Friday, March 28, 2008

News Flash = PM Fouad Saniora addresses the Arab Dictators via live Television from Beirut. Saniora openly accuses Syria for interfering in Lebanon's internal affairs. During his speech thugs belonging to God knows which mafioso poured the night sky of Beirut with machine gun fire... Just at the end of the speech, several news media, televisions and wire services went off the air for reasons that shall remain unknown.

The Lebanese Police pulls back its blockade on showing Oscar Winning Anti-Iranian film Persepolis in Lebanon.

Also as of today, Lebanon is still the only country in the world (besides Saudi Arabia where there are no movie theaters) not to allow Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code.

The Arab Summit starts its story telling today and Syria’s Bashar Assad is expected to address his fellow Arab Dictators a very sharp speech tomorrow.

Last night the Citizens of Dubai were hardly able to breathe due to the heavy smoke that is still pounding the Emirate following the massive explosion that took place earlier this week in a fire works warehouse.