History repeats itself:
The 3rd Reich = Nazi Germany - 1939
The 3rd Republic = Hezbolla Lebanon - 2009
Armed with today's strongest Militia in the World, Hezbolla’s Fuhrer Dr. Hassan Nasroulla continues his charismatic threats to any Lebanese who does not agree with his doctrine; exactly what Adolf Hitler did in Europe.
A new Lebanese flag is being portrayed in Lebanon showing the Hezbolla’s Logo replacing the Cedar as the symbol of the 10,452km2. It is the Shia Way or NO WAY!
Heavy fighting is reported in the Balestinian Camp of Shatila in West Beirut between Al-Qaeda and pro-Syrian armed elements.
U.S. VP Joseph Biden informs his so-called Lebanese Allies in the Majority that the U.S. will drop its support to them (This won’t be the first time the US turns its back on its Allies in the World) and will stop its supplies of USED and Surplus Army trucks and troops carriers to the Lebanese Army if a Hezbolla led coalition wins the June 09 elections.
It is expected that Lebanon will encounter the highest number of Media coverage in the World News between June 6 and June 8, 2009.
Should Hezbolla win with a Landslide, Lebanon can become a 2nd Hamassesstan subject to blind, and uncontrolled bombardment by Israel blessed by the West, similar to what is happening in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip after Hamas had won the elections in Balestine.
A new restaurant was inaugurated in the Beirut Southern Suburbs of Hezbolla-Land named after Venezuelan Dic-tator and Hezbolla’s Advocate “HUGO CHAVES”.
For more details and photos, click on http://www.embavenelibano.com/v000269a.html
and scroll down.