Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lebanon is living a double jeopardy today as her people are in double mourning.

On the one side, it is the 3rd memorial of the murder of Rafic Hariri and 20 other Lebanese and on the other side, it is the funeral of Imad Mugniah, the most wanted terrorist on earth.

The saddest story is that Mugniah, who is responsible for the snipping of dozens of Christian Lebanese in the Seventies and Eighties and for the mass killing of hundreds of Westerners in Lebanon and South America is receiving a Hero’s Funeral.

Israel places its Army on high alert as it expects some retaliation for Mugniah’s death under the watchful eyes of the Syrian Intelligence apparatus!!!

In Denmark, 11 of its newspapers re-publish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in defiance of the World Muslim community and to express their freedom of speech. So: brace yourselves for more bloody reactions.