Famous Lebanese and internationally renown Clairvoyant Michel Hayek has the following to say: a] Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh is under a big danger, b] the Lebanese Army will face internal factions, c] Hezbollah will surprise everyone with a new stand, d] Some Balestinian Ghettos will be emptied and e] Michel Aoun will be President. One should note that Hayek did predict the assassinations and their timing of Rafic Hariri and Gebran Tueni.
The Lebanese Mafia is blocking attempts to reduce fuel prices in Lebanon.
Syria’s Lackeys in Lebanon are barking again. In fact, one of them threatened the US and the Lebanese to turn Lebanon into another Ghaza!
As expected, Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir is still silent about nominating Candidates for the Presidency.
Ireland has announced that it is pulling out its troops from UNIFIL.
New reports indicate that Hezbollah is slowly withdrawing its support for Aoun for the Presidency!