Street fighting between Traitors from the Syrian National Socialist Party and Warmongers from the Lebanese Forces took place overnight in the Northern town of Deddeh, Koura. Don’t try to find out the truth or how it started.
Saudi Investors withdrew nearly US $4.8 Billion in investment money from Lebanon during the past two years.
R A P I O sends this open message to the Druze of Lebanon:
Between the Jumbulatt and the Arslan Feudal Lords, the honorable Druze Community in Lebanon is falling apart. The Druze are the smallest but strongest community indeed but should the United States decide once again to sell Lebanon to the highest bidder as it once did back in 1975, the Druze will pay a dear price of possible extinction at the hands of the brutal Syrian or Israeli Armies. No one knows where the Druze really stand. Syria and Israel no longer trust the Leadership of the Druze due to its wishy-washy changes. The Arslans are historically anti-Syria; today they stand with Syria. The Jumbulatts have all along defended Syria’s Arabism while today; they consider Syria as their No. 1 enemy.
The days of Al-Hikmat [The Wisdom] as known among the Druze can no longer be used to fool the rest of the world. As such, O Druze: Wake-up and be ONLY Lebanese as this is YOUR ONLY true identity. Minorities in the Middle East such as YOU are a small price to pay for the West or Iran to gain a bigger Prize!