Hezbollah withdraws its full support of Michel Aoun for the Presidency stating that it “would support any Candidate the Christians agree upon even if it is Nassib Lahoud”.
On his part, Syria’s Lackey in Lebanon Nasser Qandil stated that the pro-Syria Opposition is ready to withdraw its support of Aoun if the Majority withdraws its nominees (without naming them).
As a result of the above, Michel Aoun is reported to be very PISSED OFF.
France stated that it is in favor of keeping current President Emile Lahoud if there is no new President. Ya Habibi. . .
The Student Body elections in the various colleges at the St. Jospeh University (USJ) have given the Candidates of the Free Patriotiv Movement of Michel Aoun 56 seats while the Samir Jaajaa’s Lebanese Forces and their allies received 28 seats.
Correction: Yesterday, RAPIO reported that Michel Hayek predicted that Michel Aoun would become President. The fact is that Hayek did not say it.