Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News Flash = Hariri & Aoun meet in Paris.
2 Car Bombs shook the Southern City of Saida.

Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri and Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun are both in Paris to meet within the next 24 hours.

Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh announces his Candidacy for the Presidency. A move seen by independent Observers as the 1st step for his appointment as President by both the majority and minority.

Samir Jaajaa and Michel Aoun blind followers are both claiming victory over the student body elections of the St. Joseph University.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat accuses Hezbollah and its allies for preparing to invade the Governmental Offices (Serail) should a President is appointed solely by the Majority by 50+1 votes instead of 2/3 of the votes as called for by the Constitution.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hezbollah withdraws its full support of Michel Aoun for the Presidency stating that it “would support any Candidate the Christians agree upon even if it is Nassib Lahoud”.

On his part, Syria’s Lackey in Lebanon Nasser Qandil stated that the pro-Syria Opposition is ready to withdraw its support of Aoun if the Majority withdraws its nominees (without naming them).

As a result of the above, Michel Aoun is reported to be very PISSED OFF.

France stated that it is in favor of keeping current President Emile Lahoud if there is no new President. Ya Habibi. . .

The Student Body elections in the various colleges at the St. Jospeh University (USJ) have given the Candidates of the Free Patriotiv Movement of Michel Aoun 56 seats while the Samir Jaajaa’s Lebanese Forces and their allies received 28 seats.

Correction: Yesterday, RAPIO reported that Michel Hayek predicted that Michel Aoun would become President. The fact is that Hayek did not say it.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Famous Lebanese and internationally renown Clairvoyant Michel Hayek has the following to say: a] Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh is under a big danger, b] the Lebanese Army will face internal factions, c] Hezbollah will surprise everyone with a new stand, d] Some Balestinian Ghettos will be emptied and e] Michel Aoun will be President. One should note that Hayek did predict the assassinations and their timing of Rafic Hariri and Gebran Tueni.

The Lebanese Mafia is blocking attempts to reduce fuel prices in Lebanon.

Syria’s Lackeys in Lebanon are barking again. In fact, one of them threatened the US and the Lebanese to turn Lebanon into another Ghaza!

As expected, Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir is still silent about nominating Candidates for the Presidency.

Ireland has announced that it is pulling out its troops from UNIFIL.

New reports indicate that Hezbollah is slowly withdrawing its support for Aoun for the Presidency!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Intel. sources indicate that the Baath Regime in Syria has completely dismantled what was left of the Nuclear plant in Deir Zorr which was hit by Israeli Jets last month. This move is expected to hinder the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

European countries are planning to assist in the rehabilitation of Lebanese airports to admit military jets.

France is hinting that it could nominate the next President of “the Republic” of Lebanon!!!

Bkerke is now denying that it will nominate one person for the Presidency. Meanwhile, latest reports indicate that Two new candidates have been officially added to the Bkerke’s long list of Maronites seeking the Number One spot: Nayla Mouawad and Amine Gemayel.

After publicly nominating his boss to the Presidency two months ago, today, No. 2 man in the Lebanese Forces, George Adwan is confirming that Eternal Leader Samir Jaajaa is NOT a Candidate!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

JUST IN = The Maronite Committee entrusted with the nomination of the Candidates for the Presidency has ended its 10 days work and submitted its recommendation to its Boss, Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir.

A schism has surfaced anew between the Kataeb and the Lebanese Forces due to the nomination of the Latter of a Candidate for the Parliament to replace the late Kataeb Deputy Antoine Ghanem. This move is seen as an excuse for others (namely Dory Chamoun and Michel Aoun) to throw in their Candidates, possibly Kamil Chamoun Junior and Hikamt Deeb, for the Baabda-Aley Parliamentary seat.

Warlords Al-Wali Jumblat and Michel Aoun to meet within the next 48 Hours…We are so Lucky!

Warlords Ammounah Gemayel and a Representative of Hezbollah met in Bikfaya last night to isolate Jaajaa and Jumblat.

Al-Balad newspaper reports that while Feudal Lords Sfeir, Aoun, Berri, Hariri and Gemayel are optimistic about finding a peaceful solution to the Presidency, Feudal Lords Jumblat, Jaajaa and Franjieh are pessimistic about it.

As FIRST reported publicly on RAPIO, the all-Sunni Muslim Neo-Ottoman Regime of Turkey is set for an all out assault to occupy Northern Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
This will be the grounds for facing the all-Shia Muslim Iran in the next Regional War.

RAPIO wishes to remind its Readers of the following:
The Maronite Bishops announce that the Christian Presence in the Lebanon has dropped to a low 20% of the population.

Israeli Sources reveal that Israel and Hezbollah could be signing a “Peace Treaty” in the near future. Iran, on the part, has announced that Hezbollah is ready and qualified to assume the role of governance and responsibility of Lebanon. Put the two together and you can conclude that Israel and Iran agree on a Hezbollah take-over of the Lebanon.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Maronite Bishops announce that the Christian Presence in the Lebanon has dropped to a low 20% of the population.

Israeli Sources reveal that Israel and Hezbollah could be signing a “Peace Treaty” in the near future. Iran, on the part, has announced that Hezbollah is ready and qualified to assume the role of governance and responsibility of Lebanon. Put the two together and you can conclude that Israel and Iran agree on a Hezbollah take-over of the Lebanon.

Intelligence reports stipulate that Israel will attack Iran with Stealth fighter jets F-35.

PM Saniora is said to be adamantly opposed to the succession of the Army Chif of Staff Michel Sleiman to the Presidency of the Farm Republic.

Meanwhile, Gen. Michel Sleiman has denied that he has been approached by anyone country or official requesting him to become Mr. President!!!

Hezbollah lackey M. Raad informed Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir that the occupation of downtown Beirut by Hezbollah will seize once a President has been agreed on . . .

Al-Balad Daily paper has published its survey results for the Presidency showing Michel Aoun on top with 56% of the votes and Samir Jaajaa a distant second with 14%.

On its part, An-Nahar online survey shows Michel Aoun with 43% followed by Nassib Lahoud with 24% of the People’s Vote.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon warns all Lebanese factions to stop their armament.

Last night during a live interview on a national TV Station, Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun reveals that he has “no objection to face off against Samir Jaajaa in a parliamentary election session”.

Meanwhile, after his surprise meeting with Ammouneh Gemayel, Aoun is expected to meet Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri and Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat within a week’s time.

Lebanese Singer Sabah has revealed during an interview that she had a "love affair for 10 months with the late Lebanese President Elias Sarkis before he made President."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Arsonists have hit the beauty of the Lebanon once again. Last night at around 10pm Beirut time, fire erupted suddenly in North Lebanon turning the road between Ehden and Zghorta inaccessible. Fire Fighters are still struggling to put down the man-made fire but to no avail.

Today marks the ONE Month count down for Lebanon’s destiny. November 24, 2007 will either bring peace or total chaos to the land of the 10452km2…

An-Nahar net survey is continuing and it shows as of this report that Michel Aoun has 42% of the People's votes followed by Nassib Lahoud with 25% of the votes while a week ago the same survey source reported 31% for Aoun and 29% for Lahoud.

Nobody Feudal Lord Carlos Edde calls Chieftain Michel Aoun as “a danger for Lebanon”.

Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri has proposed a constitutional amendment. A move seen by independent Observers as the first legal step to elect a current very high ranking Government Employee as the next President of the “Republic”!!!

Meanwhile, Ammouneh Gemayel is still insinuating that he can be a Candidate for the Presidency.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

News Flash = Syria's strong man within the Kataeb Party, Deputy Nader Sikkar nominates Amine Gemayel for the Presidency!


You have No Electricity
You have No Water
You have No Roads
You are living in one giant Russian roulette
Most of You are Unemployed
Most of You have left Lebanon
Most of You do not have a secured Retirement Plan

Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasroullah has informed Maronite Chief Nasrallah Sfeir that Michel Aoun is his chosen Candidate for the Presidency.

Egypt has denied the allegations that the visit of Lebanese Army Chief of Staff Michel Sleiman is linked to his appointment as the next President ! ! !

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Two controversial Chieftains of the Maronite Camp, Amine Gemayel and Michel Aoun met last night to iron out their differences.

Unconfirmed reports reveal that also last night, Sami Gemayel, the younger son of Amine Gemayel, has informed Eternal Leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Jaajaa that he (Sami) is with 2/3 votes quorum for the elections of the President. A move seen as a split within the 14 March Camp which has been demanding a simple majority vote for the election of the President.

Kataeb Party President Chameleon Karim Pakradouni announces his resignation from the Party.

Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Dalima Dutti informs Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri of an up-coming assassination of a major Lebanese “Leader” that could lead the country into chaos.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Lebanon Circus continues thanks to our Politicians. Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri announces the postponement of the election session till the Mafia Bosses agree on a Candidate to be appointed President by the so-called Parliament.

The Neo-Ottoman Government of Turkey proposes to mediate between the Baath Regime in Syria and the Unknown Regime in Lebanon.

Real Estate prices in Lebanon are continuing to edge-up rapidly despite the political quagmire that is hindering Lebanon’s future.

The Lebanese masses are bracing for a tough winter due to the fact that most, if not all, roads in the country are experiencing potholes left exposed to nature which could lead to severe accidents once the rain season begins. The people of Lebanon remain careless vis-a-vis their own future as no one is objecting to his/her so-called elected Deputy because the people are busy defending their “Leaders” instead of their own rights.

"The Independent" Daily reveals that the stolen weapons from US Army basis in Iraq are surfacing on the streets of Lebanon.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

An-Nahar on Line is conducting a survey on 12 Presidential Hopefuls. As of this write-up Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun has received 31% followed closely by Syria and Saudia’s Strong Man Nassib Lahoud with 29%. Wishi-washi Boutros Harb is a distant 3rd with 16% of the votes. If you wish to vote for your next Master go to:

Experts from the World Atomic Energy Agency are reviewing the aerial photographs taken by the Israeli Jets during their recent attacks on the Syrian Nuclear Power Plant in Deir Zorr near Damascus.

Self-imposed Life time Speaker Nabih Berri and Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri discussed the potentials of each Presidential Hopeful. Question: When will the Christians do the same… about the next Prime Minister and Speaker of the House??? Dream on… They can’t even decide on their (“Christian”) President…

Lebanon's Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani called on Grand Procrastinator Maronite Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir to pick the next president for Lebanon. Dream-on!

Lebanese Chief Justice Antoine Kheir is in New York meeting with UN Legal Officials over the up-coming trial of the murder of Rafic Hariri and the other Lebanese Martyrs who were murdered in vain ever since.

One too many Foreign Affairs Ministers are hovering their tails in the Lebanese Affairs; simply because the Lebanese cannot manage their problems themselves. . . . Shame Ya Shabab. Stop claiming to be the smartest people on earth!!! The Egyptian, Turkish, European Union, Italian and French Foreign Affairs Ministers are all in the Lebanon trying to find a solution for the Lebanese.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Independent Observers and Lobbyists in Washington DC are comparing today’s Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat to the Late President Bashir Gemayel. Today from the US Capital, Jumblat is reiterating all of Bashir’s requests and statements dating back from 1981 and 1982 ! ! !

Eyewitnesses are reporting armed men in plain cloths all over the streets of Beirut.

Lebanese Daily Al-Liwa’a reports that the new Majority Candidates are Former Intelligence Chief Johnny Abdo, Nobody Fares Saayed and current Justice Minister Charles Rizk.

Lebanese Army Chief of Staff Gen. Michel Sleiman is edging one step forward towards becoming an interim President in the event elections do not take place by the deadline of November 24, 2007. Sleiman (technically a Government Employee) has left Beirut to Cairo after receiving an official and personal invitation from Egyptian Dictator Hossni Mubarak .

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lebanese Newspaper Al-Liwa’a has revealed that one of the scenarios being studied by the Majority is to appoint Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir as the Next President of Lebanon.

Fighting erupted overnight in the so-called Christian Sector of Ain Roummaneh between lackeys of Michel Aoun and lackeys of Samir Jaajaa which prompted the Lebanese Army to intervene and to stop the jerks from further escalations.

The “Future” Leadership of the Christians in Lebanon in general and that of the Maronites in particular is dependent on the expected meeting between Sunni Muslim Saad Hariri and Shia Muslim Nabih Berri. The Question for the Maronites thus remains: TO BE OR NOT TO BE ?. . .

News Update: The US Ambassador to Lebanon has denied the report that the the US has officially requested the establishment of Lebanon as one of its newest Military Bases.

In a direct warning to Russia’s Chief V. Putin, US President G. Bush called for ALL nations (namely Russia) to avoid World War III by stopping their help to Iran from acquiring Nuclear Power.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat accuses Hezbollah of having “direct ties” with Israel.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hezbollah Supreme Ayatollah Hassan Nasroullah reveals that exchange of Prisoners with Israel is leading to a far bigger operation in a very smooth way.

On his part, Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat invited Nasroullah to open-up ties with the Hebrew State!!!!! (As if this act would allow Nasroullah to remain alive!)

Israeli intelligence sources reveal that the US is planning to convert a Northern Lebanese Airport into a Military Base for its troops. This could be the real reason behind Nayla Mouawad’s on-going trips to the US.

Zahleh Feudal Lord Elie Skaff reveals that PM Fouad Saniora has approved the sale of Thousands of Acres of land in the Christian Towns of Roumieh and Faqra to rich Arab Families, namely to members of the Saudi Royal family.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Civil Terror in Lebanon has started anew. Terrorists have brought-in hand grenades into a Tripoli school courtyard currently occupied by Balestinians injuring at least 1 girl.

The Beirut Stock Exchange Market is Plummeting.

The Lebanese Army arrests 6 Balestinian Terrorists from Ain El-Helwi Terror Camp preparing to launch an imminent attack on the United Nations Soldiers in Southern Lebanon.

Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat demands additional Security measures around his Beirut Residence.

First Hariri, then Jumblat, now Nayla Mouawad is on its way to the USA to meet her Masters.

The Lebanese Parliament convenes for the 2nd time to “appoint” a new “President”. What a joke on the People of Lebanon!

And the Joke du Jour (but real story) is that the Lebanese Judicial System has issued a Warrant for Libyan Dictator Mouammar Qaddafi to be interrogated for the sudden and obscure disappearance of Iranian Born Shia Lebanese Warlord Moussa Sadr.

Monday, October 15, 2007

23 year old Lebanese Nancy Afiouni is crowned Miss Intercontinental in the Seychelles.

Unconfirmed sources reveal that Bkerkeh may end-up nominating Two Candidates for the Presidency: Samir Jaajaa and Michel Aoun!!!

Saudi Prince Khaled Bin Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz Bin Saoud, 60, dies mysteriously in St. Louis Hospital in the Northern Lebanese City of Junieh.

French Daily Le Figaro Publishes an article identifying French President Nicola Sarkozi as a “Mossad Agent”!!!

Minority Chieftain informs Bkerkeh that he is willing to accept ANY President who receives 2/3 of the votes.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Speaker Nabih Berri stated that he will approve “ANY” Presidential Candidate the Maronites agree on.

An Iranian Official denied the accusations of Majority Leader Walid Jumblat whereby Jumblat stated that Iran is on the verge to allow Hezbollah to occupy Beirut and take over the Government Seat! So: Whom do you think is a bigger liar?

The Majority and Minority Maronite Warlords have appointed Four 2nd hand politicians to follow-up on the so-called Bkerkeh initiative to re-unite the Maronites.

The Neo-Ottoman Chief Ordugan issues a warning to the US not to ratify the Congress’s call for the confirmation of the Armenian Genocide at the hand of the Turks.

Joke of the day: “I don’t use my connections to help me become President” – Nassib Lahoud!

Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar reports that Hezbollah has created a new Militia comprised of 50,000 armed men & women trained specifically to fight internal strives in the event they have to confront the March 14 Militias (under formation). Wlak Eh Kisssss ekhta manna balad...

Israeli Sources reveal that US President George Bush has decided to open direct diplomatic channels with the Syrian Baath Dictatorship while Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri returned empty handed from the Whire House!

Lebanese Forces Self-Imposed Eternal Leader Samir Jaajaa states that "our battle is not with Gen. Michel Aoun but with Hezbollah and with Syria and Iran."

The Neo-Ottoman Government unleashes its artillery against Kurdish Villages in Northen Iraq.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Majority Leader Walid Jumblat reveals to the Press that Iran is on the verge of letting Hezbollah Occupies the entire Capital City of Beirut and takes over the Government Seat.

Families of Lebanese Army Soldiers who were killed in Naher El-Bared Terrorist Camp block the return of the Terrorists’ relatives to the Camp.

Observers noted that the Majority Maronite Godfathers who met in Bkerkeh yesterday did not have one common statement and each spoke for him/herself!!! Unity will come from Hell in Lebanon- - -

Mafia Leaders from Both the Majority and Minority Camps exchange accusations of paramilitary training and preparation for War while the Lebanese People (aka the Sheep) keep defending their Godfathers instead of searching for their own benefits and future.

The Ottoman Empire from the West is preparing to rise from the Phoenix to face the Farsi Empire from the East. As a result, the first military assault is about to take place by the Turks against Northern Iraq to secure the oil fields before Iran attacks them on its way to invade Iraq in the next few months. You heard it here first on RAPIO.

Friday, October 12, 2007

  • FLASH - JUST IN ==> Majority Leader Walid Jumblat reveals to the Press that he is aware of an Iranian Green Light for Hezbollah to invade all of Beirut and occupy the Seat of the Government.
  • RAPIO wishes its Muslim Readers and Supporters a Happy Eid.

  • The Second Half of the Maronite Mafia Godfathers has gathered in Bkerkeh to determine the fate and future of the People.

  • After Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri returned from the US, now is the turn of the Leader of the Majority Walid Jumblat to report to his Masters and get instructions back from them to decide the future and the fate of the Lebanese People!

  • Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad reveals that Calm in Lebanon is far away!

  • Lebanon has reportedly released Israeli Agent Daniel Sharon.

  • Israel has developed an unmanned spy plane that can reach Iran. Meanwhile, 99.99% of the roads in Lebanon have potholes while many Lebanese still believe in their respective traditional “Leaders”…

  • When you wake-up in the morning, do you ever ask yourself the following question: “Is My Leader Working for My Benefits or His?”

Thursday, October 11, 2007

  • The Big Deal Meeting between Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir and Opposition Chieftain Michel Aoun has taken place after it was postponed for so-called “Security Reasons”. RAPIO had obtained reports that the meeting was actually postponed because of Syria’s Dictates on its Lackey Sleiman Franjieh who wanted to bring with him to Bkerheh the NO bodies other Syrian Puppets Emile Rahme and the widow of Elias Hobeika.

  • As of this wrire-up the meeting between Sfeir and the other so-called Maronite Chieftains is still scheduled to take place tomorrow.

  • Al-Akhbar newspaper reports that Rafic Hariri was assassinated by Islamist Militants and not by Syria!!! Al-Akhbar must know something that the UN does not!!!!

  • Israeli Sources report that the US is contemplating building a military base in North Lebanon. It should be noted that the last time the US was about to embark on a similar venture was during the election period of the late Bashir Gemayel back in 1982.

  • Former Lebanese Intelligence Chief Johnny Abdo stated that Lebanon is moving towards a constitutional vaccum!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

  • LBC TV Anchorman George Ghanem reveals to his close acquaintances that he witnessed the writing of the hand-written Memo for the reconciliation of the Christians by Cardinal Sfeir which was issued to both Aoun and Gemayel but which Gemayel had denied that it was written by Sfeir and therefore rejected it!

  • Ghanem, who is an opponent to Aoun, would not go public with this statement because he may end-up loosing his Prestigious Job with the pro-Gemayel TV Station.

  • Majority Leader Walid Jumblat invites Lebanese Army Commander Michel Sleiman to Dinner in his Beirut Residence; a sign seen as an overture to the Army Chief to become the next President because Jumblat has always been the ONE to oppose a military man from becoming President.

  • Dreamer Amine Gemayel has, without naming him, rejected to meet Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun in Bkerkeh.

  • Unconfirmed reports from Intelligence and military Observers indicate that the Luxurious 5-Star Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel where several Majority Deputies are taking refuge to avoid Assassination, could very well be targeted by Terrorists who could fly in small planes into the Hotel Towers in a similar attempt to New York’s 9/11.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

  • Lebanese Authorities arrest 30 Terrorists close to Syria and Al-Qaida planning to blow-up the Lebanese Police Headquarters in Beirut along with several European and Arab Embassies.

  • The Vatican Pushes Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Sfeir to Re-Unite the Christians instead of Taking the Divide and Rule Principle.

  • The Council of Maronite Bishops has, for the Second time in a month, called for the evacuation of the occupied public spaces in Downtown Beirut.

  • Independent Observers Report the fact that ALL Assassinated Political Figures in the Lebanon since 1976 belong to ALL Sects and Religions except the Shia and Alawite Sects!!!

  • RAPIO Supports the Call for a Public Referendum to Elect a President of the Republic provided that ALL Lebanese, including those in Diaspora are allowed to vote as well.

Monday, October 8, 2007

  • NEWS FLASH= Inviations Issued to Christian Warlords Aoun, Jaajaa, Gemayel and Franjieh to meet Sfeir in Bkerkeh on Thursday, October 11, 2007.

  • Former Lebanese Ambassador to Washington and current Secretary General of the Maronite League, Abdallah Bouhabib, has stated: “Immigration from Lebanon can be simple but we, the Christians shall fight to remain in it”!!!

  • Unconfirmed reports revealed that the Syrian Terror Regime has decided to handover the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms Region in South Lebanon to the United Nations. Believe it only when you see it!!!

  • Chief Procrastinator Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir gives a Presidential Push (Piston) to Candidate Boutros Harb by naming him as a Man who can make a good President.

  • Former President and Dreamer Amine Gemayel has called on Syria to provide Lebanon with Intelligence Reports on the Assassins who blew-up and killed all the “Politicians” in Lebanon if these Assassins are truly Agents of Israel as claimed by Hezbollah’s Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah last Friday night.

  • Lebanese Forces Deputy Antoine Zahra has reported that the Deputies of he Lebanese Forces are now targeted for Assassination because no attempt has been made on anyone of them so far!!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

  • History repeats itself: France has officially called for a Turkish Role in Maintaining Lebanon’s Stability.

  • Minority Chief Michel Aoun has conceded the Parliamentary Seat in Baabda District to the Brother of the late Kataeb Party Deputy Antoine Ghanem. Here we go again: ALWAYS brothers and children inherit the political roles of their respective dead brothers or fathers!!!!

  • Former Lebanese Ambassador to Washington, Abdallah Bouhabib has openly stated that the “US Administration supports the Extremists“among the Chieftains of the March 14 Coalition.

  • The US Administration has opened an investigation against Wadih Aabsi. Aabsi was awarded a US$100 Million Contract by the US State Department to build the New US Embassy in Saudi Arabia. Aabsi, is now accused and being investigated by the Bush Administration for financing the Free Patriotic Movement of Michel Aoun, dubbed by the US as “One of the Syrians Shoe Lickers in Lebanon”!!!! Ya Mama!!!

  • A Syrian Military Plane has crashed 3 miles West of the Capital City of Damascus killing all 3 crew members on board according to Eyewitnesses.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

  • A Large Memorial Gathering is taking place in Fouad Chehab Stadium in Junieh to commemorate the Martyrdom of Lebanese Soldiers while on duty to Protect the Politicians of Lebanon from the Terrorists in Nahr Bared.

  • Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri and Hezbollah Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah agree with Minority Chief Michel Aoun to have Presidential Elections directly from the People!!!! THE BIGGEST PIECE OF CRAP EVER HEARD IN THE LONG LYING HISTORY OF LEBANESE POLITICIANS…

  • The fate of Hezbollah Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah’s weapons depends on the liberation of ALL Muslim Land from Israel and the United States!!!
    Nasrallah is adamant in his latest address to the Sheeps (people) of Lebanon that Israel is the REAL killer who blew-up all the “Politicians” in Lebanon.

  • Majory Leader Walid Jumblat heads to Washington to meet Officials from various political, diplomatic and intelligence Agencies.

  • Minority Chief Michel Aoun calls for the resignation of the Heads of the Lebanese Police and Internal Intelligence Services as well as for the resignation of the Interior Minister.

Friday, October 5, 2007

  • The Lebanese Internal Security Apparatus, close to Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri is building-up a legal case to arrest Minority Chief Michel Aoun by accusing him with starting a paramilitary militia.

  • On his part, Aoun is preparing to file a lawsuit against the pro-Hariri Head of the Lebanese Internal Security Apparatus for spreading lies and rumors in the Country.

  • Minority Supreme Ayatollah Hassan Nasrallah addresses the Nation today - - - Allah Yestour (God Help us).

  • Two independent and separate statistics put Michel Aoun on top of the Presidential hopefuls: Al-Balad Newspaper survey shows Aoun with 57% of the votes, Jaajaa with 16%, Gemayel 1.7%, Lahoud 4.6% and pro-US and Hariri Neutral Candidate Robert Ghanem: 0% (yes, ZERO %).

  • Meanwhile, As-Safir Newspaper survey shows Aoun with 68%, Lahoud with 6%, Jaajaa 6% and Lebanon Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh 7%.

  • Fires are raging again in the Chouf Mountain.

  • Lebanese Hotels are registering 90% occupancy rate during the Ramadan feast.

  • While the US and the West keep putting verbal pressure on Syria, they have NEVER undertaken action against the Terror State by at least withdrawing their respective Ambassadors from Damascus.

  • 98 terrorists killed in Nahr Bared Battle with the Lebanese Army are buried in a mass grave.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

  • Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri Guest of the White House Called for Free Elections in SYRIA under direct United Nations Observers!

  • A schism has bloomed between Eternal “Leader” of the Lebanese Forces Sam Jaajaa and God’s Gift to the Lebanese, Former and “Future” President of Lebanon, Ammouneh Gemayel due to the Latter’s rapprochement to Shia Amal Godfather Nabih Berri.

  • Clashes erupted between pro-Fatah and pro-Hamas Balestinians in the Southern Lebanese Ghetto Camp of Mieh Mieh.

  • Effective November 2007, the Lebanese can finally make direct international phone calls from their homes without having to go through the Operator. El-Hamdellah…

  • A permanent sit-in has begun in front of the UN ESCWA Building in Downtown Beirut to protest against Lebanese Citizens held Prisoners in Syrian Jails.

  • The man-made arsons that flooded the Lebanese mountains have left at least one woman dead and several residents either homeless or injured.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

  • The Inferno Rages on from the Lebanese-Israeli Borders in the South all the way to the Lebanese Syrian Borders in the Northern Town of Qobeiyatt.

  • Lebanese Civil Defense Commander-in-Chief General Hobeika confirms that the Fires are Man-made.As usual, the Government in a State of Amnesia and Inability to do anything…

  • Hezbollah Shows its true Intentions vis-à-vis Presidential Hopeful Michel Aoun by announcing that “Aoun is not the Only Candidate” it supports for the Presidency!!!!

  • Triple Intelligence Agent Agha (Lebanese father and Syrian mother) Claims that He attended the meeting grouping, his Colleague in the Intelligence World, Johny Abdo and the late Rafik Hariri in France when Hariri confirmed to Abdo that he would make Abdo the “Next President of Lebanon”.

  • Hashish and Marijuana are popping anew all over the Beqaa Valley while the Lebanese Government is, as usual, blinded by the light….

  • The Lebanese Maronite Bishops Called for the “Liberation of Downtown Beirut” from the occupation of Hezbollah, Aounists and all the other pro-Syrian lackeys.

  • Real Estate Prices Skyrocket in Beirut reaching a minimum of US $2,000/m2 for new apartments and reaching close to $7,000/m2 in certain neighborhoods.

  • Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri meets US President George Bush and is expected to attend the Muslim “IFTAR” at the White House tomorrow.