Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lebanese Forces Warlord Samir Jaajaa is said to be targeted by the Israeli Mossad: Believe it or not! This news has been reported by Jaajaa's deputy Antoine Zahra to the Al-Akhbar Daily.

Other sources even report that in addition to Jaajaa, Saad Hariri and for some reason Fares Boueiz are also targeted by Israel.

Most signs indicate that Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri is headed to become the next Prime Minister.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun is demanding 7 Ministers in the new cabinet if it is comprised of 30 members.

What sort of a country and leaders do we have:

After having voted for Sleiman over a year ago, today Aoun questions President Michel Sleiman if he has any National Program for the country so that he can support him.

On his part Saad Hariri and after attacking the military arsenal of Hezbolla during the election campaign, has declared that he supports the weapons of Hezbolla ! ! !