Wednesday, January 7, 2009

R A P I O calls on Maronite Patriarch Sfeir to apologize to the Lebanese People for his yesterday's public statement whereby he indicated that the Lebanese did not suffer as much as the Balestinians and Iraqis.

Sfeir's mental affair made him forget the mass killings and massacres of the Lebanese People for nearly 15 years as they suffered at the hand of the Israelis in the South and at the hand of the Balestinians in Damour, Beit Mellat and Beirut and let us NOT forget Mr. Patriarch the massive rocket shelling of residential neighbourhoods in Beirut, Tripoli and Zahleh by the Syrian Armed Forces.

Surely Bkerkeh was spared from these killing fields by the Foreign Invaders but the People of Lebanon have and are still suffering from lack of long term political and religious visions.