Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lebanese Newspaper Al-Liwa’a has revealed that one of the scenarios being studied by the Majority is to appoint Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir as the Next President of Lebanon.

Fighting erupted overnight in the so-called Christian Sector of Ain Roummaneh between lackeys of Michel Aoun and lackeys of Samir Jaajaa which prompted the Lebanese Army to intervene and to stop the jerks from further escalations.

The “Future” Leadership of the Christians in Lebanon in general and that of the Maronites in particular is dependent on the expected meeting between Sunni Muslim Saad Hariri and Shia Muslim Nabih Berri. The Question for the Maronites thus remains: TO BE OR NOT TO BE ?. . .

News Update: The US Ambassador to Lebanon has denied the report that the the US has officially requested the establishment of Lebanon as one of its newest Military Bases.

In a direct warning to Russia’s Chief V. Putin, US President G. Bush called for ALL nations (namely Russia) to avoid World War III by stopping their help to Iran from acquiring Nuclear Power.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat accuses Hezbollah of having “direct ties” with Israel.