The Duo Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasroulla will Face the Nation together on a TV interview scheduled for tomorrow night. It is not clear if this unprecedented event will be via a face to face live interview or pre-recorded while people were told that Aoun was ill or if it will be conducted by remote TV cameras via satellite.
Arab Babysitter Aamr Moussa has announced that he will be returning to Beirut on Friday to face the same bullshit…
Old time Libyan Dictator Moammar Qadafi, today a Saint in the eyes of “Western “Democracies”, has dropped his son Saif el-Islam as his heir and has given the title to his 4th son Muttassim Billah. Israeli Intelligence sources report that this sudden move by Qaddafi is due to Saif el-Islam’s connection and support to Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. This move is also welcomed by the United States.
Iran launches its own first SPY satellite into space.