Saturday, January 31, 2009

Egypt publicly announces that Hezbolla Chieftain Dr. Hassan Nasroulla gets his orders directly from Iran.

Egypt also reveals that its intelligence apparatus has put its hands on a Hezbolla Cell operating in the Sinai desert under the command of a Lebanese Citizen. Ya Habibi . . .

Nasroulla's accusations of Warlord Samir Jaajaa are backfiring against Michel Aoun, the Minority Leader and Jaajaa's arch political foe within the Christian ghetto.

RAPIO supports Deputy Messbah Ahdab for Parliament. Ahdab is currently a Sunni Muslim Deputy from the Northern City of Tripoli. Ahdab speaks his mind and is not corrupt.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Instead of demanding the release of Lebanese Prisoners from Syrian Jails, Hezbolla's Chieftain Dr. Hassan Nasroulla is now crying for the whereabouts of some 4 Iranian Intel Officers who disappeared in the Lebanon during the years of war. Come-on Man... Think Lebanese first for once in your life. Work for the release of fellow Lebanese Citizens held hostage by your allies in Syria before you scream, threaten and shout looking for dead bodies in order to satisfy your Masters in Iran.

Lebanese Banks register an all time high of 91.8 Billion US Dollars in Deposits during the past 11 months.

Very high tension is reported between various Balestinian Terror groups inside the Balestinian Terror Camps in Southern Lebanon. These tensions are clearly instigated by Syria in order to deviate all attentions from shutting down Balestinian terror tunnels and disarming Balestinians loyal to the Syrian Baath regime throughout the 10,452km2.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

France withdraws its Naval Force from UNIFIL.

Police and Interpol reports reveal that last year's shooting of Lebanese Folk dancers and singers in Amman, Jordan has been traced back to Al-Qaeda operatives.

Syrian Dick-tator Bashar Assad confirms to Lebanese Minister of Defense Elias Murr that Syrian Elite troops are deployed in Northern Lebanon for a specific mission!

A message from RAPIO - - - Remember in your Prayers the Lebanese Political Prisoners held hostage in Syrian Jails... some for over 20 years now.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The FARM we call LEBANON.

As the People of Lebanon struggle to make ends meat, her Politicians are having no problem whatsoever to continue their bickering over how to slice the Treasury pie.

As the Parliamentary elections time progresses, RAPIO will be naming the Candidates for the 10,452km2. The Publisher of RAPIO strongly believe that these Candidates can really bring a change to the country away from the traditional political and religious feudalism that has been reigning the Lebanon for Centuries. Let us hope they succeed.

Massoud Ashkar, aka Pussy, is the First such Candidate supported by RAPIO. Ashkar has announced its candidature for a seat in the Ashrafieh Christian Sector of Beirut.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Majority calls for a massive demonstration on February 14 to commemorate the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and other Lebanese.

Syrian Dick-tator Bashar Assad continues to interfere in Lebanese internal affairs by renewing his threats against the Majority by accusing them of depending on the West to achieve their goals.

Former Presidential Candidate Boutros Harb calls for the creation of National Guards to protect the Lebanese Borders, to abolish the military arm of Hezbolla, to allow the Hezbolla militia to integrate with the Lebanese Army and National Guards.

Hezbolla, as expected, rejects Harb's call as Hezbolla expects the Lebanese Army and all of the People of Lebanon to be integrated within its ranks to fight the Israeli and American demons till Apocalypse Day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just in = Special Internal Security Elite Forces (Al-Fuhood) launched a successful surprise offensive to re-take control of the Qobbeh Prison.

"You are either with us or against us" _ Michel Aoun & George W. Bush

Convicts have taken over the Qobbeh Prison in the Northern City of Tripoli. Reports indicate that 2 Policemen are held hostage and the top floor has been set on fire.

Fighting is reported overnight in the Beqaa Town of Bar Elias between thugs of Feudal Lord Saad Hariri and Syrian Agent Abdel Rahim Mrad.

A new round of the so-called Round Table grouping the Master Warlords and Feudal Lords in Lebanon to be held at the Presidential Palace of Baabda. What on earth for?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Both Warlords Al-Wali Jumblat and his colleague Nabih Berri are demanding from the Lebanese Government (i.e. Lebanese Tax Payer) 60 Billion Lebanese Pounds to support their respective electoral campaign.

President Michel Sleiman indirectly tells Syrian Agent and Chameleon Michel Murr that he (Sleiman) did not ask him (Murr) to talk or act on his behalf.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Lebanese Government blocks the viewing of Oscar nominee "Waltz With Bashir" in Lebanese cinemas.

Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh launches a media offensive against President Michel Sleiman via a live interview on Hezbolla's private TV Station. Franjieh accuses Sleiman of being too neutral and that a President must take a stand.

It is revealed that the last 2 Nuns who left the Marjayoun Government Hospital as Administrators did so under pressure from Hezbolla who wants to have full control over the institution.

The Lebanese Government is set to enlarge the capacities of the Beirut Port.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lebanese English language Daily "The Daily Star" has been shut down after declaring bankruptcy.

Developer NOOR International Holdings plans to create a massive land reclamation Project off the shores of Lebanon in the shape of a Lebanese Cedar Tree to copy similar developments in the form of Palm Trees in the Emirate of Dubai.

US President Obama appoints American-Lebanese Senator Mitchell as his Special Envoy to the Middle East.

Once arch enemies turned allies Warlord Michel Aoun and Feudal Lord Michel Murr are fighting again and calling each other names. Meanwhile, their respective blind Supporters are ready to die to protect them. What a shame.

Lebanese Minister of Defense Elias Murr is set to meet with Syrian intelligence officers next week in order to prepare for a nice and juicy screw-up for his Daddy's newly found rival Michel Aoun.

More anti-Christian slogans are found inside of churches near Batroun and Aamcheet areas. A suspect, whose name has been kept unanimous, has been arrested last night.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jumblat and Hezbolla kiss and make-up at the expense of Michel Aoun who may end-up dumped by Hezbolla at the next parliamentary elections.

A Sudanese hoaxer caused the US Consulate in Dubai to shut down when he called in with a bomb threat. The joker was arrested yesterday.

Saudi-Lebanese Billionaire Prince Al-Waleed reveals that his global Kingdom Holdings is re-organizing its assets.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Worshippers of churches in the Haret Hreik and Hadath Areas were shocked to see Photos of Hezbolla's Chieftain Dr. Hassan Nasroulla placed next to photos of Saints inside their Churches!

As Minority Leader Michel Aoun is reaching his old age, both his rivals and allies are scrambling to plan for the post-Aoun Era namely in the Christian community.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barrack Hussein Obama makes history today when he is sworn in as the 44th US President, the 1st Black Leader of the Free World and the 1st of a Muslim Father.

Lebanese Journalist Hala Murr is severely beaten-up and robbed in front of her house in the Christian suburb of Jal Deeb at 8:30 last night.

In Kuwait, the Egyptian, Qatari Saudi and Syrian Dictators kiss and make up. Hopefully next, the Lebanese "Warlords and Feudal Lord" will to do the same for the sake of the 10,452km2.

Monday, January 19, 2009

President Michel Sleiman who arrived to Kuwait for yet another Arab Summit, was not invited to attend the Sharm El-Sheikh Conference held yesterday.

More confrontations took place at Awkar near the US Embassy between the Lebanese Police and pro-Syrio Balestinian movements.

It is official: Sunni Money monger Mohamad Safadi splits ranks from his Master Feudal Lord Saad Hariri.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Lebanese Politicians through their respectively owned media, continue to brainwash the People of Lebanon to become more and more radicalists.

UN Secretary General Ban Ke-moon addresses the Lebanese Parliament and warns the Lebanese of the deteriorating situation in Southern Lebanon.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lebanon bids goodbye to Mansour Rahbani.

The brainwashing of the Lebanese to support Hamas and Gaza is continuing in order to get them to forget all the massacres perpetrated against them (the Lebanese) by the Balestinians since 1975.

Pro-Balestinian demonstrators in front of the US Embassy in Awkar chant slogans against Lebanese President Sleiman.

President Michel Sleiman has finally decided to join the Arab Leaders' Conference on Gaza in Qatar yesterday.

Lebanon rejects the Qatar Conference decision calling for the interruption of the on-going peace talks with Israel.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A major and obvious schism is reported between Sami Amine Gemayel and Samir Jaajaa in the Christian District of Batroun.

Pro-Syrian forces in the Lebanon are pressuring Lebanese President Michel Sleiman to attend the Doha Arab Summit in support of Gaza. Sleiman who actually arrived to the Qatari capital is refusing to attend the conference which will lead nowhere anyways.

The Lebanese Army and the UNIFIL are in a state of disarray over the various missiles being launched from Southern Lebanon into Israel.

In a recent survey conducted by the Aounists media, 46% of those who were asked said that the Balestinians were behind the rocket attacks from Lebanon on Israel. 26% said that Israeli Agents are behind such attacks in order to give Israel an excuse to attack Lebanon. 11% blamed Hezbolla for the attacks and 10% said that Al-Qaeda is responsible. 7% had no opinion.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Lebanese Army reinforces its defensive positions in Southern Lebanon by deploying fresh units of its Special Forces in order to face both enemies: Balestinian Terrorists and the Israeli Army. . .

Ironically, the US Embassy announced earlier this week that some 72 troops carriers have arrived to the Port of Beirut from the USA as if these trucks can be used as sophisticated and high-tech weapons to defend the 10,452km2 from Hezbolla, the Balestinians, the Syrians or the Israelis ! Man what a joke.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

News Flash = More Rockets are fired from Hassbaya, Lebanon into Keriat Shemona in Israel. As of this write-up, the Israeli Army returns the fire by shelling Two Southern Lebanese Villages.

Patriarch Sfeir meets with Master Terrorist Naef Hawatmeh who massacred dozens of Lebanese during the 1975 Lebanese - Balestinian War.

Lebanese Composer Mansour Rahbani dies of cancer at the age of 87.

BlackBerry Services enter the Lebanese market... finally!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is it with the Balestinians and the Jews that they feel they MUST keep all of the World hostage to their respective causes till the end of humanity? R A P I O.

Detroit 2009 Motor Show reveals all new Electrically powered and hybrid cars. One wonders how the Lebanese will be able to purchase such cars when there is hardly any electricity available in the country while the street lights are all turned ON . . . during Day time!

The People of Lebanon are demanding to know why the Lebanese media is concentrating all its reporting on the Gaza - Israeli conflict instead of talking about real Lebanese issues, especially when thousands of Lebanese families are left stranded with no water, proper medical treatment, electricity or means to keep warm during the harsh winter season.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Whether you like him or hate him, if you are a Christian Lebanese, ask yourself the following question and think about it: "What will happen to the Christians in Lebanon after the death of Michel Aoun?"

Al-Wali Jumblat is trying his utmost to meet with Hezbolla Chieftain Dr. Hassan Nasroulla in an attempt to revive their previous parliamentary electoral tickets.

The Italian soldiers in UNIFIL arrested two of their civilian staff smuggling plastic explosives into their barracks in Southern Lebanon. It is not known yet if these bomb materials were meant to blow-up the Italians or to be used for other targets.

Syrian soldiers shot at Israelis in the Golan Heights.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Lebanese Authorities arrest a suspect in the launching of missiles from Lebanon into Israel last week. Naturally, his identity shall remain unknown.

Reports from rural Lebanon reveal that Lebanese Citizens living in Aakkar are burning their old shoes in order to stay warm. Meanwhile, the Beqaa is witnessing demonstrations calling for subsidised energy sources to keep warm during this winter.

As for the Riches, Lebanon is witnessing an unprecedented successful winter ski season due to the high number of Visitors from the Arab and Western worlds.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Several demonstrations took place in the Lebanon by Balestinians and their local allies yesterday.

The Lebanese Army discovers multiple rocket launchers in the village of Kfar-Hamam in Southern Lebanon.

Samir Jaajaa is quoted saying that if Hizbolla decides to Islamise Lebanon, then Michel Aoun will be the first to confront it!

Friday, January 9, 2009

No one understand the reason why the Lebanese Government does not publish the name of the Party behind the launching of missiles on Israel yesterday.

Citizens of Southern Lebanon are bracing themselves against any eventuality or reaction from Israel that may occur should the Balestinians or Hezbolla launch more missiles into the Hebrew State from Hezbollaland.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

News Flash: Missiles originating from Aaita Shaab in Southern Lebanon have been launched on Israel.CNN is calling it a possible 2nd front for Israel.

While Hamas agreed to stop the launching of missiles on Israel, Hezbolla Chieftain Dr. Nasroulla sends a warning to Israel to expect any kind of reaction from his organization should the fighting in Gaza continuous.

Lebanon has requested from French President Nicola Sarkozi to find a solution to the uncontrolled Balestinian weapons in the Lebanon.

The Parliamentary elections in Lebanon is now confirmed to take place in one day on June 7, 2009. It is unclear however if the Lebanese living in diaspora will be allowed to vote or not. Maybe the Lebanese Authorities are awaiting instructions from the Syrians to learn how to allow their citizens living abroad to vote!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

R A P I O calls on Maronite Patriarch Sfeir to apologize to the Lebanese People for his yesterday's public statement whereby he indicated that the Lebanese did not suffer as much as the Balestinians and Iraqis.

Sfeir's mental affair made him forget the mass killings and massacres of the Lebanese People for nearly 15 years as they suffered at the hand of the Israelis in the South and at the hand of the Balestinians in Damour, Beit Mellat and Beirut and let us NOT forget Mr. Patriarch the massive rocket shelling of residential neighbourhoods in Beirut, Tripoli and Zahleh by the Syrian Armed Forces.

Surely Bkerkeh was spared from these killing fields by the Foreign Invaders but the People of Lebanon have and are still suffering from lack of long term political and religious visions.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pro-Balestinian Protesters continue their shy gathering near the US Embassy in Awkar.

Meanwhile, Hamas' main allies and mentors Hezbolla, Syria and Iran remain surprisingly quiet after all the Israeli bombardments of Hamas and the Balestinians.

Syria appoints Colette Khoury as its first Ambassador to Lebanon. Meanwhile, there are no words from the Lebanese Government as to the status of the Lebanese Embassy and its staff in Syria.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lebanese Police opens water and tear gases on Balestinian Protesters near the US Embassy in Awkar. One Police Officer was wounded during the demonstration.

French President Nicolas Sarkozi to visit the Lebanon during his trip to the Middle East this week.

Israeli, Lebanese and Hezbolla soldiers are on high alert on both sides of the Israeli-Hezbollaland Borders.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lebanon and the Lebanese face a new war of attrition due to a] the presence of Balestinians in the Lebanon, b]the support of certain Lebanese towards the Balestinian Cause and c] their internal division.

Hezbolla announces that it will not remain a bystander in the war between Israel and Balestinian Hamas.

Israel on its part warned Lebanon and Hezbolla from any interference in its operation against Hamas in the Gaza strip.

Man: What a way to start 2009! Could this big mess be the beginning of an all-out comprehensive peace settlement for the Middle East?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome All to R A P I O 2009!

A new Movie production on the life of Saint Charbel will hit the Lebanese Theaters soon.

Lebanese Clairvoyant Michel Hayek predicts that some sort of an accident will occur at the Beirut International Airport in 2009.

Hezbolla announces that it refuses to put down its weapons even if it looses the parliamentary elections.