JUST IN = Today's Explosion in Babbada is a clear revenge by the Balestinians who were able, thanks to international intelligence support, to assassinate General Francois Hajj the Commander in Charge of the Army Military Operations. Hajj was in direct control of the Naher El-Bared campain to irradicate the Terrorits from it.
The Lebanese Army has cordoned the area of the explosion because Baabda is considered a military zone.
The explosion destroyed the Municipality Building in Baabda resulting so far in the death of Five (5) people.
A Car Bomb went-off in the heartland of the Presidential Palace town of Baabda causing severe damage and a considerable number of casualties.
On the 2nd Anniversary of the Assassination of Gebran Tueni, Syrian Vice-President declares to the World that “Today, Syria’s allies in Lebanon are stronger than before, even when Syrian Army was there”!
Do We Need to Say More?
A Hand Grenade was thrown near a school in Ain El-Roummaneh last night.
The Presidency is at a stand still while French Foreign Affairs Minister and Babysitter Bernard Kouchner declares that France has exhausted all its efforts to help the Lebanese but to no avail...
The People of Lebanon have proven to the World that the Lebanese Cannot Rule Themselves and MUST always have a Foreign BOOT over their neck to be kept under control.