls Aoun a “Bishop and NOT the Patriarch”.

The End-result: a Divided Marounistan!

Al-Wali Jumblat is reported to be opening-up to the Minority coalition.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Power Vacuum in Lebanon aims at settling the Balestinians in Lebanon.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun asserts himself as the sole Christian Boss.

After Hariri Mocks Aoun from Bkerkeh, Aoun shut-off all dialogues with the Majority Tycoon!

The Minority is calling for a Ghandi style civil disobedience.

The Lebanese Army consolidates its grip in Marounistan.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The tracks are all set for a renewed confrontation between Warlords Samir Jaajaa and Michel Aoun to take control of Marounistan while the Muslims of Lebanon consolidate their power over the country.

Maronite Warlord Samir Jaajaa informs his Muslim allies in the Majority that if they cannot face Hezbollah, HE (Jaajaa) is ready to face his archrival Michel Aoun.

Lebanese Government Sources confirm that Lebanon is NOT in a State of Emergency.

Lebanon Participates in the so-called Annapolis Peace Conference.

The Free Patriotic Movement of Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun objects to the meeting that took place between Sunni Muslim PM Fouad Saniora and Chief Procrastinator Sfeir at a time that Saniora has effectively replaced THE Maronite Christian President.
Lebanon under a State of Emergency Controlled by the Army…So Far…

Emil Lahoud will go down in History as equivalent to Amine Gemayel: Two No Good Presidents who left nothing behind but negative memories and a Dead “Republic”.

Lebanon Without a Christian At the Helm For the First Time In Its Modern History Since It Was Created 64 Years Ago.

Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri informs Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun that it is impossible for the latter to become President.

Independent Observers indicate that the Problem is in the fact that the Muslims want to have a veto over the name of the President while depriving the Christians from doing the same with a Muslim Prime Minister or the Speaker of the House.

The situation in Lebanon could be leading towards the creation of a Federal country in line with many other countries inhabited by minority groups.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Acting Unconstitutionally, Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri May postpone Today’s Election Deadline for another Week!

The Lebanese Army sets roadblocks all over the Capital City of Beirut in a desperate attempt to maintain Law and Order.

The Majority Parliamentarians hiding in the Pheonicia Hotel has rejected the initiative proposed by Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun late last night on basis of unconstitutionality.

Aoun’s initiative basically called for:
1- The appointment of Pierre Daccache for President,
2- Saad Hariri agrees to appoint a Sunni Prime Minister from outside His Clan,
3- Early Parliamentary Elections based on Small District for proper Representation.

As of this write-up Five Possibilities could occur if Elections do not take place today:
1- Emil Lahoud Stays President (The US, Syria, Israel and Iran prefer a sitting duck to stay in power),
2- PM Fouad Saniora and the majority may opt to take power away from the Christian President and invest it in the hands of the Sunni Muslim Prime Minister. (A good possibility since the Maronites are divided over their own destiny),
3- A Military Council may be appointed as a care taker government by the current President which will be headed by the Army Commander and is comprised of 3 Muslims and 3 Christians,
4- Hezbollah may decide to take-over the country by force (Israel and Syria welcome this initiative because Israel ALWAYS prefers to deal with a united and strong enemy than an unknown one; while Syria and Hezbollah are one entity),
5- All the above (This possibility is the one that could lead the country into a major chaos).


Thursday, November 22, 2007

News Flash=

-1- No Elections. Lebanon is moving towards the Abyss. Only GOD Can Now Save Her.

-2- Prime Candidate Michel Aoun Concedes and Nominates Ancient Prostate Age Over the Hill Pierre Daccache for President.

- 3- The Lebanese Army Command Warns All Media Outlets Not to Publish irroneous News.

36 Hours… and Lebanon will be either Dead or Alive!

A large demonstration of Lebanese Youth entitled “ENOUGH” took place in front of the Parliament against what the “Politicians” are doing to the People of Lebanon.

Last night meeting between Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri and Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun let to … more jokes on the People of Lebanon…

French President Nicolas Sarkozi is said to be personally leading the last minute effort for a settlement to the Lebanese Presidential “Elections”.

As usual with the first rain pouring over Lebanon, all roads are blocked due to lack of maintenance by the Government and Municipalities… Unfortunately, the People of Lebanon are too busy preparing to defend the lives of their respective Leaders instead of demanding their basic rights.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Only Three Days separate the People of Lebanon between Extinction and Survival.

Independent Analysts are optimistic about having a new President come Friday, November 23, 2007.

It is high time, WE the People, take our destiny in our own hands and away from OUR so-called political and religious Leaders as well as from Foreign interferences.

Warlords Nabih Berri and Michel Aoun clash verbally over the fact that Aoun stated that the President should be selected by the Christians and NOT by Berri and Hariri who are Muslims.

It is reported that Aoun also had a heated meeting with US Ambassador to Lebanon over the fact that the US policy is not allowing any role for the Christians of Lebanon in any future settlement.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Kouchner decided to baby sit the Politicians until a new President is appointed (not elected !!!!!).

French President Sarkozi is reported to have phoned his Syrian counterpart Assad to discuss the Syrian interferences in the Lebanese Affairs… Wake-up and smell the Coffee ya Monsieur Sarkozi…

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

News Flash = Lebanese Army Commander Michel Sleiman orders his troops to safeguard the People of Lebanon and not to listen to their respective Leaders.
Government orders the shutdown of all schools in the Lebanon starting tomorrow.

Lebanese Army on full alert in Beirut and Kesrouan ONLY.

Iran’s puppet Hezbollah calls for the formation of a 2nd Government within the next 24 hours to face the Government of the Hariri Clan headed by Saniora.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Couchner threatens to reveal the names of those who are blocking a settlement in Lebanon.

The election session scheduled for tomorrow is likely to be postponed till the 23rd of November; one day before the expiration of Emile Lahoud from his throne in Baabda. Meanwhile, reports indicate that Emile Lahoud may end-up staying in Baabda till further notice from his Masters in Damascus and Teheran.

Syria awaits the outcome of the Annapolis meeting before ruling on the Lebanon presidential affairs. Lebanon is a Joker in Syria’s hand.

PM Fouad Saniora and his Minister of Telecom Marwan Hamadeh reject the appointment of a Maronite to Head the privatization of the Lebanese telephone network.

Four Days separate Lebanon from Death or Survival.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Five days separate Lebanon from Death or Survival.

20,000 Runners participated in the 5th Beirut International Marathon yesterday.

Respected Journalist, diplomat and deputy, Ghassan Tueny reveals in a live TV interview that Egyptian and Arab League Representative Aamr Moussa always ”screws-up the negotiations because he transmits erroneous information”.

Warlords Jaajaa and Aoun may create a new coalition to counter the unbalance appointment of Muslims in Government Jobs by Sunni Muslim PM Saniora who is controlled by the Hariri Clan on the one hand and by Shia Muslim Speaker Berri on the other.

The Christians of Lebanon are opposing the selection by Berri, Hariri and Syria of Robert Ghanem and Michel Edde, the lowest and least popular two Candidates for the Presidency.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Syria welcomes the nomination of her little puppet Michel Edde to the presidency of “the Republic”.

Heavy and intensive meetings from different groups and countries are taking place with Candidate Michel Aoun.

The foreign affairs ministers of France, Spain and Italy will be in Beirut this week to baby sit the Lebanese during the Presidential “Elections” period.

Venezuela’s Dictator Hugo Chavez threatens the US and the West of having the oil barrel reaching $200 if Iran’s nuclear stations are attacked. Great: like this the rich will get richer and the poor… poorer…

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The US Embassy in Lebanon issues a warning to all its Citizens to restrict their movement in and to Lebanon between November 20, 2007 and November 26, 2007 and beyond if elections do not take place on November 24, 2007.

Independent Observers compare Lebanon to a sick man in intensive care unit (ICU). He can only come out of it either dead or alive!!!

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat calls Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri. Outcome is TOP SECRET as usual at the expense of their respective Lebanese herds.

Reports reveal that the Chief Procrastinator Nasrallah Sfeir have sent a list of half a dozen Presidential Candidates to Berri and Hariri.

A precarious calm hovers at the Balestinian camps of Shatila and Bourj Barajneh.

Friday, November 16, 2007

News Flash: As threatened by Syrian payrolled Ahmad Jibril a week ago, heavy fighting has erupted between various Balestinian factions in the Balestinian Terror Camps of Burj Barajneh in Beirut and Ain El-Helweh in the South.

LBC TV bans an interview with its former Chief Samir Jaajaa.

As a result, a couple of hundred lackeys of Jaajaa took the streets of Ashrafieh and Kesrouan. The Army has spread in these 2 Areas.

Lackeys from Hezbollah and Hariri Future movement clashed in the town of Aaramoun, South of Beirut.

Majority Chief Al-Wali Jumblat has instructed his War Council to keep the roads of the Chouf District free of any Hezbollah fighters at any cost in case Hezbollah attempts to block them.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun declares that his Strong Parliamentary Block will not participate in the Presidential “Elections” unless HE is the Chosen One… Some Democracy!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Cedars Revolution
Born: March 14, 2005
Dead: November 24, 2007
Cause of Death: The People of Lebanon

Pro-Syrian Opposition is calling for “peaceful” civil disobedience and road blocking.

According to Syria, all bids are off in any negotiations with France over Lebanon!

Independent Observers are expecting the return of full Syrian hegemony over the Lebanon within the next few months.

Lebanese security apparatus has arrested a Muslim Fundamentalist preparing to assassinate Hezbollah’s Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Nada N. Brouty (37) a US Lebanese Citizen has been arrested and sentenced in Detroit for illegally taking information from the computers of the FBI and CIA. Brouty is a Shia and a naturalized US Citizen who became a mole after joining the FBI as a Special Agent and later on the CIA.

A precarious calm hovers on all fronts in Lebanon.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Couchner is expected to baby sit YOUR “Leaders” next week until the Presidential elections take place. What a shame that we have to have a baby sitter to take care of our own business…

Couchner fails to obtain a list of Candidates from the Chief Procrastinator Sfeir. So! What else is new Yaba?

However, An-Nahar Daily reveals that Sfeir will submit a list to France within the next 48 hours comprising the names of Nassib Lahoud, Boutros Harb and Michel Aoun among others…

Former Lebanese Intelligence Chief Johnny Abdo confirms RAPIO’s previous statement that there will be no elections before the November 24, 2007 deadline.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Feudal Lords Amine Gemayel and Sleiman Franjieh met overnight to decide the future of their herds (i.e. the People of Lebanon).

Both Warlords Amine Gemayel and Michel Aoun have self-nominated themselves to head a transitional government to set-up parliamentary and presidential elections.

Aoun is said to be ready to face the U.S. at “any cost”.

The U.S. is said to be ready to sell Lebanon old rusty training military jets (for what?).

“The Shia Way or No Way” – RAPIO publisher, June 2006.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Flash: Head of Lebanese Police confirms that Biological Material has been found in the Balestinian camp of Nahr El-Bared which was occupied by Al-Qaeda before its total destruction by the Lebanese Army.

Hey Lebanese: Do YOU ever wonder to what happened to YOUR Cedar Revolution? Do YOU want the Syrian to come BACK? Do YOU always want to have foreign interferences in YOUR country?

“We are ready to change the face of the Region… The whole World cannot disarm Hezbollah” – Hezbollah Chieftain Hassan Nasrallah while addressing the World on national TV on November 11, 2007.

Lebanese Central Bank Governor and Presidential Hopeful Riad Salameh has been summoned to Bkerkeh to meet Chief Procrastinator the Patriarch.

“Why don’t you shut-up!” – King of Spain Juan Carlos addressing Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez in yesterday’s meeting of Spanish speaking nations.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Presidential Candidate Nayla Mouawad calls for Arab and International protection for the new President due to the on-going Syrian and Balestinian threats of Lebanon and her people.

On his part pro-Syrian Terror Master Ahmad Jibril has accused both Eternal Leaders and Warlords Samir Jaajaa and Al-Wali Jumblat for re-importing weapons from Israel into Lebanon.

Tight lips are kept behind the non-occurrence of the meeting that was scheduled to take place between Warlords Samir Jaajaa and Michel Aoun.

The Pope has warned that the Elections in Lebanon are detrimental to the existence of the country and its institutions.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lebanon is in Grave Danger

Impeach Cardinal Sfeir. Ignore All Politicians. Live Your Life Free. Do not Remain a Sheep under the mercy of Politicians, Clergymen or Foreign Governments.

France, in a frustrating voice, indicated that it is high time Cardinal Sfeir announces his list of Candidates.

It is reported that France could end-up appointing the President it sees as the most moderate because of Bkerke lack of action and decision making.

Hariri owned newspaper Al-Mustaqbal has reported that Syrian Lackey Balestinian Terror Leader Ahmad Jibril has warned that the Syrian Chief Secret Service Boss Assef Chawkat has sent into Beirut Balestinian terrorists to create another Nahr Bared battle between Hezbollah and the Balestinian Camps of Burj Barajneh and Chatila.

RAPIO is voicing what many are only thinking” – RAPIO Reader.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The People of Lebanon are expressing their deepest disappointment for the lack of decision making by their so-called “Patriarch” (Cardinal Sfeir). RAPIO hereby calls once again for the immediate resignation of Sfeir for ignoring his real historic position and for not make any decision as requested by most if not all the Lebanese.

The Syrian Alawite Baath regime has reprimanded several non-Alawite Syrian Army Officers for protesting against the additional power given to their Alawite fellow Officers.

“Foreign Policy” publishes a study naming Lebanon as one of the most unsuccessful countries in the world. The study is based on 3 elements: economic, social and political. Remember this next time YOU vote blindly for YOUR SAME LEADER!!!

Etienne Sakr the Chieftain of the Guardians of the Cedars has announced his Candidacy to the Presidency of the “Republic” of Lebanon.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Students of the prestigious American University of Beirut have gone on strike to protest the sudden high increase in Tuition Fess.

Warlord Samir Jaajaa said to be ready to meet his arch-rival Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh.

Was Ghassan Tueiny lying when he announced on TV last week that Cardinal Sfeir came-up with a list of Candidates who are not traditional politicians? Someone is NOT telling the TRUTH: Either Tueiny or Bkerke. YOU the people must judge how YOU are being toyed around with.

Crude oil prices are expected to reach the US $100 the barrel by the end of next week.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Al-Akhbar Daily publishes a copy of the membership card of “Lebanese” Presidential Candidate Nassib Lahoud with the pro-Syrian Palestinian Terror Group As-Saiqa. The card clearly shows a photo of Lahoud with his ID No. 14102 and having the rank of “Fidayen” which means in today’s terms “Suicider ready to die”. Just a reminder: As-Saiqa is a Balestinian elite fighting machine trained and armed by Syria having committed mass killings of innocent Lebanese in the Beqaa Valey and the Damour Region of Lebanon between 1976 and 1982.

Ad-Diyar Daily on its part is reporting an eminent meeting between Warlords Jaajaa and Aoun.

As predicted by RAPIO, Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir has officially declared that he will not submit a list of Presidential Candidates. YO Sfeir Baby: From now on don’t blame the screw-ups of the Christians of Lebanon or the Presidency on the Moslems … YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE.

Russia has warned of a Civil War in Lebanon if the Presidential elections do not take place!!!!

Positive outcome has resulted from the historic meeting of the Catholic Pope and the Saudi King in the Vatican. Now we DO expect the Pope to return the visit to Mekkah.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Well respected Journalist and Publisher Ghassan Tueiny reveals that the names of non-traditional politicians are now being reviewed for consideration for the Presidency of the “Republic”.

Lebanese Police reports that 838 people have died on the roads of Lebanon due to car accidents so far this year bypassing all previous years.

The Lebanese Army has taken extraordinary security precautions at all governmental institutions till November 24th 2007 Election Day as many fear an armed take-over of the country by Hezbollah if no agreement is reached to Hezbollah's, Syria's and Iran's satisfaction.

For the first time in History, Saudi King Abdullah is set to meet with the Catholic Pope in the Vatican. The question remains: Will the Catholic Pope be ever allowed to visit Mekkah to make a courtesy return visit to the King?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Al-Akhbar daily reports that Hezbollah has, in recent days, conducted surreptitious military exercises in UNIFIL territories South of the Litani River without UNIFIL even knowing about it !

Both Israel and Hezbollah are in a state of full alert along the Lebanese – Israeli borders.

Presidential Candidate Boutros Harb has acknowledged that the Presidential Elections could very well take place in the historic Druze town of Beiteddine.

Independent Observers have indicated that the People of Lebanon have given-up on relying on Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir to announce a list of Candidates for the Presidency.

Egypt has announced that there are too many foreign interferences in Lebanon.

As usual France blinked and has opened-up dialogue with the Syrian Baath regime over the future of Lebanon.

French Foreign Affairs Minister has warned of new assassinations before the elections.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

US Secretary of State Rice verbally warns Syria not to interfere in Lebanese Presidential affairs!!! Ms. Rice: “Verbally” will not do it - Stop Wasting TIME.

Lebanese Expat living in Mexico Carlos Helou is expected to become the world richest man by by-passing Microsoft Bill Gates.

Agence France Press (AFP) is reporting that Arab women are flocking into Lebanon to have their nose and breasts shaped like Lebanese pop singer Haifa Wehbeh’s nose and chest!!!

After Afghanistan, the United States, Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Pakistan, Al-Qaida has announced the establishment of its newest base in Libya.

The World is focusing its attention on the civil upheaval at the foot steps of the Pakistani Government fearing the fall of Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal in the hands of extremists.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

As-Safir newspaper reveals that the United States is taking special measures against Deputies of the Free Patriotic Movement of Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

France and the US keep pretending that they are putting pressure on Syria to leave Lebanon alone. No one believes these so-called words as it is time to put words into deeds.

Sleiman (Soussou) Franjieh met Hezbollah Supreme Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah to discuss the Presidential elections.

Independent Observers are reporting the frustration of all Lebanese against Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir for refusing to nominate 2 or 3 or 10 Candidates for the Presidency. Well what do people expect from Sfeir? It is his nature to delay things or not to make decisions or worse to divide and rule…

Contrary to what was reported earlier by the Minority, the Students of the Lebanese Forces have announced their victory in the student elections at the St. Joseph University Last week.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir stated that the Christians of Lebanon should not blame the others if the others select a President for them because they were not able to do so themselves!!!

Presidential Candidate Boutros Harb and ally of Hariri stated that Saad Hariri is NOT authorized to nominate a Candidate on behalf of the Majority.

Confirming that Aoun will not be the next President, Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri announces, after his long meetings with Aoun in Paris, that Aoun will simply play a major role during the next Presidential elections.

Beirut International Airport is reported to be at its lowest operational income ever since Israel and Hezbollah fought their war in Lebanon during the summer of 2006. As a result, many systems in the airport are rendered non-operational awaiting funding for repair or replacement.

Lebanese Pop Singer Big Lips Nawal Zoghbi is reported to have officially divorced her husband.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

-“I have a dream to see you President: Quote from Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri while addressing Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun in Paris yesterday.

Both “Leaders” met in Paris for 8 hours to split the cake (in the next Government) and eat it too !!!

Syrian pop Singer George Wassouf was arrested in Beirut for firing his automatic machine gun in public in Ain el-Mreisseh.

Lebanese Army Command issues a Press Release confirming that its Chief of Staff Gen. Michel Sleiman is NOT a Candidate for the Presidency.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat states that the decision for naming the President depends on Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir and NOT on Amal Eternal Feudal Leader Nabih Berri.