Tuesday, September 22, 2009

After nearly 4 years of publication, R A P I O is forced to shut down due lack of funds.
The Publisher wishes to thank all Readers and Supporters for their dedication to R A P I O.
For queries, please e-mail rapio.rapio@yahoo.com
God Bless and May God Be with The Lebanon.
The Publisher

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thanks to our War-Lords, Feudal-Lords and Religious-Lords, Lebanon is disintegrating. It is time for a Mass upheaval against this entire corrupted ruling elite. Read the following article and you will understand why ALL the so-called Lebanese Leaders are corrupt and MUST be court martialled.

Builder of foundation
By Joseph A. Kechichian

Michel Chiha helped to create a sound legislative framework for Lebanon. Along with his contemporaries Petro Trad and Omar Daouk, Michel Chiha (1891-1954) set out to imagine a constitution for Lebanon, a country endowed with a mosaic of 18 ethno-religious communities.

His vision shaped the nascent republic and it may be safe to argue that Chiha invented what eventually became, and remains to this day, the only Arab democracy.

Although Christian and Muslim leaders settled on the 1943 National Pact to distribute power, Chiha's contributions endured through laws, some of which were amended in 1989 at the Ta'if Conference that ended the 1975-1990 civil war.

Above all else, this Greek Catholic son of Mount Lebanon wished for his country to rely on laws to govern its affairs, rather than resort to perpetual power brokerage that seldom served citizens.

At the Paris Peace Conference on January 18, 1919, Chiha observed significant debates then under way to determine - and settle - the aftermath of the collapsing Ottoman Empire. Chiha, then an adviser to three Lebanese delegations, was dispatched to the conference to prepare for a semi-autonomous Lebanon under French mandate.

By November 21 the same year, the French High Commissioner and Commander in Chief of French military forces in the Levant, General Henri Gouraud, arrived in Beirut along with a large retinue that included Robert de Caix.

This key political agent befriended the worldly Chiha who, in turn, charmed the Frenchman. Remarkably, the Lebanese understood that his country would need to accommodate occupying powers' interests but shrewdly manoeuvred his long-term plans by gaining insights into De Caix's perceptions. For example, in several conversations between the two men, Chiha evaluated what De Caix expected from various Lebanese communities, including their putative relationships with Syria.

What would it take to establish a Greater Lebanon (Grand-Liban in French sources), delineate borders, adopt a constitution and establish its first institutions, were all worked out by De Caix and Chiha.By the summer of 1920, Gouraud applied the San Remo Conference decisions that placed Lebanon and Syria under French mandate, while Iraq, Trans-Jordan and Palestine fell under British control. This was the time - mid-July 1920 - when Gouraud defeated Faysal I, occupied Damascus and formally proclaimed a separate Lebanon with Beirut as its capital.

Earlier, Faysal contested Lebanon's redrawn borders and proclaimed himself king of Lebanon and Syria. From that day on and until independence in 1943, Chiha reminded his countrymen that it was imperative for them to learn how to "love" their country and, after 1943, instilled in them a sense of service.

It must be emphasised that Chiha, more than any other Middle Easterner, appreciated the consequences of the 1916 secret Sykes-Picot agreement that proposed to carve up the region after the First World War. Towards that end, he mobilised leading personalities in Cairo - where he was in exile for much of the First World War - to oppose Turkish military rule but was clever enough to anticipate an eventual collapse of the empire.

Simply stated, he wished to salvage from the decaying empire's ashes an independent entity for his long-dominated people, even if he needed to contend with French occupation.

Chiha represented religious minorities in the 1924-1929 parliament from a seat in Beirut. These years were difficult to say the least. And though Chiha learnt the intricacies of parliamentary life - as he authored the 1927 and 1929 budgets - the region was mired in several crises: a Druze revolt in Syria and a full-fledged insurrection in Damascus.

To his credit, Chiha wasted little time, as he painstakingly worked with his close friends Daouk and Omar Beyhoum on the draft for a constitution that envisaged post-independence responsibilities. Never hungry for power, he did not run for office again, even if he would be tasked for special missions by several presidents.

After 1929 Chiha devoted most of his time to journalism, writing profound editorials for the daily Le Jour that educated his readers on the many repercussions of political reality.

After independence in 1943 and until his death in 1954, Chiha published several thousand articles in Le Jour, which reflected his sharp mind and incisive analysis.

The creation of contemporary Lebanon necessitated that a constitution be devised that would address the type of government envisaged for the nascent republic.

The real fathers of the republic were confronted with such dilemmas as how best to define the responsibilities of the head of state and those of the government. Given Lebanon's rich religious makeup, constitutionalists struggled with the confessional allocation of parliamentary seats and the sacrosanct universal electoral mechanisms.

Nothing proved as difficult as the parameters of the powers allocated to the head of state. And if Trad, Daouk and Chiha relied on an 1875 French blueprint, their 102 articles adopted major differences, including the authority of the president to appoint and revoke his ministers and to dissolve parliament.

Chiha pushed for a strong president of the republic but added a key provision that limited the presidency to a single six-year term. That, he believed, would attract leaders who would serve rather than those who wished to rule.

Although the 1989 Ta'if Accord amended the Lebanese constitution, it did not tinker with this key provision, which faced its first challenge in 1948.An extension of an incumbent's term was last amended by parliamentary decree in 2005 with disastrous consequences until 2008. This was and remains one of the most serious breaches of constitutional law.

In fact, amending any constitution requires political stability, which Lebanon sadly lacked and it may be worth noting that Chiha opposed the amendment of Article 49 to benefit Bishara Al Khoury who, ironically, was his brother-in-law.

Chiha grasped the gravity of the situation better than most, believing that everyone should obey the laws of the land and that no one should pretend to look after its interests more than any other citizen. He pleaded with the president not to accept such a modification and convinced him that the precedent would be disastrous for the country, as subsequent events confirmed.

Chiha's prescience feared that future leaders would bargain with each other, rather than obey and apply legitimately adopted laws, as he wished to prevent catastrophes from taking permanent root. In one of his most brilliant editorials, Chiha evaluated the 1948 constitutional amendment in terms that are classic, rejecting the partial appeasement that the change would be a one-time affair.

He lamented that 40 deputies favoured the amendment and perceived in very negative terms the fact that most expressed their views confidentially, not in parliament. The mystery that surrounded those secret negotiations, Chiha bemoaned, was unbecoming of a democracy and he wrote about his revulsion at such machinations to circumvent the will of the people.

On matters of principle, Chiha opined, state interests necessitated and served priority, something that few Lebanese at the time, and some may add ever since, aspired to. He called on parliamentarians not to compromise and to never expose the country to putative foreign interventions.

"Lebanon is a country where citizens think," he wrote, adding that "judicial experts and awakened citizens are abundant and where the representative must pay homage to, and respect, the electorate". In what must be a most memorable line in this prophetic editorial, Chiha called on the Lebanese to "watch out for political manoeuvres, to control politicians and prevent the latter from forcing the country to commit errors".

Even if parliamentary life would prove to be a difficult enterprise, he intoned time and again, there was no reason for anyone to emasculate the laws of the land. The government carried heavy burdens, he believed, but so did citizens. He warned his readers to anticipate the kind of country they would hand over to successive generations.

He concluded with a Latin dictum: dura lex, sed lex, the law is hard but it is the law, which required civic vigilance, he said.Between 1946 and 1953, Chiha spoke on several occasions at the "Cenacle Libanais" (Lebanese Gathering), which acted as a literary and a political forum for members of the intelligentsia. Its founder, Michel Asmar, wished to transform it into "Lebanon's conscience", an institution where every voice could be heard on Monday evenings (Thursday sessions were added during winter months).

Chiha spoke there often on various topics, including presentations on "values", "the world today", "Lebanon in the world" and "the role of Lebanon in the world". His assessments echoed through successive audiences, especially when he declared in 1961: "Lebanon is a small country, perhaps too small; it may even be a small nation but the Lebanese are not a small people." Such was his vision that, regrettably, was lost in the aftermath of an unending struggle for power.

Though the fate of his country preoccupied Chiha most, he devoted considerable attention to Palestine, as he offered severe but correct conclusions. In several editorials starting in 1945, he insisted: "No political preoccupation should turn our attention from Palestine. In our backyard is developing one of the most anguishing questions of this world," which he perceived as one with grave consequences for Lebanon and the entire region.

For the erudite thinker, the proposed partition of Palestine represented a debacle. He pleaded as early as 1947 that "creating the Jewish State [would be] one of the most serious mistakes of world politics". He clarified that "the most surprising consequences are going to result from an apparently small thing. Nor is it offensive to reason to state that this small thing will have its part to play in shaking the world to its foundations."

"The mistake [of creating Israel in 1948] is enormous," he wrote, lest "we forget & that the State of Israel is a racist and confessional issue" because "there is no other country that recruits its population this way, by giving to strangers, wherever they came from and only because they're Jewish, the right to be citizens."

He correctly feared that before too long, cohabitation in Palestine would become impossible, perhaps "forever", as "a permanent danger, a hatred without end" is planted in the Middle East. Ever the clairvoyant analyst, Chiha opined that "a mistake of this size committed in the middle of this century", will leave its impact on "our grandchildren [who] will re-encounter it in the middle of the next one".

Dr Joseph A. Kéchichian is an author, most recently of Faysal: Saudi Arabia's King for All Seasons, Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 2008.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Majority rename Saad Hariri to attempt to form a new cabinet after his failure to do so following over 70 days of wasted time and effort.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun lunches with President Michel Sleiman and no one knows the outcome of this meeting.

It is high time the people of Lebanon revolt against ALL politicians and clergymen who are leading us to hell.

Monday, September 14, 2009

It feels like yesterday but the reality of it is that it was 27 years ago.

27 years ago when the hopes, the dreams and the future of the 10,452km2 were blown to pieces.

Bashir lives in us... Forever.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

A High Pakistani Intel Official reveals that the US based security firm of Blackwater is behind the assassination of Rafiq Hariri.

The Lebanese Politicians start their run towards foreign governments to help resolve their internal bickering. SHAME YA JAMA3A. Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri is seeking help from France while Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun is looking for Qatar for help and Hezbolla, as usual, turns to Iran for the same purpose.

The Lebanese Forces requests additional security protection for its Deputies from the Lebanese Government. The Forces claim that their Deputies are under extreme danger of possible assassination.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kataeb Deputy Sami Gemayel is reported to have been threatened by the Syrian Social Popular Party and as a result he is under a self-house arrest in order to save his skin from being killed like his brother Pierre and uncle Bashir.

The Balestinians and Israel exchange cross Lebanese borders shelling from Hezbolla La La Land.

After the failure of Saad Hariri to form a government of so-called National Unity, the designation of Saad Hariri 2 (the Sequel) is on the way.

Kataeb Party Deputy Elie Marouni has been dismissed from the Zahleh Parliamentary Block by Mafia Godfather Nicolas Fattoush.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Saad Hariri fails to form his First ever Cabinet as the Minority arms itself with the usual Syrian meddling in internal Lebanese affairs via its Lebanese surrogates.

The whereabouts of Engineer Pierre Sader remains unknown after months of his kidnapping in daylight in front of eyewitnesses near the Beirut International Airport.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadan Kareem
RAPIO will be taking its annual break and will be back on-line on September 11, 2009.
God Bless Lebanon

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Was Bashir Gemayel correct?
Many Observers in the Christian Camp are questioning the wisdom and intelligence of all the current so-called Christian Leaders in the Lebanon. They are all talking different languages and are all refusing to unite in order to remain a strong entity as the last bastion of Christianity in the Middle East and the Arab World.
Whether you liked him or hated him, the question remains the same: Was Bashir Gemayel right when he ordered the "unification of the gun" which unfortunately initially resulted in dozens of Christians killed from the various splinter groups and militias that were ruling the Christians at the time; but the long term effect of this decision led to a successful end-result in a strong Christian community which was capable to resist and deter simultaneously the 2nd most powerful Arab Army (of Syria) along with the most powerful Terrorist group, the PLO; both supported by the World community?
Today, in the land of the 10,452 km2 the Christians exist only on paper and perhaps even on temporary basis only. They have no effect on the outcome and decisions of the country any longer as they once had at the time when Camile Chamoun, Fouad Chehab and Bashir Gemayel were President due to their continuous bickering and division which by the way are blessed by their religious leaders and governed by the petro-dollar.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eight Islamist Terrorists fled from the high security Roumieh Prison yesterday. 7 were captured immediately while their leader, a Syrian called Taha Sleiman, managed to escape but was captured by the Lebanese Army around noon time today.

As a result, Lebanon National Hero and Minister of Interior Ziad Baroud, in an unprecedented measure by a Lebanese politician, has dismissed as many as 300 policemen and 60 officers from their duties for either lack of performance or for facilitating the exit of the terrorists from the jail. Wlak Rooh Ya Abo Baydatt (In English this translates into "He's got balls")

It is reported that the Lebanese Army Intelligence did warn the Prison officials of this incident 3 days before it actually took place but no preventive actions were apparently taken by the Warden.

Israel, the US, Egypt and Saudi Arabia do not want Hezbolla to be represented in the Hariri Cabinet in order to facilitate any potential Israeli attack on Hezbolla and on the rest of Lebanon.

Independent Observers noticed that the real Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon is NOT the officially appointed Diplomat but Druze feudal lord Wiam Wahhab who has been acting as Damascus's coordinator and spokesman in the Lebanon.

Meanwhile and for some unknown tactics, Druze warlord Al Wali YoYo Jumblat decided to maintain a political silence till after Ramadan.

Has anyone seen or heard from PM designate Saad Hariri?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lebanese Interior Minister, Ziad Broud who is the ONLY clean Politician in Lebanon's history is under fire by his fellow Mafia politicians to quit his position.

Independent Observers see a clear failure in Saad Hariri's attempt to form a coalition government after 52 days (and counting) of his appointment.

Military sources reveal that the internet station that was dismantled recently in the Druze mountain of Barouk was erected under the supervision of an Israeli Officer back in 2006. The station was also used for eavesdropping on the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of Defense.

Medical sources reveal that the Health Care Mafia in Lebanon, namely the Class A Hospitals and Clinics have refused to admit Lebanese Patients in order to make room for Patients from the rich Arab Gulf countries.

Lebanon reports its 500th case of the H1N1 virus.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A major schism has surfaced between Maronite Michel Aoun and his Druze ally Talal Arslan who could be replaced by YoYo Jumblat as the new ally of Aoun within the Druze community !

PM Designate Saad Hariri is setting a dinner for one of his arch rivals Michel Aoun ! Will it take place? Who cares?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lebanon looses 68-72 against China in the Asia Basket-Ball Championship.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lebanon has won the Asian countries semi-final Basket-Ball Championship in China by beating South Korea 88 - 65. The Cedar Team will face the Chinese Team for the Championship today.

As expected from him, Hezbolla's Fuhrer Hassan Nasroulla has issued a counter-threat to Israel to bombard Tel-Aviv in the event Israel bombs Beirut and the Hezbolla Ghetto of the Southern Suburbs of Beirut.

YoYo Jumblat dispatches his heir Taymour to the 3rd Anniversary ceremony of the Israeli-Hezbolla War of Attrition which was held yesterday. It is extremely rare that YoYo sends his son into the Public eye.

Meanwhile, YoYo has received warnings from Intel sources that he has become target of assassination anew.

Everyone in Lebanon and outside of Lebanon seem to be very happy with the turn of events by the fact that Yoyo is back on the Syrian Baath track; everyone, except the Majority in the Lebanon which has supposedly won the so-called "Democratic Elections".

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Kuwaiti Press reports of a potential new war of attrition between Israel and Hezbolla in 2010. As usual, the people of Lebanon will be the only losers in the presence of an absent minded Lebanese government to protect them from the axis of evil raging their wars on Lebanese territories.

Independent Observers note the following scenario: Samir Jaajaa and Walid Jumblat fight over which one of the two must take control over the Ministry of Public Works. As a result, Jumblat gets pissed at his Christian allies and decides to stab Saad Hariri and the March 14th Movement in the back. Saad Hariri, who is the PM designate, leaves Lebanon to protest Jumblat's behavior. Samir Jaajaa maintains a deep silence as a tactic to see if he will get the Ministry of Public Works or will it be given to his new-old enemy Walid Jumblat. As a result of this, the new cabinet is not formed after 45 days of appointing Saad Hariri. Yet, everyone blames Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun for the delay in the formation of the government. Who in hell is handling Michel Aoun's media and public relations?

JUMBLAT Sings Frank Sinatra “MY WAY”

And now, Hassan is near;

And so I face the Hizballah curtain.
My friend, May 7 made it clear,
They’ll kill my ass, of which Its certain.

Ive lied a lie thats full.
Ive traveled each and every damascus highway;
As a whore, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets, Ive had a few;
But then after May 7, I will not mention.
I did what HA said I had to do
And screwed my friends without exemption.

I switched each charted course;
Each backward step along the damascus highway,
As a Whore , and much more than this,
I fucked them my way.

Yes, there was that time ,
Im sure you knewWhen HA wanted to kill me like the Jew.
But when they called, I had no doubt,
I ate some shit and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And flipflopped my way.

Ive robbed, Ive laughed and lied.
Ive had my fill; my share of fooling.
And now, as I switch sides,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say – not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I flipflopped my way.

For what is a man, what is a Jumblatt?
If not to save his ass, then he was bought.
To say the things he never truly feels;
And always be the one who kneels.
The record shows I learned to blow -
And did it my way!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The body of Abdallah Ghandour, President of the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has been found in Batroun yesterday.

The Police has arrested one of the assassins called Mohammad Dahni while his accomplice fled to Syria.

A high ranking US Military delegation has visited Syria for the 3rd time this summer. One of the reasons for these visits is to probe the Syrian delivery of weapons to Hezbolla as claimed by Israel.

Lebanese Banks are set to reduce interest rates on all currencies.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All Lebanese Politicians on the payroll of Western Intelligence Agencies appear to be reshuffling their political stand. After the 180 degrees pull of Operative YoYo Jumblat away from Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri, sources report that Operative Nabih Berri is also seriously considering breaking away his ties with Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

On the eve of the 3rd anniversary if the Israeli-Hezbolla War of Summer 2006, the Lebanese are bracing themselves to avoid another destructive war which seems to be under preparation by Iran, the U.S., Syria, Hezbolla and the Israelis.

Once Again R A P I O confirms that " It is the Shia Way or No Way!".

The whereabouts of both Lebanese citizens, Joseph Sader and Abdallah Ghandour, who disappeared without leaving any trace, remain unknown.

By the way, renegade YoYo Jumblat and his ex-financier Saad Hariri met last night. Who bloody cares!

After undergoing medical and race track tests, Formula 1 legend Michael Schumakher will not be able to race due to a neck injury he had suffered during his career before he retired. Schumi was supposed to replace Philippe Mazza at Ferrari.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

High military tension is reported on the Lebanese Israeli border due to the introduction of new self-propelled anti-air SAM-8 missiles and an upgraded version of the Iranian ground-ground Fateh-110 missile, whose warhead carries half a ton of explosives with a 200-kilometer range, capable of reaching Tel-Aviv. Israel has issued the absent minded Lebanese Government a 2nd WARNING.

The dismantling of the Israeli based internet station in the Barouq mountain near the town of Jezzine less than 48 hours ago led to pinpointing the Owner of the relay station as one Kareem Hamadeh, son of Lebanese Minister Marwan Hamadeh who is one of Al-Wali Jumblat's henchmen.

Israeli Intel Sources reveal that the latest arrests of the Israeli Spy rings in the Lebanon were made possible due to the involvement of Russian counter-intelligence Officers from the elite agency of the Federal Security Service - FSB and NOT thanks to French high-tech equipment as reported earlier.

The 200 members of the remaining Jewish Community in Lebanon have initiated the renovation of their Synagogue in Beirut. It should be noted that the Israelites in Lebanon, as they are also referred to, have 2 other Synagogues located in the Druze Chouf heartland of Aley and Deir Qamar. The cost of the renovation of the Beirut temple is expected to exceed US $2 Million.

The Offices of the Lebanese LBC-TV station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were shut down due to the Sex scandal within the Saudi Society which was broadcasted in Lebanon few weeks ago. The pro-Western Saudi Authorities have cracked down on "Freedom of Expression" as LBC-TV aired a show about a Saudi Dude who admitted on the air having sex with a married woman when he was a teenager. The Saudi Romeo is facing the Death Penalty by the US closest ally in the Arab World simply because he publicly divulged the story of his teenage years.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Clashes are reported between Lebanese and Syrian Farmers in the Lebanese Beqaa town of Irssal. 2 Lebanese are reportedly killed by the Syrians while the Lebanese Special Forces, Al-Fuhood, deployed to the area are simply watching.

The Lebanese Army has dismantled an Internet station receiving its signals from Israel. The station was located in the Chouf and was under protection by Politicians loyal to Warlords Jumblat.

The Lebanese Forces deny accusations by Syrian Agent Wiam Wahhab that they are running covert security cells within Lebanon.

Flags of the Lebanese Forces in the region controlled by Mr. YoYo Jumblat are being removed from public eyes.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces decided not to make any comments on Mr. YoYo Jumblat's on-going rotating politics.

The remaining Majority coalition is in disarray and no longer agrees with the formation of a new government with Mr. YoYo on its side.

Meanwhile, Majority Tycoon and PM Designate Saad Hariri has vanished from Lebanon few days ago and seems to be . . . On Strike! Hariri is reportedly shocked by the sudden 180 degree shift in Jumblat's Tsunamic poisonous tactics.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Abdallah Ghandour, President of the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce and Industry is gone missing without any trace.

Syrian Agent in Lebanon Wiam Wahhab reveals that Deputy Sami Amine Gemayel has escaped an assassination attempt by a Suicide Bomber recently. Wahhab also issued a warning to the young Gemayel not to think about dividing the 10,452km2.

"I Miss Damascus" - Mr. YoYo Jumblat.

The Kuwaiti Daily Al-Watan reveals that Mr. YoYo Jumblat has received US $100 Million from Saudi Arabia to return back to the March 14th Movement. 5 of Jumblat's Deputies from various sects, including Druze Deputy Marwan Hamadeh, have threatened to leave his Parliamentary Block in the event Mr. YoYo returns to the Syrian Camp.

Acting under directives from his Masters in Syria and Iran, Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun welcomes the switch of Mr. YoYo Jumblat into the Baath Axis.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Question: Where does Jumblat stand TODAY?
Answer: Don't even try to think about it . . . Because by the time you answer, Jumblat would have changed again . . .

During a Live TV interview Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh revealed that the Plan to Naturalize the Balestinians in Lebanon is set to go and warned that it may very well be at the expense of the divided Christian community.

Sleiman stated on LBC-TV that all it takes to eliminate the Christian Vote permanently in Lebanon is to locate 5,000 of the would-be naturalized Balestinian in each of the few remaining Christian Districts of Kesrrouan, Zghorta, Metn and Ashrafieh.

British and Lebanese Archaeologists discover new ruins dating from the BC Canaanite Era in the city of Saida.

Interior Minister and National Hero Ziad Baroud announces that he will protect all traffic policemen who come under pressure by anyone while on duty.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tsunami Jumblat is now dubbed "Mr. Yo Yo". Less than 48 hours of his announcement that he left the Majority, Jumblat has reneged on his statement and is back with the Hariri Clan. It remains to be seen how will the Syrian camp in Lebanon accept this on-going shifting in Jumblat's policy and allegiance.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Both Majority Chieftains Samir Jaajaa and PM designate Saad Hariri left the country taking their respective annual vacations amidst the political turmoil left behind by Mr. Tsunami Al-Wali Jumblat.

In Australia, Police has arrested several Lebanese would-be suicide bombers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Jumblat Tsunami continues to bring more reactions, namely from the Hariri Clan and Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces.

Jumblat in Syria this week as he decided to rejoin the Baath Party which, in his own words, killed his father.

As seen by Observers, Jumblat could be spearheading a new parliamentary block which is independent from both the Majority and Minority. This new block, would be set to support President Michel Sleiman and could include Jumblat's fellow chameleon and intelligence agent Michel Murr, the Armenian Tashnag Party and other Politicians.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Italian Press reports that the Iranian airliner which blew-up recently was carrying weapons bound for Hezbolla via Armenia, Turkey, Syria and then into the Lebanon.

As expected, once considered the Majority Leader in Lebanon after the "Cedar Revolution", Al Wali Jumblat has officially announced his return to the Syrian leftist arena.

Jumblat in a congress for his Druze Party announced that his alliance with the West was a mistake and it is best he returned to the Syrian Arabist Camp which in his own words had assassinated his own father, the late Kamal Jumblat.

Jumblat's split with the Majority could tilt the Majority in favor of the current Minority.

Al Mustakbal Movement of Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri has thrown very harsh words at the Judas like newest action of Jumblat.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Joke du Jour: Yesterday, the Lebanese Army Day official ceremony was celebrated in the presence of not one but TWO Prime Ministers; the outgoing and the designated (not confirmed) Dudes.

One cancer patient is confirmed to be the 1st to die in Lebanon from the H1N1 (Swine) virus.

The Kataeb Party calls its ally and Warlord Samir Jaajaa as not telling the real truth about the assassination of Feudal Lord Tony Franjieh during the war years in Lebanon.

Lebanese Forces Minister of Tourism used his immunity to retrieve encircled Journalist Ghada Eid from the N-TV building and led her to freedom by using his Governmental Car in order to avoid her arrest by the Judicial Police.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ghada Eid is the latest Journalist in Lebanon to be forced to go to jail for her TV talk show entitled "Corruption". Ms. Eid's show is dedicated to fighting corruption in the Lebanon namely by the Lebanese Politicians.

Overnight, the Lebanese Judicial Police surrounded the TV station where she works and it is not clear if she has been taken into custody yet or not. Long Live Lebanon!!!

Why do the Lebanese continue to concern themselves with the on-going political changes of Al-Wali Jumblat. The Dude should be ignored completely. Neither his allies or foes can understand how he keeps changing from one camp to another but yet, they both want him on their sides. Strange!

As Safir daily reports that Aoun demanded from Hariri to have power control over either the Ministry of Finance or the Interior. Both were rejected by Hariri.

Iran issued a call to all Arab countries to send Muslim volunteers to Lebanon to fight Israel when the next war is launched on Lebanon!

Independent Observers notice that Aoun is being encircled politically, even by his own allies.

It is a known fact that no traditional politician, feudal lord or warlord in Lebanon wants to fight corruption like Aoun does and as such, no one wants him to remain so powerful and popular.

See CNN's report on the transformation of Lebanon from No Man's Land to The Best Party Land: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjtgeH-QI3U&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eelnashra%2Ecom%2Fnews%2D1%2D320293%2Ehtml&feature=player_embedded

Friday, July 31, 2009

Economic reports indicate that the Lebanese Industry Production is down by 24% in the month of June 09.

Toufic Asmar of Lebanon has successfully produced a new tractor for agricultural usage that operated on Solar Power. Asmar's pioneering of this Eco-riendly machine was financed by Lebanon, England, Poland, Morocco, Jordan and Italy.

A schism has surfaced within the Majority between Warlord Samir Jaajaa and his ally PM Designate Saad Hariri over the governmental seats of power.

A schism has also surfaced within the Minority between Warlords Nabih Berri and Michel Aoun for the same reason: Power Control!

Samir Jaajaa has threatened Hariri of boycotting the cabinet if he does not get the Power he is asking for.

As it appears publicly and as a long term strategy over the next 3 to 5 years, both warlords Samir Jaajaa and Mishel Aoun are being slowly but surely pushed aside as so-called Christian leaders and are being replaced by Feudal Lords Sleiman Franjieh and Sami Gemayel.

The street (non-official) exchange rate of the Lebanese pound to the US dollar has seen a dramatic upward move in favor of the pound over the past few days. The rate has changed from 1,515 pounds to the dollar down to 1,495.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Lebanese Authorities are studying the possibility of setting-up a train system to transport people between Beirut and Tripoli and from Beirut to Tyre.

powerful Armenian Party Tashnag is out of any new Hariri Cabinet.

It is reported that Michel Aoun has been left out of any discussion leading to the formation of the new government.

The Former Officers of the Lebanese Forces are calling for a meeting to restructure the organization which was founded by the late President Bashir Gemayel but which seems to be headed by Samir Jaajaa who refuses to relinquish his power to anyone.

In the world of Sport, Michael Shumakher (Shumi) is set to come out of retirement to rejoin the Ferrari Formula 1 driving team at the age of 40. Shumi replaces Massa who broke his skull in a trial accident a week ago.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reuters news agency is reporting that the feudal lords of Lebanon have finally agreed on the composition of the new Cabinet one month after the nomination of Saad Hariri to head the Government.

The new Cabinet will be comprised of 15 Ministers from the Majority, 10 Ministers from the Minority and 5 will be nominated by the President of the Republic.

The next round of battle will be over who gets which ministry and then the following battle will be over the program of the new cabinet. Will it be supportive of Hezbolla's weapons? Of course it will.

"I am No Longer Sure Who Killed Rafiq Hariri" - Walid Jumblat to the Tunisian Press. Can you believe this Dude !

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bishop Haddad reveals that kidnapped Engineer Joseph Sader is alive.

The Lebanese Authorities are looking into expanding the Beirut International Airport.

Monday, July 27, 2009

UAE based EMAAR is set to develop million of square meters of prime land in the Mar Chaaya - Broumana area for Arab and Gulf Investors. For more information, follow this link: http://www.beitmisk.com/

The National Debt in Lebanon is expected to reach 58 Billion US Dollars by the end of 2009.

While Nabih Berri's Amal Movement insists that the Opposition is not seeking a 3rd of the Seats in the new Cabinet, Hezbolla's Representatives are making public statements that they do insist on having the 3rd.

Independent Observers noted the negative and cautious face of Tony (Son of Sleiman) Franjieh at the gathering between Feudal Lords Amine Gemayel, Sami Gemayel and Sleiman Franjieh which took place in Bekfaya yesterday.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

31 year old Christian Orthodox Deputy Nayla Tueiny to wed 28 year old Shia Muslim TV Host Malek Maktabi.

Feudal Lords Franjieh and Gemayel expected to lunch together in Bekfaya.

A priest in Asfahan, Iran sends an urgent message to the Christians of the Middle East to Unite in order to avoid eradication.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Once again in the Lebanese Politics: It is the Shia Way or No Way.

Michel Aoun's new battle is now open. His new target is to claim power over the Ministry of Interior; thus removing Ziad Baroud as the best Minister that ever existed in any Lebanese Government. Also, giving this Ministry to a pro-Hezbolla's Minister would give Hezbolla, Syria and Iran the upper hand in controlling the Lebanese Security and Intelligence apparatus.

Aoun accuses Al-Wali Jumblat as being like a Taxi Driver, changing routes depending on the Passengers!

Unconfirmed reports reveal that Feudal Lord Amine Gemayel will host his fellow Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh for lunch in Bekfaya tomorrow.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Even though everyone dislikes the maneuvers of Warlord Al Wali Jumblat, yet he remains the most thought after personality by foreign, regional and local dignitaries while the People of Lebanon remain numb by his devious politics, tactics and behavior.

Israel accuses the Lebanese Army of breaking the UN 1701 Resolution while its armed forces and air force break the Lebanese sovereignty on daily basis.

Explosions are reported in the Northern Lebanese City of Tripoli.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

31 year old Christian Orthodox Deputy Nayla Tueiny to wed the love of her life 28 year old Shia Muslim TV Presenter Malek Maktabi on Sunday.

Observers are raising a question whether the Lebanese Constitution would allow Tueini to remain a Deputy for the Orthodox sect after she weds a person from another sect or even a religion.

Last minute security glitch stopped a long awaited meeting between arch enemies and warlords Al Wali Jumblat and Michel Aoun.

Al-Akhbar newspaper is reporting that a certain Lebanese government agency is collecting up to US $15,000 to give away official government jobs to Candidates applying within the agency.

As-Safir daily on its part reports that Free Lebanon radio station which was founded by the Christian Maronite Kataeb Party has been fully owned by the Sunni Muslim Hariri Family since 2004.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shia Muslim Hezbolla forbids UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army from undertaking their peacekeeping mission in Southern Lebanon.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Army arrests a Sunni Muslim Fundamentalist Terror Cell originating from various Arab countries which was preparing to attack the UNIFIL in the South.

The Jeita Grottoes make it to the final round of the New World Natural Wonders competition.

Certain media report that Iran and Israel will fight their next battle in the Lebanon.

Do you remember who is the PM Designate in Lebanon? It appears that Mr. Saad Hariri is in a political coma, unable to deliver a new government to the People of Lebanon. R A P I O

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Al Wali Jumblat stuns his so-called allies by calling for a new Muslim coalition without any Christian participation. The new wisdom brought forward by the Druze Wali would comprise, in addition to his untouchable personality, it would include the Fuhrer Nasroulla, the Warlord and Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri and the Grand Master Saad Hariri.

As Safir Daily reveals that 600 Teachers were kicked out of their Jobs.

R A P I O will be back to publication on Wednesday, July 22nd 2009.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A major explosion is reported in Southern Lebanon. Due to the tight control of Hezbolla, it has been difficult to pinpoint the source and reason of the incident.

Al Wali Jumblat states that he has no objections to meeting his current foe but up-coming Syrian ally Michel Aoun.

At least 35 people have food poisoning in the Beqaa.

Feudal Lord Amine Gemayel reveals that his relations with Syria never stopped.

Warlord Samir Jaajaa reveals that he is ready to meet his arch enemy Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Former Lebanese PM Amine Hafez passes away. Hafez is remembered to be the ONLY PM who was a gentleman and honest.

Nearly three years after directly accusing Syria for the assassination of his Father, Al Wali Jumblat calls for a renewed relations with Syria. What a slime ball!

Warlord Samir Jaajaa hosted a private dinner for nearly 400 guests in his private mansion in Maarab to honor members of his Lebanese Forces who won the Parliamentary elections.

People are wondering where does Jaajaa get his money from to own such a super luxury residence and to pay for all the bodyguards he has gotten.

President Sleiman goes to Sharm El-Sheikh today.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lebanon commemorates the 3rd Anniversary of the vicious Israeli-Hezbolla bloodshed which resulted in destroying Lebanon's economy and infrastructure, to the emigration of thousands of Lebanese to foreign land and to the killing of thousands of innocent lives. Unfortunately today, nothing has changed in the Israeli-Hezbolla conflict.

A second small earthquake within a week's time shakes Southern Lebanon.

Lebanon awaits the designation of the new Ministers by the International Community.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Israeli Northern Front Military Chief of Staff has revealed that Hezbolla is increasing its arsenal.

The Jerusalem Post on its part sees a no way out without another confrontation between Israel and Hezbolla.

Car theft in Lebanon is on the rise.

The Lebanese American University Medical College takes over the operation and ownership of the Risk Hospital located in the Christian District of Ashrafieh in East Beirut.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Feudalism in Lebanon is stronger than ever and the People of Lebanon remain impartial to it.

Police has arrested Two men in connection with the recent forest arsons in Northern Lebanon.

17 year old Fatima Kanso ranks 1st in Lebanon's Experimental Science High School Official Tests. Fatima attends a Public School in Southern Lebanon. Congratulations Fatima. RAPIO

A minor earthquake hit Southern Lebanon last night.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Charles Aznavour conducts his last live concert in his life in Beiteddine as he bids goodbye to all his fans.

French Foreign Affairs Minister and Clown Kouchner gives Syria the green light to officially re-interfere in Lebanese internal affairs when he stated yesterday "Solving Lebanon's issues by ignoring Syria is an ignorance to the history of both countries".

With Statements like these, Lebanon will NEVER be FREE - RAPIO

The son of a French Security Officer was kidnapped in the Christian Sector of Badaro and released later on. Guess by Who !

Meanwhile, the Syrian Baath Regime kidnaps a Balestinian Journalist working for the Lebanese Daily As-Safir.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Lebanese Army Major is reported to have deserted to Israel after being suspected of working for the Israeli Intel. community.

The First professional Circus School has seen the light in Lebanon. I guess Founders of the school forgot that we have a Parliament!

French Foreign Affairs Minister Kouchner is scheduled to arrive to Lebanon. Kouchner is also expected to meet with Representatives of Hezbolla, if not with the Fuhrer himself.

Poland is reported to withdraw its contingent from UNIFIL by the end of 2009.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The King of Pop - Michael Jackson - is put to rest in an extraordinary memorial ceremony in California yesterday.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lebanon is seeing the highest growth of Hotel rooms' reservations in the Middle East.

PM Designate Saad Hriri is loosing Momentum over the appointment of the new cabinet as he awaits the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Syria to decide for him.

A local survey reveals that Hariri will not be able to form a government.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Heavy rain in the mountains of Lebanon puts some strains on the International Rally car racing which was easily taken by Lebanon.

High clergymen from both Shia Muslim Hezbolla and the Druze Muslim communities meet in the Chouf to iron out their differences.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Maronite Feudal Lords Sleiman Franjieh and Sami Gemayel meet for the first time in order to sort out their future territories after the fall of Christian Majority Leader Michel Aoun.

The meeting between the feudal lords is also seen as a weakening of Warlord Samir Jaajaa's power.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Christian Allies to PM Designate Hariri threaten to boycott the new government if he visits Damascus before the formation of the Cabinet.

The International Car Rally Race kicks off in Lebanon.

Paris Hilton arrived to Beirut on board an MEA flight from Dubai.

RAPIO wishes its U.S. Readers a Happy 4th of July.

Friday, July 3, 2009

ظاهرة بارود تخيف الطبقة الفاسدة
عشية تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة، يبدو وزير الداخلية زياد بارود المطمئن الوحيد إلى حفاظه على حقيبته.الأمر يغيظ كثيرون ويزعج من يوتره سماع الناس يتحدثون بحماسة عن هذا الوزير الشاب، لكن "ظاهرة بارود" تستحق التوقف عندها لثلاثة أسباب رئيسية تجعل منه أكثر من مجرد وزير عابر
خلافاً للمنطق اللبناني، لا يأتي بارود إلى السلطة لا بفضل انتمائه إلى حزب كرس شرعية وزارية بفضل السلاح، ولا بفضل ثرواته التي اشترت له نفوذاً يوفر بريستيج الوزارة، ولا بفضل انتمائه العائلي إلى إحدى العائلات - الثوابت في الحياة السياسية أو صداقته لأحد الزعماء. ورغم ذلك يبدو الرأي العام سعيداً بهذا الوزير، وكأن الرأي العام يقول من خلاله إنه يؤيد هكذا تجربة، ويؤيد الخروج من دائرة الطبقة السياسية المغلقة
مقارنة مع معظم الوزراء الآخرين، نجح بارود، دون أخذه الحسابات الانتخابية بعين الاعتبار، بتحقيق إنجازات في وزارته كإتمامه العملية الانتخابية في يوم واحد وإشراكه المجتمع المدني في إدارة هذه العملية وتوفيره هبات عينية تتخطى قيمتها السبعين مليار دولار لإنجاح الانتخابات (حبر، عازل، صناديق الاقتراع...). وتحقيقه بعض الخروقات الأمنية، وتوقيف المشتبه بهم دون مراعاة الحسابات السياسية. وموافقته على إلغاء القيد الطائفي إضافة إلى معالجته نحو 4000 من ملفات "إعطاء الجنسية لغير مستحقيها" السبعة آلاف. وقد فعل بارود مراعاة وزارة الداخلية والبلديات لحقوق الانسان محاولاً الموازنة بين هيبة قوى الأمن وإشعار الناس أن الوزارة تعنيهم. مع العلم أن الناس يلاحظون بعض التفاصيل الصغيرة كتراجع عدد التراخيص للزجاج القاتم، واهتمام بارود بالسجون، وإنشائه موقعاً إلكترونياً إنتخابياً يعرض القوائم الانتخابية ونتائج الانتخابات
ابتسامة بارود وكثرة حركته؛ فالناس ملوا من الوزارء الذين يطلون متجهمين، عابسين، يمنّنون الناس لمجرد قيامهم بواجبهم فيما تطمئن ابتسامة بارود المواطنين وتخفف المسافات بين الوزير والناس.ختاماً، يفترض بالزعماء التقليديين أن يتمعنوا قليلاً في "ظاهرة بارود"، ويستخلصوا العبر. فقد لا يكون لهذه الظاهرة نتائج انتخابية أو شعبية تؤثر عليهم نظراً لحدة الانقسام السياسي، لكن الأكيد أنها حين تعرف كيف تنسج علاقات مع ظواهر مشابهة ستؤثر كثيراً في صناعة رأي عام وصناعة مسؤولين.وربما هذا ما يجعل بعض السياسيين وبعض الإعلاميين يحقدون على بارود
Outgoing Minister of Energy Alain Taborian accuses outgoing PM Fouad Saniora for blocking all plans for the provision of electricity in the Lebanon on 24 hours basis - - - ! ! !

As-Safir Daily reports that PM designate Saad Hariri will rule Lebanon by a Saudi-Syrian agreement - - - ! ! !

The Christian Sheeps in Lebanon prepare themselves for the next generation of Cowboys to lead them after the breaking down of Minority Leader Michel Aoun.

The new set of Cowboys to lead the Christian Herds are: Sami Gemayel, Samir Jaajaa and Sleiman Franjieh.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

"We don't know anymore who is forming the new Government. Is it the U.S.? is it France? Is it Saudi Arabia? Is it Syria?" - Former PM and Minority Leader Michel Aoun.

The Lebanese Army claims to have arrested 21 of the perpetrators who took the streets of Muslim West Beirut earlier this week which resulted in the killing of one innocent lady. The question remains whether these thugs will have their weapons taken away and jailed or will the Judge come under political pressure to release them?

Fires continue to rage from the Chouf mountain to North Lebanon. Two people were caught and are charged with arson.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fires rage throughout Lebanon burning what is left of what we call "Green" starting from Jezzine to Ain Saadeh and Batroun.

Security sources reveal that more and more citizens are taking-up arms in Lebanon.

The Lebanese Police to receive more US Army Surplus Transport vehicles as if to say that Lebanon is now the dumping ground for used US Army trucks and Jeeps!

Palm Islands National Reserve opens for tourism today.

Meanwhile, travel agents are reporting hundreds of airline and hotel cancellations are taking place after the street fights that enraged Muslim West Beirut earlier this week.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Inhabitants of Muslim West Beirut are sick and tired from the armed militias which are ruling the Streets of their neighborhoods. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Both the US and Saudi Arabia are on the eve of restoring full relationships with Syria again as the Saudi King's son met at length with the Syrian Dic-tator Bashar to discuss the formation of the new Lebanese Cabinet under the leadership of Tycoon Saad Hariri. Nothing has changed and nothing will change: Lebanon will always be at the mercy of Others, generations to come. . .

In an unprecedented move, both Deputies and Historic foes Nadim Bashir Gemayel and Sleiman Tony Franjieh shook hands in front of the Parliament.

The Pope has confirmed that the Human remains found recently in the tomb of Disciple Saint Paul do belong to Him.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A precarious calm prevails in Muslim West Beirut following clashes between Hariri and Berri lackeys. As usual no one was arrested.

Al Wali Jumblat imposes his demands and conditions for joining the new cabinet on his long time ally and financier PM designate Saad Hariri.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

News Flash = Thugs belonging to PM designate Saad Hariri and others belonging to Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri are killing each other in Muslim West Beirut. As of this write-up, it is reported that at least 1 innocent woman is killed and 10 are injured.

As usual, the Lebanese Army is interfering to separate, only separate, the belligerent without taking any legal action against them or against their respective Masters.

As expected heavy machine gun fire adorned the Blue Skies of Lebanon upon the announcement of the selection of Saad Hariri as the Prime Minister designate.

Several people are reported wounded and properties in East and West Beirut were damaged due to stray bullets. Thank You Sheikh Saad for a good start.

Lebanese Diva Majida Al-Roumi receives an Honorary Doctorate from the American University of Beirut.

It is confirmed that Orthodox Christian Deputy Nayla Tueini is dating Sunni Muslim TV Host Malek Maktabi. The question that is being put forward is the following: Can Tueni remain a Deputy for the Orthodox Sect if she marries a Sunni fellow as by de-facto she too would become a Muslim?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

She is being resembled to Actress Kathleen Turner- 18 years old pure beauty Martine Andrawos has been crowned the New Miss Lebanon 2009 and rightfully so. Congratulations Martine!

Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri on his way to becoming the new Prime Minister designate.

Hariri met with his Arch-rival Hezbolla’s Fuhrer Dr. Hassan Nasroulla in a secret location for 4 hours. Reports indicate that the meeting was positive for Hezbolla since Hariri will not touch the subject of Hezbolla’s weapons should he become the next Prime Minister which is a 180 degree shift from his election campaign a month ago.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Musical Legend and Genius Michael Jackson is Dead.

Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri has been reselected by foes and allies to remain the Speaker of the new Parliament.

In order to become the next Prime Minister, Saad Hariri has instructed his Deputies to vote for Berri.

On their part, Christian Deputies in the Majority camp casted blank votes thus abstaining from voting for Berri.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

No real juicy News today except a small comment regarding the elections in Lebanon: Why is it that the People of Lebanon cannot live without having the same Feudal Families ruling them?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Christian Deputies in the Hariri Clan have decided to caste a blank vote against Eternal Speaker Nabih Berri sending him a message of dissatisfaction with his shutting down of the Parliament at whelm.

The Christian Deputies of Zahleh deserted their temporary Godfather Nicolas Fattoush by joining Warlord Samir Jaajaa Lebanese Forces parliamentary block.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

After lying to the World and denying of having any Lebanese Prisonners, Syria releases 31 Lebanese who have been held against their will in Syrian Terror Jails for years.

Outgoing Interior Minister and National Hero Ziad Baroud regrets not having any information about the kidnapped Engineer Joseph Sader who was taken away in Hezbolla Land near the Beirut Airport.

Both elected Deputies Tueiny and Tersarkissian refuse to join Samir Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces Block in the new Parliament.

Acting Speaker of the Parliament sets Thursday, June 25th 2009 to re-select Nabih Berri as the Eternal Speaker of the House of Deputies.

Es expected, Al Wali Jumblat is set to depart from the Majority Camp to join his fellow Syrian Agent Michel Murr in an Independent Block.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lebanon celebrates Music Day with celebration in most Westernised neighbourhoods.

Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri seems to have paved and paid his way to the Prime Ministership.

The Sunni Mufti Al-Jouzou comes to the defense and rescue of his fellow Chief Clergyman Maronite Patriarch Nasralla after being attacked by Shia Fuhrer Hassan Nasroulla.

A meeting is being prepared for Warlords and Arch foes Al Wali Junblat and Michel Aoun.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Both Byblos and Beiteddine International Festivals are on the role.

The Golden Murex has named Former Lebanese Minister Nayla Solh as Person of the Year.

Feudal Lord Amine Gemayel has finally came to the rescue of his Patriarch Sfeir against what Hezbolla's Fuhrer stated about Sfeir. Gemayel declared that Nasroulla's statement about Sfeir is the foundation of a new religious upheaval in the country.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Maronite Patriarch Nasralla Sfeir has turned a persona-non-grata in his recent visit to the Maronite heartland district of Byblos where he was greeted with offensive signs and slogans by the inhabitants.

An official divorce between the Minority and the Maronite Patriarch is eminent; thus consecrating the split among the Christians in general and the Maronites in particular and rendering them a very weak element in the next phase set to naturalize the Balestinians in the 10,452 km2.

The Ministry of Interior is now permitting Lebanese mothers to apply for citizenship for their children born to non-Lebanese fathers which till now, was not allowed. This is seen as the 1st step to give thousands of Balestinian kids of Lebanese mothers but Balestinian fathers the Lebanese citizenship.

A 3-hour top secret meeting was held last night between Hezbolla’s Fuhrer Dr. Hassan Nasroulla and Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh. Speculators predict that the former has briefed the latter about his meeting with Al-Wali Jumblat which would allow Jumblat to return back to the “Made in Syria” camp.

It is also said that Jumblat may have requested a meeting with his Lebanese arch-rival and Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Independent Observers wonder the reason why the traditional Maronite families did not defend their Patriarch Sfeir from Hezbolla's Fuhrer's accusations on him on national TV 48 hours ago.

Last night, a meeting took place between the old allies turned foes and perhaps again new allies Warlords Al Wali Jumblat and Hezbolla's Fuhrer Nasroulla.

Reports reveal that the purpose of this meeting was to re-open the door for Jumblat to return to the Made in Syria Umbrella.

Minister of Energy Tabourian lashes out at outgoing PM Saniora accusing him of ignoring the power plan the former had put forward in order to bring in 24 hour electricity to the people of Lebanon so that the Oil Mafia Cartel in the Lebanon can benefit more by monopolizing the source of energy.

Lebanon is hit by 20 cases of the Swine Flu.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Lebanese Justice released the Hezbolla man accused of shooting down a Lebanese Army Helicopter killing one Officer.

Feudal Lord Amin Gemayel has demanded guarantees that Hezbolla will not use its arsenal against fellow Lebanese as it did last year.

Gemayel also asked the Lebanese Army to draw a map showing where the Lebanese sovereignty is in Lebanon and where Hezbolla military sovereignty reigns since there are areas in the Lebanon where non-Hezbolla Lebanese are not allowed to enter.

Eternal Speaker and Warlord Nabih Berri is on his way to be re-selected as Speaker of the Parliament for the Nth time since no other Shia dares to run against him.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Lebanese Army disarms a car bomb placed near its checkpoint at the entrance of the Balestinian Terror Camp of Ain Helwoueh in Southern Lebanon.

Double Agent Michel Murr continues his onslaught against the Armenian Community in the Lebanon because they did not vote for him. Crying Baby...

Lebanese media sources reveal that an eminent meeting may be taking place between the two Maronite feudal foes Sleiman Franjieh and Samir Jaajaa.

Finally today, a Dutch social study shows that pretty girls make men act stupidly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lebanese Army General John Kahwaji reveals that the Army has captured and destroyed an Al-Qaeda Cell which was ready to undertake terror attacks in Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait.

Lebanon braces to receive nearly Two Million Tourists this Summer season.

Al-Wali Jumblat continues to scare the Lebanese. This time Jumblat is claiming that Israel is planning a regional war that would begin in Lebanon. Come-on Dude... Let the people breath a bit. Enough talk about wars and killing.

A wave of fires rages in Southern Lebanon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Newsweek Magazine reveals that Saudi Arabia has spent $715 Million US Dollars to ensure the reelection of the Majority in the Lebanon.

Israel is shocked by the unexpected meeting between Javier Solana and Hezbolla and the declaration of the former that the later is NOT a terrorist organization. Israel is now demanding an explanation from Europe over this new stand.

The Spirit of extreme extremism continues to prevail in the Iranian, Israeli and Balestinian politics.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Europe recognizes Hezbolla as an integral member of the Lebanese Political system and not as a Terror group. This declaration was announced by the European High Commissionaire for the Lebanon Javier Solana.

Fathi Yakan, Founder of the Lebanese Moslem Brotherhood group which terrorized the Christian Sector of Ashrafieh in Beirut 2 years ago is dead.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nearly six months after the start of 2009, the Lebanese Cabinet approves the 2009 budget ! And you voted them back in both Majority and Minority !

Both Maronite Christian President Michel Sleiman and Sunni Muslim Saad Hariri reject naturalizing the Balestinians in the Lebanon and both inisisted to US Special Envoy to the Middle East Senator George Mitchell that the Balestinians must all return home to Balestine, known today and 5000 years ago as Israel. The Balestinians in Lebanon will go back to Balestine when pigs start flying and when the Lebanese reject their feudal system.

Lebanon is expected to see a high influx of tourism this summer.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Flash News = A technical problem prevented a 200gr bomb letter from blowing-up as it was delivered to the Lebanese General Security Services, equivalent to the FBI in the USA. The bomb was diffused and is seen to be a direct message from the Mossad against the Lebanese Security Agency after the later has succeeded in arresting dozens of Israeli spies and agents working in the Lebanon in the past few weeks.

Cardinal Sfeir states publicly that had the Minority won the elections, we would be governed by Syria and Iran today.

High tension prevails in the Southern Sunni Muslim city of Saida where the daughter of mini Feudal Lord Ossama Saad has been attacked by certain thugs.

The Parliamentary Block headed by Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun has reached 27 members, making it the second most powerful body within the Lebanese Parliament after the Hariri March 14 alliance.

It is reported that Syrian proxy Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh is setting-up a new residence in Baabda to be closer to the action.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lebanese Forces Warlord Samir Jaajaa is said to be targeted by the Israeli Mossad: Believe it or not! This news has been reported by Jaajaa's deputy Antoine Zahra to the Al-Akhbar Daily.

Other sources even report that in addition to Jaajaa, Saad Hariri and for some reason Fares Boueiz are also targeted by Israel.

Most signs indicate that Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri is headed to become the next Prime Minister.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun is demanding 7 Ministers in the new cabinet if it is comprised of 30 members.

What sort of a country and leaders do we have:

After having voted for Sleiman over a year ago, today Aoun questions President Michel Sleiman if he has any National Program for the country so that he can support him.

On his part Saad Hariri and after attacking the military arsenal of Hezbolla during the election campaign, has declared that he supports the weapons of Hezbolla ! ! !