Reuters News Agency confirms 3 cases of the Swine Flu in the Lebanon. One asks: How can a foreign news agency reveal such information while the Lebanese Government is absent minded about it and did not inform the Public about this crucial health care issue? Next question: Is the Lebanese Government planning to do anything to prevent more cases from entering the country via the Airport or Syria?
Independent Observers note that ALL the Israeli Spy cells which have been exposed so far in the Lebanon were established by the Israeli Mossad, Sayeret Matkal, Aman and Shin Bet during the years of the Syrian Occupation of the 10,452km2.
BE INDEPENDENT - BE FREE - VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE > TIME FOR A REAL CHANGE > Both 8 AND 14 March Leaderships will take the Lebanese People to Hell if we, The People, continue supporting such mentality of aggression and feudalism, be it political or religious feudalism. More armed clashes are reported within the Christian areas of the 10,452km2.
At least 6 people are reported wounded, including 2 Special Forces Lebanese soldiers when clashes erupted between thugs belonging to Michel Aoun and others belonging to Mini-Feudal Lord Emil Nawfal in the City of Byblos.
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has intercepted a WANTED Balestinian Bomb Expert who fled recently to Lebanon and is in a hiding place for the time being. Welcome to Lebanon Ya FBI...