Monday, August 3, 2009

The Italian Press reports that the Iranian airliner which blew-up recently was carrying weapons bound for Hezbolla via Armenia, Turkey, Syria and then into the Lebanon.

As expected, once considered the Majority Leader in Lebanon after the "Cedar Revolution", Al Wali Jumblat has officially announced his return to the Syrian leftist arena.

Jumblat in a congress for his Druze Party announced that his alliance with the West was a mistake and it is best he returned to the Syrian Arabist Camp which in his own words had assassinated his own father, the late Kamal Jumblat.

Jumblat's split with the Majority could tilt the Majority in favor of the current Minority.

Al Mustakbal Movement of Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri has thrown very harsh words at the Judas like newest action of Jumblat.