Question: On the 3rd Anniversary of the Cedars Revolution; How many Syrians does it take to screw-up Lebanon?
Answer: One = As long as there are Lebanese who prefer to co-exist with a Syrian rather than their fellow Lebanese… R A P I O
The most popular next Prime-Minister Leila Solh met with Pope Benedictus XVI in the Vatican.
US Secretary of State Conda Rice meets Lebanese Eternal Militia Warlord (or is it Lord of the War?) Samir Jaajaa in Washington, DC.
Long time Syrian Agent Michel Murr breaks away from the Parliamentary Coalition of Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun as Aoun.
8 US Universities have now joined Trinity College in Washington, DC in introducing a scholastic program to award college degrees in “Intelligence Work”. Trinity was the pioneer to start such a program nearly 3 years ago. Students learn the craft and analysis work of the Intel world. They are sent to foreign countries to practice their skills unofficially and then they would decide whether they wish to graduate with a degree in Intelligence and / or join one of the dozens of the Intel agencies in the USA.
The body of Kaldean Bishop Herro of Moussel, Iraq was found recently.
Answer: One = As long as there are Lebanese who prefer to co-exist with a Syrian rather than their fellow Lebanese… R A P I O
The most popular next Prime-Minister Leila Solh met with Pope Benedictus XVI in the Vatican.
US Secretary of State Conda Rice meets Lebanese Eternal Militia Warlord (or is it Lord of the War?) Samir Jaajaa in Washington, DC.
Long time Syrian Agent Michel Murr breaks away from the Parliamentary Coalition of Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun as Aoun.
8 US Universities have now joined Trinity College in Washington, DC in introducing a scholastic program to award college degrees in “Intelligence Work”. Trinity was the pioneer to start such a program nearly 3 years ago. Students learn the craft and analysis work of the Intel world. They are sent to foreign countries to practice their skills unofficially and then they would decide whether they wish to graduate with a degree in Intelligence and / or join one of the dozens of the Intel agencies in the USA.
The body of Kaldean Bishop Herro of Moussel, Iraq was found recently.