Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadan Kareem
RAPIO will be taking its annual break and will be back on-line on September 11, 2009.
God Bless Lebanon

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Was Bashir Gemayel correct?
Many Observers in the Christian Camp are questioning the wisdom and intelligence of all the current so-called Christian Leaders in the Lebanon. They are all talking different languages and are all refusing to unite in order to remain a strong entity as the last bastion of Christianity in the Middle East and the Arab World.
Whether you liked him or hated him, the question remains the same: Was Bashir Gemayel right when he ordered the "unification of the gun" which unfortunately initially resulted in dozens of Christians killed from the various splinter groups and militias that were ruling the Christians at the time; but the long term effect of this decision led to a successful end-result in a strong Christian community which was capable to resist and deter simultaneously the 2nd most powerful Arab Army (of Syria) along with the most powerful Terrorist group, the PLO; both supported by the World community?
Today, in the land of the 10,452 km2 the Christians exist only on paper and perhaps even on temporary basis only. They have no effect on the outcome and decisions of the country any longer as they once had at the time when Camile Chamoun, Fouad Chehab and Bashir Gemayel were President due to their continuous bickering and division which by the way are blessed by their religious leaders and governed by the petro-dollar.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eight Islamist Terrorists fled from the high security Roumieh Prison yesterday. 7 were captured immediately while their leader, a Syrian called Taha Sleiman, managed to escape but was captured by the Lebanese Army around noon time today.

As a result, Lebanon National Hero and Minister of Interior Ziad Baroud, in an unprecedented measure by a Lebanese politician, has dismissed as many as 300 policemen and 60 officers from their duties for either lack of performance or for facilitating the exit of the terrorists from the jail. Wlak Rooh Ya Abo Baydatt (In English this translates into "He's got balls")

It is reported that the Lebanese Army Intelligence did warn the Prison officials of this incident 3 days before it actually took place but no preventive actions were apparently taken by the Warden.

Israel, the US, Egypt and Saudi Arabia do not want Hezbolla to be represented in the Hariri Cabinet in order to facilitate any potential Israeli attack on Hezbolla and on the rest of Lebanon.

Independent Observers noticed that the real Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon is NOT the officially appointed Diplomat but Druze feudal lord Wiam Wahhab who has been acting as Damascus's coordinator and spokesman in the Lebanon.

Meanwhile and for some unknown tactics, Druze warlord Al Wali YoYo Jumblat decided to maintain a political silence till after Ramadan.

Has anyone seen or heard from PM designate Saad Hariri?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lebanese Interior Minister, Ziad Broud who is the ONLY clean Politician in Lebanon's history is under fire by his fellow Mafia politicians to quit his position.

Independent Observers see a clear failure in Saad Hariri's attempt to form a coalition government after 52 days (and counting) of his appointment.

Military sources reveal that the internet station that was dismantled recently in the Druze mountain of Barouk was erected under the supervision of an Israeli Officer back in 2006. The station was also used for eavesdropping on the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of Defense.

Medical sources reveal that the Health Care Mafia in Lebanon, namely the Class A Hospitals and Clinics have refused to admit Lebanese Patients in order to make room for Patients from the rich Arab Gulf countries.

Lebanon reports its 500th case of the H1N1 virus.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A major schism has surfaced between Maronite Michel Aoun and his Druze ally Talal Arslan who could be replaced by YoYo Jumblat as the new ally of Aoun within the Druze community !

PM Designate Saad Hariri is setting a dinner for one of his arch rivals Michel Aoun ! Will it take place? Who cares?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lebanon looses 68-72 against China in the Asia Basket-Ball Championship.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lebanon has won the Asian countries semi-final Basket-Ball Championship in China by beating South Korea 88 - 65. The Cedar Team will face the Chinese Team for the Championship today.

As expected from him, Hezbolla's Fuhrer Hassan Nasroulla has issued a counter-threat to Israel to bombard Tel-Aviv in the event Israel bombs Beirut and the Hezbolla Ghetto of the Southern Suburbs of Beirut.

YoYo Jumblat dispatches his heir Taymour to the 3rd Anniversary ceremony of the Israeli-Hezbolla War of Attrition which was held yesterday. It is extremely rare that YoYo sends his son into the Public eye.

Meanwhile, YoYo has received warnings from Intel sources that he has become target of assassination anew.

Everyone in Lebanon and outside of Lebanon seem to be very happy with the turn of events by the fact that Yoyo is back on the Syrian Baath track; everyone, except the Majority in the Lebanon which has supposedly won the so-called "Democratic Elections".

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Kuwaiti Press reports of a potential new war of attrition between Israel and Hezbolla in 2010. As usual, the people of Lebanon will be the only losers in the presence of an absent minded Lebanese government to protect them from the axis of evil raging their wars on Lebanese territories.

Independent Observers note the following scenario: Samir Jaajaa and Walid Jumblat fight over which one of the two must take control over the Ministry of Public Works. As a result, Jumblat gets pissed at his Christian allies and decides to stab Saad Hariri and the March 14th Movement in the back. Saad Hariri, who is the PM designate, leaves Lebanon to protest Jumblat's behavior. Samir Jaajaa maintains a deep silence as a tactic to see if he will get the Ministry of Public Works or will it be given to his new-old enemy Walid Jumblat. As a result of this, the new cabinet is not formed after 45 days of appointing Saad Hariri. Yet, everyone blames Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun for the delay in the formation of the government. Who in hell is handling Michel Aoun's media and public relations?

JUMBLAT Sings Frank Sinatra “MY WAY”

And now, Hassan is near;

And so I face the Hizballah curtain.
My friend, May 7 made it clear,
They’ll kill my ass, of which Its certain.

Ive lied a lie thats full.
Ive traveled each and every damascus highway;
As a whore, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets, Ive had a few;
But then after May 7, I will not mention.
I did what HA said I had to do
And screwed my friends without exemption.

I switched each charted course;
Each backward step along the damascus highway,
As a Whore , and much more than this,
I fucked them my way.

Yes, there was that time ,
Im sure you knewWhen HA wanted to kill me like the Jew.
But when they called, I had no doubt,
I ate some shit and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And flipflopped my way.

Ive robbed, Ive laughed and lied.
Ive had my fill; my share of fooling.
And now, as I switch sides,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say – not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I flipflopped my way.

For what is a man, what is a Jumblatt?
If not to save his ass, then he was bought.
To say the things he never truly feels;
And always be the one who kneels.
The record shows I learned to blow -
And did it my way!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The body of Abdallah Ghandour, President of the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has been found in Batroun yesterday.

The Police has arrested one of the assassins called Mohammad Dahni while his accomplice fled to Syria.

A high ranking US Military delegation has visited Syria for the 3rd time this summer. One of the reasons for these visits is to probe the Syrian delivery of weapons to Hezbolla as claimed by Israel.

Lebanese Banks are set to reduce interest rates on all currencies.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All Lebanese Politicians on the payroll of Western Intelligence Agencies appear to be reshuffling their political stand. After the 180 degrees pull of Operative YoYo Jumblat away from Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri, sources report that Operative Nabih Berri is also seriously considering breaking away his ties with Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

On the eve of the 3rd anniversary if the Israeli-Hezbolla War of Summer 2006, the Lebanese are bracing themselves to avoid another destructive war which seems to be under preparation by Iran, the U.S., Syria, Hezbolla and the Israelis.

Once Again R A P I O confirms that " It is the Shia Way or No Way!".

The whereabouts of both Lebanese citizens, Joseph Sader and Abdallah Ghandour, who disappeared without leaving any trace, remain unknown.

By the way, renegade YoYo Jumblat and his ex-financier Saad Hariri met last night. Who bloody cares!

After undergoing medical and race track tests, Formula 1 legend Michael Schumakher will not be able to race due to a neck injury he had suffered during his career before he retired. Schumi was supposed to replace Philippe Mazza at Ferrari.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

High military tension is reported on the Lebanese Israeli border due to the introduction of new self-propelled anti-air SAM-8 missiles and an upgraded version of the Iranian ground-ground Fateh-110 missile, whose warhead carries half a ton of explosives with a 200-kilometer range, capable of reaching Tel-Aviv. Israel has issued the absent minded Lebanese Government a 2nd WARNING.

The dismantling of the Israeli based internet station in the Barouq mountain near the town of Jezzine less than 48 hours ago led to pinpointing the Owner of the relay station as one Kareem Hamadeh, son of Lebanese Minister Marwan Hamadeh who is one of Al-Wali Jumblat's henchmen.

Israeli Intel Sources reveal that the latest arrests of the Israeli Spy rings in the Lebanon were made possible due to the involvement of Russian counter-intelligence Officers from the elite agency of the Federal Security Service - FSB and NOT thanks to French high-tech equipment as reported earlier.

The 200 members of the remaining Jewish Community in Lebanon have initiated the renovation of their Synagogue in Beirut. It should be noted that the Israelites in Lebanon, as they are also referred to, have 2 other Synagogues located in the Druze Chouf heartland of Aley and Deir Qamar. The cost of the renovation of the Beirut temple is expected to exceed US $2 Million.

The Offices of the Lebanese LBC-TV station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were shut down due to the Sex scandal within the Saudi Society which was broadcasted in Lebanon few weeks ago. The pro-Western Saudi Authorities have cracked down on "Freedom of Expression" as LBC-TV aired a show about a Saudi Dude who admitted on the air having sex with a married woman when he was a teenager. The Saudi Romeo is facing the Death Penalty by the US closest ally in the Arab World simply because he publicly divulged the story of his teenage years.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Clashes are reported between Lebanese and Syrian Farmers in the Lebanese Beqaa town of Irssal. 2 Lebanese are reportedly killed by the Syrians while the Lebanese Special Forces, Al-Fuhood, deployed to the area are simply watching.

The Lebanese Army has dismantled an Internet station receiving its signals from Israel. The station was located in the Chouf and was under protection by Politicians loyal to Warlords Jumblat.

The Lebanese Forces deny accusations by Syrian Agent Wiam Wahhab that they are running covert security cells within Lebanon.

Flags of the Lebanese Forces in the region controlled by Mr. YoYo Jumblat are being removed from public eyes.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces decided not to make any comments on Mr. YoYo Jumblat's on-going rotating politics.

The remaining Majority coalition is in disarray and no longer agrees with the formation of a new government with Mr. YoYo on its side.

Meanwhile, Majority Tycoon and PM Designate Saad Hariri has vanished from Lebanon few days ago and seems to be . . . On Strike! Hariri is reportedly shocked by the sudden 180 degree shift in Jumblat's Tsunamic poisonous tactics.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Abdallah Ghandour, President of the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce and Industry is gone missing without any trace.

Syrian Agent in Lebanon Wiam Wahhab reveals that Deputy Sami Amine Gemayel has escaped an assassination attempt by a Suicide Bomber recently. Wahhab also issued a warning to the young Gemayel not to think about dividing the 10,452km2.

"I Miss Damascus" - Mr. YoYo Jumblat.

The Kuwaiti Daily Al-Watan reveals that Mr. YoYo Jumblat has received US $100 Million from Saudi Arabia to return back to the March 14th Movement. 5 of Jumblat's Deputies from various sects, including Druze Deputy Marwan Hamadeh, have threatened to leave his Parliamentary Block in the event Mr. YoYo returns to the Syrian Camp.

Acting under directives from his Masters in Syria and Iran, Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun welcomes the switch of Mr. YoYo Jumblat into the Baath Axis.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Question: Where does Jumblat stand TODAY?
Answer: Don't even try to think about it . . . Because by the time you answer, Jumblat would have changed again . . .

During a Live TV interview Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh revealed that the Plan to Naturalize the Balestinians in Lebanon is set to go and warned that it may very well be at the expense of the divided Christian community.

Sleiman stated on LBC-TV that all it takes to eliminate the Christian Vote permanently in Lebanon is to locate 5,000 of the would-be naturalized Balestinian in each of the few remaining Christian Districts of Kesrrouan, Zghorta, Metn and Ashrafieh.

British and Lebanese Archaeologists discover new ruins dating from the BC Canaanite Era in the city of Saida.

Interior Minister and National Hero Ziad Baroud announces that he will protect all traffic policemen who come under pressure by anyone while on duty.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tsunami Jumblat is now dubbed "Mr. Yo Yo". Less than 48 hours of his announcement that he left the Majority, Jumblat has reneged on his statement and is back with the Hariri Clan. It remains to be seen how will the Syrian camp in Lebanon accept this on-going shifting in Jumblat's policy and allegiance.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Both Majority Chieftains Samir Jaajaa and PM designate Saad Hariri left the country taking their respective annual vacations amidst the political turmoil left behind by Mr. Tsunami Al-Wali Jumblat.

In Australia, Police has arrested several Lebanese would-be suicide bombers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Jumblat Tsunami continues to bring more reactions, namely from the Hariri Clan and Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces.

Jumblat in Syria this week as he decided to rejoin the Baath Party which, in his own words, killed his father.

As seen by Observers, Jumblat could be spearheading a new parliamentary block which is independent from both the Majority and Minority. This new block, would be set to support President Michel Sleiman and could include Jumblat's fellow chameleon and intelligence agent Michel Murr, the Armenian Tashnag Party and other Politicians.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Italian Press reports that the Iranian airliner which blew-up recently was carrying weapons bound for Hezbolla via Armenia, Turkey, Syria and then into the Lebanon.

As expected, once considered the Majority Leader in Lebanon after the "Cedar Revolution", Al Wali Jumblat has officially announced his return to the Syrian leftist arena.

Jumblat in a congress for his Druze Party announced that his alliance with the West was a mistake and it is best he returned to the Syrian Arabist Camp which in his own words had assassinated his own father, the late Kamal Jumblat.

Jumblat's split with the Majority could tilt the Majority in favor of the current Minority.

Al Mustakbal Movement of Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri has thrown very harsh words at the Judas like newest action of Jumblat.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Joke du Jour: Yesterday, the Lebanese Army Day official ceremony was celebrated in the presence of not one but TWO Prime Ministers; the outgoing and the designated (not confirmed) Dudes.

One cancer patient is confirmed to be the 1st to die in Lebanon from the H1N1 (Swine) virus.

The Kataeb Party calls its ally and Warlord Samir Jaajaa as not telling the real truth about the assassination of Feudal Lord Tony Franjieh during the war years in Lebanon.

Lebanese Forces Minister of Tourism used his immunity to retrieve encircled Journalist Ghada Eid from the N-TV building and led her to freedom by using his Governmental Car in order to avoid her arrest by the Judicial Police.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ghada Eid is the latest Journalist in Lebanon to be forced to go to jail for her TV talk show entitled "Corruption". Ms. Eid's show is dedicated to fighting corruption in the Lebanon namely by the Lebanese Politicians.

Overnight, the Lebanese Judicial Police surrounded the TV station where she works and it is not clear if she has been taken into custody yet or not. Long Live Lebanon!!!

Why do the Lebanese continue to concern themselves with the on-going political changes of Al-Wali Jumblat. The Dude should be ignored completely. Neither his allies or foes can understand how he keeps changing from one camp to another but yet, they both want him on their sides. Strange!

As Safir daily reports that Aoun demanded from Hariri to have power control over either the Ministry of Finance or the Interior. Both were rejected by Hariri.

Iran issued a call to all Arab countries to send Muslim volunteers to Lebanon to fight Israel when the next war is launched on Lebanon!

Independent Observers notice that Aoun is being encircled politically, even by his own allies.

It is a known fact that no traditional politician, feudal lord or warlord in Lebanon wants to fight corruption like Aoun does and as such, no one wants him to remain so powerful and popular.

See CNN's report on the transformation of Lebanon from No Man's Land to The Best Party Land: