Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Civil Terror in Lebanon has started anew. Terrorists have brought-in hand grenades into a Tripoli school courtyard currently occupied by Balestinians injuring at least 1 girl.

The Beirut Stock Exchange Market is Plummeting.

The Lebanese Army arrests 6 Balestinian Terrorists from Ain El-Helwi Terror Camp preparing to launch an imminent attack on the United Nations Soldiers in Southern Lebanon.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat demands additional Security measures around his Beirut Residence.

First Hariri, then Jumblat, now Nayla Mouawad is on its way to the USA to meet her Masters.

The Lebanese Parliament convenes for the 2nd time to “appoint” a new “President”. What a joke on the People of Lebanon!

And the Joke du Jour (but real story) is that the Lebanese Judicial System has issued a Warrant for Libyan Dictator Mouammar Qaddafi to be interrogated for the sudden and obscure disappearance of Iranian Born Shia Lebanese Warlord Moussa Sadr.