Lat time the US Marines were sent to Lebanon as part of the multi-national force, they withdrew after the VERY FIRST ATTACK and left most, if not all, the FREE Lebanese exposed to Syria, Hezbolla and Al-Qaeda. So, please Mr. Bush do not fool the Lebanese anymore…
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Lat time the US Marines were sent to Lebanon as part of the multi-national force, they withdrew after the VERY FIRST ATTACK and left most, if not all, the FREE Lebanese exposed to Syria, Hezbolla and Al-Qaeda. So, please Mr. Bush do not fool the Lebanese anymore…
Syria welcomes a Lebanese delegation to the Arab summit in Damascus headed by the Prime Minister Fouad Saniora and NOT necessary by a President of Lebanon!!!!
Syria accuses Saudi Arabia of lobbying against the attendance of the Summit in Syria. and guess Folks who is paying the price for this Syrian-Saudi Feud….
France re-opens its diplomatic channels with Hezbolla.
Lebanese Americans protest against the official meeting which has been scheduled to take place in the White House between the Leader of the so-called Free World George Bush and the Eternal Leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Jaajaa.
London Police reveals that it toppled an assassination attempt against the Saudi King Abdulla during his visit to England in October 2007.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Arab League Summit will meet in Damascus as scheduled BUT and for the very first time without its founding member: Lebanon.
Independent Observers now ask does this mean that Lebanon will also be out of the Arab League since she does not have a President to reside over her delegation.
R A P I O sends this open message to the Shia Community of Lebanon:
Not too long ago, the Shia of Lebanon lived as second class citizens due to the capture of power by the Maronites and the Sunni Muslims. Furthermore, the Shias have lived under the boot of the PLO and the Israelis for too long. Today, however it is the Shias who are holding the entire country hostage as a mean to take over the power via a war of psychological attrition.
Is this what YOU really want to achieve? Do you wish on the Others what the Others have done to YOU? The Lebanese, especially the Shia community, have the will to plan a positive future for their children and grand children but this cannot be achieved by a show of force under the pretext that the weapons are solely for use against Israel!!!
People who are NOT Shia cannot be fooled by this excuse or reason for keeping tons of light and heavy weapons in the hands of a single community while at the same time, the Shias claim that they wish to co-exist with the other communities in Lebanon.
O Shia: Don’t live with an Eye for an Eye especially that the People of Lebanon (NOT the Leaders) are not against you; or at least do NOT push the People to become YOUR enemy.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
R A P I O sends this open message to the Sunni Muslims of the Lebanon:
O fellow Sunnis of Lebanon. Yes many of you may not like this open call to safeguard the Lebanon from Syrian or Israeli hegemony. Yes many of you will think that the Writer is a Aounist! Yes many of you will think that no one has the right to tell you what to do except Saad Hariri, Omar Karami, Mostafa Saad or the Balestinians… Well YOU are not very correct.
The Writer is a simple Lebanese fellow who is SICK and TIRED fom traveling the world just to stay safe away from his homeland because ever since 1958, the Sunni Muslims in Lebanon under whatever Leadership or Family Feudal Lords have repeatedly embraced a Foreign or an Arab entity to gain more power against their fellow Lebanese. All along, except since the brutal assassination of Rafic Hariri that the Sunni Community has realized that the 10,452km2 belong ONLY to the Lebanese and as such, they should be shared among ALL Lebanese. The days of Yasser Arafat and Gamal Abdel Nasser and YES even Hafez Assad are of the past and not the future; The Future that YOU believe in.
Time to engage in an honest and truthful dialogue among ALL Lebanese, including the smallest minorities so that you ALL live in peace and harmony. The time is now. Wake-up and smell the earth of Lebanon.
Saudi Investors withdrew nearly US $4.8 Billion in investment money from Lebanon during the past two years.
R A P I O sends this open message to the Druze of Lebanon:
Between the Jumbulatt and the Arslan Feudal Lords, the honorable Druze Community in Lebanon is falling apart. The Druze are the smallest but strongest community indeed but should the United States decide once again to sell Lebanon to the highest bidder as it once did back in 1975, the Druze will pay a dear price of possible extinction at the hands of the brutal Syrian or Israeli Armies. No one knows where the Druze really stand. Syria and Israel no longer trust the Leadership of the Druze due to its wishy-washy changes. The Arslans are historically anti-Syria; today they stand with Syria. The Jumbulatts have all along defended Syria’s Arabism while today; they consider Syria as their No. 1 enemy.
The days of Al-Hikmat [The Wisdom] as known among the Druze can no longer be used to fool the rest of the world. As such, O Druze: Wake-up and be ONLY Lebanese as this is YOUR ONLY true identity. Minorities in the Middle East such as YOU are a small price to pay for the West or Iran to gain a bigger Prize!
Somehow, the Authorities in Charge of the Zahle Prison allowed 11 Prisoners to escape. Only 7 were caught back and the rest: guess who they belong to? were somehow not caught!!!! Very mysterious circumstances and R A P I O invites the Chief Justice to handle this case in person.
Soussou (Sleiman) Franjieh, Syria's No. 1 Lackey withdrew his support for the appointment of Army General Michel Sleiman to the Presidency.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
R A P I O sends this open message to the Christians of Lebanon:
Today, the ONLY common denominator between the majority of the Christians in Lebanon and the pro Syrio-Iranian-Balestinian-Fundamentalist-Islamist-Baathist Minority is Michel Aoun in person. As such, a question is raised to all Christians in Lebanon: What will happen to YOU as soon as Michel Aoun dies? Will Samir Jaajaa absorb the warriors among You? Will the USA, France and the Vatican get YOU out of Lebanon in one piece? Will Hezbolla or the Hariri Muslims allow YOU to Live as true Christians? Will YOUR destiny end-up like the Christians of Egypt who live there as second class Citizens? TIME TO REFLECT AND MAKE A QUICK DECISION BECAUSE AOUN IS NOT GOING TO LIVE FOREVER…
The daily Al-Balad publishes the Lebanese Regions that are now heavily armed and no longer under the control of the Lebanese Authorities and they are:
North = Tripoli’s Bab Tebbaneh, Zghorta, Besharreh, Dhennyeh, Hermel.
South = All of it except Jezzine, Marjayoun and few Christian Villages.
Mount Lebanon and the Beqaa = Baakline, Barouk, Jabal Mohsen, Most of West Beqaa.
Beirut = The Southern Suburbs, Tareek Jdideh, Ras Nabeh (former greenline or demarcation line) and sections of downtown Beirut occupied by paramilitary tents.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hezbolla is openly complaining about the quantity and quality of weapons landing in Lebanon on daily basis which are being sold or distributed to various factions in order to fight the Party of God in an up-coming battle!!!
UNICERAMICS, one time Lebanon's largest industry has shot down due to lack of government support on its energy bill.
Lebanese Forces Warlord Samir Jaajaa has re-taken over the ownership and management of Radio Free Lebanon which was founded by the late President Bashir. His apparent next target is the Lebanese Broadcasting Company TV Station.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
As such, Syria and its local Lackeys have started issuing surreptitious threats to empty Lebanon from Arab and Foreign Diplomatic missions in a similar move that took place during the dark years of the 1975 – 1990 War.
This move will be followed by evacuating the Lebanon from all Arab and Foreign Nationals.
Independent Observers noticed that both Deputy Strida Jaajaa, wife of Lebanese Forces Eternal Leader Samir Jaajaa as well as his Second in Command, Deputy George Adwan have completely disappeared from public eyes for a very long time while others believe that the two may have been dispatched by Samir Jaajaa to Washington DC to prepare for his up-coming trip to the United States.
R A P I O asks the media and the Lebanese Parliament to inform the public on the whereabouts of these two Public Figures.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The price of an AK-47 Kalashnikov has reached a record high of US$1,000 per rifle while a snipping gun is now sold in Lebanon for $2,700. Who is selling and who is buying? And why?
A Syrian Special Forces Unit entered North Lebanon and shot dead a young Lebanese Citizen before it withdrew back into Syria. The reasons behind this crime remain unknown.
A Muslim meeting grouping Muslim Political and Religious Feudal Leaders is expected to take place tomorrow to discuss the street clashes that have been occurring in Lebanon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A precarious calm prevails in Beirut since the security committee met under the auspices of the Lebanese Army.
France closes its Cultural Centers in both Tripoli and Saida fearing terrorist attacks on French properties in Lebanon.
Saudi Arabia warns its Citizens from traveling to Lebanon.
This comes amidst reports that King Abdulla of Saudia will not attend the Presidential Summit in Damascus next month so long as Syria does not allow the election of a President in the Lebanon.
Dubai is now cracking down on dress code and has ordered the removal of certain cloth items and T-shirts from Stores and Malls.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Following the on-going Street fights in Muslim West Beirut, a security committee comprising representatives from the Army, Police, Syria’s lackeys Amal and Hezbolla s well as the so-called “Future” Movement was established and met to put an end to the sectarian / ethnic cleansing that is taking place there.
Pope Benedictus 16 (remember him?) is praying for a peaceful settlement in Lebanon !
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Street fighting is re-occurring on nightly basis in certain mixed Sunni-Shia Muslim sectors of West Beirut.
As of 18:00 hour local time, People are dying and many are hospitalized.
Several homes and retail stores are destroyed.
Snipers are taking up positions on building rooftops.
Reports reveal that Militants belonging to the Hariri Clan are fighting Balestinians in the Sabra and Chatila Terror Camps.
As usual, the Lebanese Army is interfering to separate the IDIOTS.
R A P I O calls on the Lebanese Government to declare a curfew in the neighborhoods which are witnessing the mini sectarian war.
The CIA reveals that Master Terrorist Imad Mugniah was eliminated by his own Leadership in Hezbolla and by the Syrians.
News Flash = A schism has surfaced in the Syrio-Iranian relationship after the death of Imad Mugniah in Damascus just few hours after he entered Syria whereby a mold has apparently infiltrated the Syrian Intelligence apparatus.
Over 20 people are injured following street fighting which erupted anew between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Barbir, Beshara El-Khouri, Sodeco, Mohamd El-Houd and Ras Nabeh in West Beirut.
Once again, the Lebanese Army had to interfere to separate the belligerents over night.
Hezbolla denies having its offices burned down as a result of the fighting.
After the earthquakes that hit Lebanon, the Lebanese are bracing themselves for a new snow storm which is expected to hit starting Monday at an altitude of 500 meters (1,500ft).
Saturday, February 16, 2008
11 People have been injured as a result of the last earthquake that hit Lebanon yesterday. Sveral others are living in tents.
Syrian Investigators are blaming Palestinian Intelligence Agents for the assassination of Master Terrorist Imad Mugniah in Damascus.
Both Hezbolla and the Israeli Army are on their highest alert.
Similarly, the FBI and the Police Departments in all major US Cities are on full alert in expectation of a possible Hezbolla attack on US territory.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Nearly 1,000,000 Supporters of the Majority took the streets of downtown Beirut to commemorate Hariti’s death…
During the funeral of Master Terrorist Imad Mugniah, Hezbolla Grand Ayatolla Hassan Nasroulla declares "an open global war on Israel".
Nasroulla replies back to Jumblat’s demand for a peaceful divorce from Hezbolla by saying “Those who want a divorce, they may leave this country and go live in Washington, DC”…
Thursday, February 14, 2008
On the one side, it is the 3rd memorial of the murder of Rafic Hariri and 20 other Lebanese and on the other side, it is the funeral of Imad Mugniah, the most wanted terrorist on earth.
The saddest story is that Mugniah, who is responsible for the snipping of dozens of Christian Lebanese in the Seventies and Eighties and for the mass killing of hundreds of Westerners in Lebanon and South America is receiving a Hero’s Funeral.
Israel places its Army on high alert as it expects some retaliation for Mugniah’s death under the watchful eyes of the Syrian Intelligence apparatus!!!
In Denmark, 11 of its newspapers re-publish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in defiance of the World Muslim community and to express their freedom of speech. So: brace yourselves for more bloody reactions.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
According to his Lebanese passport application, Mughniyah was born in Tayr Dibba, a poor village in southern Lebanon. CIA South Group records state that he lived in Ayn Al-Dilbah; a ghetto in South Beirut. His father was a vegetable seller and during the civil war, his house was on the Green Line.
Little is known about his adolescence as he did not attract the attention of analysts until 1976 when he joined Yassir Arafat's Force 17.
His role at that time was as a sniper, targeting Christians across the Green Line. At some point he spent a year at the American University of Beirut.
Mugniyah has been implicated in many of terrorist attacks in the 1980s and 1990s, primarily American and Israeli targets. These include the April 18, 1983 bombing of the United States embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed 63 people including 17 Americans.
He was later blamed for the October 23, 1983 simultaneous truck bombings against the French paratroopers and US Marine barracks. The attacks killed 58 French soldiers and 241 Marines.
Almost a year later on September 20, 1984, he attacked the US embassy annex building. The United States indicted him for the June 14, 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847, which resulted in the death of U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem. He was also linked to numerous kidnappings of Westerners in Beirut through the 1980s.
He has been described as "tall, slender, well-dressed and handsome ... penetrating eyes," speaking some English but better French.
Analysts report that Mugniyah was vaporized under a tip from the Syrian Intelligence cooperating with the West to irradicate him in order for Syria to gain grounds in Lebanon with the United States.
Reuters has reported a car bomb near the Iranian college in Damascus.
Street fights in West Beirut between Shia and Sunni Mulims.
Another fight between Druze is reported in the Cjouf between Lackeys of Warlord Al-Wali Jumblat and Syrian Agent Wi’am Wahhab.
In a press conference, Chief Syrian Agent in Lebanon Nasser Kandil predicts the return of the Syrian Army to Lebanon. Unfortunately, the man is right: you know why? Because the BLOODY Lebanese are BLOODY divided once again… Not to say that Syria is an expert in igniting the fire and then it pretends to be putting it off.
The Military Court has charged 3 Lebanese Army Officers and 16 Soldiers as well as 60 Civilians with man slaughter over Black Sunday. The Army men are charged with the killing of 7 Lebanese Shia Protesters while NOT A SINGLE POLITICIAN OR CLERGYMAN WHO HAS BEEN INSTIGATING THESE INCIDENTS WAS CHARGED. BLOODY HELL OF A JUDICIAL SYSTEM… THERE IS NO BLOODY JUSTICE IN LEBANON AS LONG AS THE POLITICIANS AND CLEGYMEN ARE FREE RUNNING AROUND UNCONTESTED.
“It is impossible to co-exist with Hizbolla and we request an amicable divorce from them” – Al-Wali Jumblat on February 12, 2008.
Pro-US Lebanese Daily Al-Balad newspaper publishes its survey for the most popular Sunni Muslim to become the next Prime Minister. Leila Solh receives 43.5% of the votes followed by Saad Hariri with only 18.45%. Fouad Saniora and Tammam Salam have each gotten 8%. This clearly shows that Hariri does not command the majority of the People of Lebanon.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Israeli Intelligence Reports reveal that The Syrian Military Intelligence is now conducting an aggressive campaign against PM Fouad Saniora accusing him of being “an Israeli Spy for the past 34 years”!!!
RAPIO has learned that Sami Gemayel, the only surviving son of feudal lord Amin Gemayel, has withdrawn his Candidacy to the Presidency of the Kataeb Party. Sami is known to have different political virews than his father and to be closer to Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Overnight Lebanon has seen multiple shooting incidents resulting in several injuries.
2 Druze Citizens are wounded in Aley due to a street fight.
In Muslim West Beirut, one person was injured during a shooting in Ain Tineh area near the residence of Nabih Berri.
Also in West Beirut, it is reported that unknown assailants have attacked the New TV station building as it reported anti-Hariri slogans.
In Tripoli, heavy shootings from pro-Hariri Lackeys have taken place in the skies in celebration instead of mourning the 3rd memorial of the assassination of Rafic Hariri. This is due to the fact that the young Majority Tycoon has taken-up residence in the North for a couple of days in order to rally his sheep.
Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat declares his readiness to sacrifice the blood of his Sheep and to burn everything around in order to fight Hezbolla.
Bkerkeh’s Master Nasroulla Sfeir has declared that next time, there may no longer be any extension for the election of a President and instead, the United Nations may be requested to appoint a Ruler for the Lebanon.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Heavy machinegun fire flooded the skies of Muslim West Beirut while Saad Hariri was conducting a live interview on HIS “Future Television” station !!!
Stray bullets fallen from West Beirut has damaged cars in the Christian East Sector of Ashrafieh as well as broken glass in Ashrafieh’s prestigious ABC Mall.
Bkerkeh’s Master Nasroulla Sfeir refuses to resign.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Imagine Lebanon without any of its current Politicians and Clergymen…
Patriarch Sfeir favors the appointment of a Ruler for Lebanon by the United Nations and calls Hezbolla “A Problem”.
An-Nahar daily reveals that Warlord Samir Jaajaa will be heading to Washington for meetings in the Pentagon and the White House in March 2008.
Feudal Lords Gemayel, Hariri and Aoun met together with Arab Babysitter Aamr Moussa in the Parliament Building.
A new kind of war has been established by Syria in Lebanon. Syria has successfully split the Maronites by fueling the fire between warlord Soussou Sleiman Franjieh and his Religious Master Patriarch Sfeir.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun warns against a possible attack on Clergymen.
Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri on his part announces on live TV that he is ready for any confrontation that may arise!!! “HE is???” or “his Sheeps are????”
As-Safir daily states that “… (Saad) Hariri declares War on Syria and Iran.”
The car of ex-PM and Prostate Age Salim Hoss was hit by stranded bullets originating from celebrating Pro-Hariri Lackeys.
The People of Lebanon brace for the 14th of February as the Majority has called upon its supporters to take the streets to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the assassination of Rafic Hariri and 20 Lebanese innocent bystanders.
Everyone awaits to see if the supporters of Michel Aoun will also join their compatriots in the Cedars’ Revolution once again… Happy Valentine Ya Shabaab!
A giant Memorial is set to be erected at the location of Hariri’s murder.
Syria’s Chief Christian Lackey in Lebanon Sousou Sleiman Franjieh accuses his Religious Master Patriarch Sfeir of giving his blessing for:
a- The elimination of Maronite Power from the Presidency during the Taef Accord,
b- The Syrian Air attack on the Presidential Palace in Baabda to eradicate Michel Aoun
c- Naturalizing the Palestinians in Lebanon and
d- Keeping the Maronites away from their villages in the Chouf Mountain till this hour.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Duo of Hezbolla and Minority Chieftains Nasroulla and Aoun faced the nation with over 2/3 of the population watching the television interview which was apparently pre-recorded and broadcasted last night.
Nothing new was revealed and you did not miss anything if you did not watch!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Lebanese and most Diplomats braces for the outcome of up-coming two main events:
The reanimation of dialogue upon the arrival of Arab Babysitter Aaamr Moussa on Friday and the TV debate between Hassan Nasroulla and Michel Aoun.
Acting under pressure, Bkerkeh’s Master Sfeir sends his envoy Bishop Matar to Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri in order to submit his condolences for the death of Black Sunday. Why Berri? Is Berri their Godfather? Or are the dead all members of his paramilitary Amal movement?
Iraq issues its citizens personal identification card without listing their place of origin or religion. May the Lebanese Government do so as well before the country is fully emptied from its people…
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Arab Babysitter Aamr Moussa has announced that he will be returning to Beirut on Friday to face the same bullshit…
Old time Libyan Dictator Moammar Qadafi, today a Saint in the eyes of “Western “Democracies”, has dropped his son Saif el-Islam as his heir and has given the title to his 4th son Muttassim Billah. Israeli Intelligence sources report that this sudden move by Qaddafi is due to Saif el-Islam’s connection and support to Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. This move is also welcomed by the United States.
Iran launches its own first SPY satellite into space.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Lebanese Army Moral is at its lowest.
Colonel Samir Hajj, and Majors Maroun Abou Halloun and Youssef Haidar Ahmad are the 3 scapegoat Lebanese Army Officers who have been arrested to take the blame for black Sunday while the Clergymen and Politicians who instigated the massacre remain at large… Too bad… It would be nice that one day a clergyman or a politician is also arrested for what they are doing to the People of Lebanon…
Hezbolla calls for the execution of those who are found guilty of Black Sunday.
A Large symbolic 1 week Memorial Mass took place in Mar Mikhael Church yesterday.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
3 Lebanese Army Officers have been arrested due to Black Sunday; meanwhile, the Politicians and Clergymen who instigated the riots remain loose so that they can destroy the country even further.
Street fighting is reported in Aaramoun between Lackeys of Shia Muslim Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri and Druze Muslims Lackeys of Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat.
On a bright side, Professional Strip Girls in Italy have decided to go on strike by wearing cloths instead of staying naked during their stage performances!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
For some God knows reason, Army Commander Michel Sleiman is courting Syria’s Chief Lackey in Lebanon Wi’am Wahhab!
PM Fouad Saniora has contacted his chief political rival Michel Aoun to ask about his state of health as he is reported to be very ill.
Followers of Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasroulla are setting-up the scene for the Week’s Memorial of Black Sunday whereby the firsts will offer a mass in Mar Mikhael Church while the seconds will pray in a Mosque in Shiah.
Do YOU ever ask yourself the question: Why Do I Keep Defending My Leader while My Leader doesn’t even provide me and my family with electricity, water, proper roads, health insurance and security?
Friday, February 1, 2008
A heavy sand and wind storm hits the Gulf Region of the Middle East resulting in delays in airline schedules.
Meanwhile, Lebanon is totally covered with snow which has reached Beirut and all the coastal areas as well turning the country into one big ice block by today due to the heavy northern winds.