Arab Babysitter Aamr Moussa ends his diplomatic mission in Lebanon with a failure to achieve a positive result of the appointment of a President.
The Arab League Summit will meet in Damascus as scheduled BUT and for the very first time without its founding member: Lebanon.
Independent Observers now ask does this mean that Lebanon will also be out of the Arab League since she does not have a President to reside over her delegation.
R A P I O sends this open message to the Shia Community of Lebanon:
Not too long ago, the Shia of Lebanon lived as second class citizens due to the capture of power by the Maronites and the Sunni Muslims. Furthermore, the Shias have lived under the boot of the PLO and the Israelis for too long. Today, however it is the Shias who are holding the entire country hostage as a mean to take over the power via a war of psychological attrition.
Is this what YOU really want to achieve? Do you wish on the Others what the Others have done to YOU? The Lebanese, especially the Shia community, have the will to plan a positive future for their children and grand children but this cannot be achieved by a show of force under the pretext that the weapons are solely for use against Israel!!!
People who are NOT Shia cannot be fooled by this excuse or reason for keeping tons of light and heavy weapons in the hands of a single community while at the same time, the Shias claim that they wish to co-exist with the other communities in Lebanon.
O Shia: Don’t live with an Eye for an Eye especially that the People of Lebanon (NOT the Leaders) are not against you; or at least do NOT push the People to become YOUR enemy.