NEWS FLASH = On the 34th Anniversary of the Lebanese-Balestinian War, today four Lebanese Army Soldiers are shot dead and an Officer is severely injured when their Jeep was ambushed by Drug Dealers in the Hezbolla Land near the Beqaa City of Baalbeck.
As of 9:00pm Beirut time, the Lebanese Army has surrounded certain neighbourhoods in Baalbeck in a house to house search for the known assailants and machine gun fire is heard in the City.
Like today on April 13, 1975 Lebanon's identity started to shift when the Balestinians aided by the certain Arab countries, the United States and England tried to take over the 10,452km2. Today, after 34 years, the question remains the same: Has anything changed?
Al-Wali Jumblat continues to distance himself from the Majority in general and the Hariri Clan in particular.
Jumblat said in a live TV interview that he was half joking when he advocated a change in the Syrian Regime!!! So, when is it that Jumblat is telling the truth and when is it that he is NOT joking? Long Live the Beik ! ! !