Monday, October 8, 2007

  • NEWS FLASH= Inviations Issued to Christian Warlords Aoun, Jaajaa, Gemayel and Franjieh to meet Sfeir in Bkerkeh on Thursday, October 11, 2007.

  • Former Lebanese Ambassador to Washington and current Secretary General of the Maronite League, Abdallah Bouhabib, has stated: “Immigration from Lebanon can be simple but we, the Christians shall fight to remain in it”!!!

  • Unconfirmed reports revealed that the Syrian Terror Regime has decided to handover the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms Region in South Lebanon to the United Nations. Believe it only when you see it!!!

  • Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir gives a Presidential Push (Piston) to Candidate Boutros Harb by naming him as a Man who can make a good President.

  • Former President and Dreamer Amine Gemayel has called on Syria to provide Lebanon with Intelligence Reports on the Assassins who blew-up and killed all the “Politicians” in Lebanon if these Assassins are truly Agents of Israel as claimed by Hezbollah’s Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah last Friday night.

  • Lebanese Forces Deputy Antoine Zahra has reported that the Deputies of he Lebanese Forces are now targeted for Assassination because no attempt has been made on anyone of them so far!!!!