Saturday, December 20, 2008

R A P I O will stop its publication during the festive season and will go back on line on January 3rd, 2009.

R A P I O wishes its Readers a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanuka, a Happy Hajira Year and a Fantastic 2009.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It is high time the people of Lebanon search for a real 3rd alternative after the failure of both the majority and minority to create a new and modern country.

Deputy Prime Minister Abu Jamra decides to boycott his job until he gets an official Job Description and Prerogatives from his Boss Fouad Saniora who is completely ignoring the Former.

Hizbolla shuts down Beirut after Friday's Prayers today in support of the Balestinians while totally ignoring the Lebanese Prisoners held hostage in Syrian jails. . .

Thursday, December 18, 2008

UN Secretary General Ban Qi Moon announces that the official start of the international Tribunal for the assassination of Hariri and other Lebanese has been set for March 1st 2009.

Mass Demonstrations called for by Hezbolla in support of Balestine are set to bring the Lebanon to a stand still at noon time on Friday!

Warlord Michel Aoun reveals that Feudal Lord and Chief Chameleon Michel Murr is actively working against him for the up-coming Parliamentary elections.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lebanese Minister of Defense announces that Russia decided to donate 10 Mig 29 interceptor-bomber fighter jets to Lebanon. Russia did not confirm the news and neither Syria or Israel has expressed any comments.

The US Treasury drops the interest rate to a historic low of nearly 0%!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Balestinian Terror Group Hamas, supported by Lebanese Hezbolla declares the end of the truth with the Jewish State.

Hezbolla Chieftain Dr. Nasroulla calls for a mass demonstration in support of Hamas in the Beirut Southern District on Friday.

Media reports reveal that Chief Chameleon Michel Murr and Feudal Lord Amin Gemayel have decided to form a coalition front against Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun in the Metn District.

Monday, December 15, 2008




Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lebanon Destroyer Jimmy Carter confirms from Syria that he will be monitoring the Lebanese Parliamentary elections next May! RAPIO calls on Mr. Carter to dare monitoring the elections in Syria.

Iran's Isfahan University grants Hezbolla's Eternal Chieftain Hassan Nasroulla a Honorary Doctorate; thus making him Dr. Nasroulla.

Political Analysts note that Al Wali Jumblat is in disarray in his political statements not knowing what he wants.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

President Michel Sleiman heads to Jordan tomorrow for a 24 hour visit!

Minister of Defense Elias (Lillo) El-Murr heads to Russia to engage in arms' deal for the Lebanese Army after the Pentagon's refusal to help the Lebanon with new weapons. . .

Exchange of Ambassadors between Lebanon and Syria before end of the year and for the very first time in the history of both countries.

Shopping at ABC Mall in Ashrafieh causes extreme and heavy traffic throughout Beirut due to bad parking entrance design and to lack of proper traffic management.

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Memorial Mass for the Late Gibran Tueiny is to take place in Mar Mitr Church Ashrafieh today.

The American University of Beirut appoints Peter Dorman as the new University President.

St. Joseph Jesuit University shuts down all political activities, clubs and associations on Campus.

Former Lebanon Destroyer Jimmy Carter remains in Lebanon trying to solicit support for his organization to monitor the up-coming elections!!! God Help the Lebanon...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Britain lifts its travel restrictions on the Lebanon.

Unconfirmed reports reveal that US President G.W. Bush may visit Lebanon in January 2009 around the same time as French President N. Sarkozi's visit.

Lebanese Minister of Justice and member of the Lebanese Forces Ibrahim Najjar had a major car accident last night which caused him broken bones and the death of his driver.

Saudi Arabia decides to pay for the weapons that Lebanon wants to buy from Russia since the US refused to sell arms to the Lebanese Army.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Russia has expressed its readiness to sell the Lebanese Army heavy weapons after the United States has refused to do so.

High tension is still reported in the Christian neighbourhood of Jdeideh after street fighting erupted among Christian thugs over 48 hours ago.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun returns from Syria empty handed while certain media is reporting that Syria may be releasing some political Lebanese Prisoners by the end of the year...

After Aoun, PM Saniora is planning a trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

R A P I O wishes all its Muslim and Druze Readers a Happy Ad-Dha Eid. Publication will resume on Wednesday, December 10th 2008.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Feudal Lord Cameleon Michel Murr distances himself from his today's political ally Michel Aoun by re-opening ties with his old feudal once-ally-once-foe Gemayel family in the Metn District.

The BBC Financial Reporter Natalie Antelava reports that Lebanon is immune to the Global Financial Crisis.

Ministry of Tourism in Lebanon announces that 1.2 Million tourists have visited Lebanon this year so far exceeding all expectations.

Covert Israeli marine operation uncovers Syria's return to plutonium production.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Feudal Lord Amin Gemayel declares on Live TV that he will not hesitate to call for the partitioning of the 10,452km2 when the time is ripe.

Does anyone know where Al-Wali Jumblat has been lately?

Syria's newest Lover Michel Aoun declares that he will modify the Taef Agreement to give more prerogatives to the Christian President if he gets the majority in the Parliament!!!! Ya right... As if the Sunni Muslims will ever allow this to happen.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

While Aoun receives a Hero's Welcome in Syria, Sleiman receives a Daddy's Welcome in Germany!

The only honorable thing that Aoun can do now is to bring back from Syria all Lebanese Political Prisoners home.

Lebanon bids goodbye to Actress Layla Karam one of the founders of the Lebanese Actors Guild and a dam good one! RAPIO calls on the Lebanese President to Honor Karam now that she is dead because she, as all actors and artists in Lebanon, was never given the proper recognition while she was alive.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The US Administration officially states that the Lebanese Army does not need advance weaponry but instead it only requires trucks and more trucks and more trucks.... And then, the US Administration wonders why Lebanon goes to a terror sponsoring regime such as Iran to defend herself!

Aoun and Assad: Arch Enemies of Yesterdays, Best of Allies Today! We pray for the Sole of the fallen Ones who have been betrayed by their so-called Leaders...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ain El-Heloueh Balestinian Terror Camp is on its way of disintegration like its predecessor in Nahr Al-Bared at the expense of loosing hundreds of Lebanese Army soldiers in the up-coming Operation expected to start after Al-Adha Eid. YOU READ IT FIRST HERE ON RAPIO!

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun has let bygone be bygone with all the thousands of Lebanese killed at the merciless hands of the Syrian intelligence when he enters the Syrian Capital as a Hero of the Baath Regime which is also behind the killing of thousands of Lebanese Army troops who were under his command.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lebanese Army Commander General Jean Kahwaji informs the US that the Army is not going to accept the 60 used M60 Tanks if they are not equiped with advanced weapons. The Army, Kahwaji stated does not need more Armored Personnel Carriers but it requires advanced weaponry.

An Ethiopian wins this year's Beirut Marrathon.

The Harir Clan supports and finances Michel Mekattaf against his father-in-law Amin Gemayel for the next Parliamentary elections.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lebanese are stranded in Bangkok, Thailand due to the political upheaval that is taking place there.

Why is Syrian Agent Nader Sukkar still speaking in the name of the Kataeb Party?

Street fighting is reported between Shia Muslims from the Amal Militia against Sunni Muslims from Fatah Al-Islam.

Meanwhile, Lackeys of mini Feudal Lord Mansour el-Bonn burn the flag of the Free Patriotic Movement of Warlord Michel Aoun at the Christian University of Kaslik in Junieh.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Friday, November 28, 2008

Students lackeys to Aoun and Jaajaa fight each other in the predominantly Christian University of Kaslik.

The Syrian National Socialist Party beats-up Omar Harkouss, a Lebanese Journalist for writing an article against the anti-Lebanon Party.

Lebanese Army Commander, General Kahwaji becomes the latest Lebanese Official to flock to Syria for no apparent reason.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Several international companies based in Dubai are re-positioning themselves in Beirut due to the high rent and cost of living in the Former.

Israel decides to postpone its withdrawal from the occupied Southern Lebanese Ghajar Area.

Joseph Ghanim, a Christian blew-up himself with a hand grenade in Zouk near Junieh.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lebanon will receive 66 used US made M60 tanks from Jordan.

President Sleiman visited weapons factories during his visit to Iran.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak threatens Lebanon with deep and hurting air strikes if Hezbolla attacks Israel anew.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun demands a public apology from the Kataeb Party for accusing him to be involved in the assassination of Pierre Amine Gemayel. . . Aoun may have to wait few Centuries before this can happen!

One of the arrested Terrorists from Fatah Al-Islam give details on how they prepared the explosives and how they were planning to attack the UNIFIL forces in Southern Lebanon.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hundreds of new recruits into the Kataeb Party are sworn in as new Lackeys of the Gemayel Feudal Family.

President Michel Sleiman heads to Iran as Iran proposed to arm the Lebanese Army!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lebanon and Her so-called Leaders are living a case of Lost Identity. Are we Lebanese? Are we Arabs? Are we Syrians? Are we Iranians? Are we Europeans? Are we Phoenicians? What the HELL are We!

Hizbolla's TV Station Al-Manar reveals that Aawad, the Most Wanted Terrorist in Lebanon, has escaped and left Lebanon already. Question: How do they know this if they were not an accomplice to his runaway plan?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

65 Years ago, Lebanon took her so-called Independence from France.

Today, Lebanon struggles to take Her Independence from Her Feudal Lords, War Lords and Clergymen.

The Lebanese Army has started its house to house search operation inside the Balestinian Terror Camp of Ain El-Heloueh looking for a Wanted terrorist called Aawad.

The Hariri Al-Moustakbal Clan reveals that Terror Group Fath Al-Islam is training for a new Political assassination similar to the one that took-out the late Pierre Amine Gemayel when silencers were used to storm his vehicle with bullets in the middle of the day and in front of hundreds of eye witnesses. Yet, till today, no arrests were made. Long Live Lebanon!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lebanon celebrates her 65 years of so-called Independence. Are YOU better off today or would YOU rather be back under the French mandate again? Or would YOU prefer to have Syria come back? Independence means Independence, It does not mean half of the people are with the Syrians, Iranians and Arabs while the second half is still searching for a Western Ally to protect his Ass from the first half.

The Lebanese Army gives the Balestinians till the first week of December to surrender a Wanted Muslim Fundamentalist taking refuge in the Terror Camp of Ain El Heloueh.

The Pentagon decides to supply the Lebanese Army with M60 Tanks. Let us hope it is true!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An-Nahar daily reports that France welcomes the direct Lebanese Israeli talks.

Meanwhile, an Israeli Official reveals that the Christian majority in Lebanon no longer exist and that Lebanon has become ripe grounds for Terrorism and fundamentalism.

While Al-Wali Jumblat meets US Political and Intelligence Officials in Washington, Michel Aoun's visit to Syria to meet his so-called arch-rivals Syrian Political and Intelligence Officials is set for end of November 08.

Chameleon Politician Karim Pakradouni announces his candidacy for Parliament in the Zahleh district!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Al-Wali Jumblat in the US to be the first Lebanese Politician to meet in-coming officials from the Obama group.

The Lebanese Army encircled Ain El-Heloueh Balestinian Camp demanding the surrender of wanted Terrorists taking refuge inside the camp.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rivals Feudal Lord Amine Gemayel and Warlord Michel Aoun announce their mutual understanding to ensure the election of Sami Gemayel, only surviving son of Amine, to the Parliament!

The Two Lords also agreed to allow for the election of 5 Kataeb members to the parliament to counter the Lebanese Forces Block. Believe it or Not.

Meanwhile, Nadim Gemayel, the son of the late President Bashir, is setting-up shop in Ashrafieh to prepare for His election next Spring.

A bloody incident is reported among Christians in Batroun between lackeys of Jaajaa and lackeys of Franjieh and Aoun.

Lebanese Ministers and Officials continue to flock the Syrian Capital and we still yet need to see one Syrian Official return these visits.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Warlord Nabih Berri announces the withdrawal of Lebanon from the Arab Parliamentary Association conference in Kuwait.

Arrested suspects from the Sunni Muslim Fath Al-Islam Terror groupe were handed over to the International Tribunal in charge of the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and 20 Lebanese as well as of Pierre Amine Gemayel.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Egyptian courts summon Jamal Mobarak the son of Egyptian Dictator Hossni Mobarfak as a witness in the murder of Lebanese Pop Singer Susanne Tamime.

The Lebanese Government takes over the operation of ALPHA, one of two Privately operated Mobile (Ceil) phones while it extended the operation of MTC Touch by another month!

Two teenage brothers from the Raad Family are gone missing and presumed kidnapped in Northern Lebanon.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What is it with the Lebanese: The ONLY language they know is the Language of war and violence!

What is it with the Lebanese: The ONLY people they respect are those who keep leading them to more war and more violence!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Al-Qaida's Chieftain in Lebanon is surrounded in the Balestinian Terror Camp of Beddawi. Reports reveal that Aawad wears an explosive belt while he sleeps to blow-up himself in case he is attacked.

The Hariri Clan Majority is now focusing its media offensive against Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun's Son-in-Law Gebran Bassil as the Latter threatened to expose the Hariri controlled private Cellular company for corruption.

President Michel Sleiman officially reveals for the first time that the Syrians did provide the Lebanese Army with weapons, logistical support, Intelligence and fuel during its eradication operation of the Balestinian Terror Camp of Nahr el-Bared in Northern Lebanon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Lebanese Air Force flew its 50 Years old British made Hawker Hunter jet ground attack fighters for the first time in years over the Beqaa Valley. Both Syria and Israel did forbid Lebanon from flying its planes over the Beqaa.

Unconfirmed reports reveal that Israel may withdraw from part of the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms in the near future.

The Maronites fail to agree on reconciling their differences due to lack of proper intentions and leadership, political and religious.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Balestinian Terrorist Abul Ainein (Father of Two Eyes) has threatened the Lebanese people and army not to repeat the experience of the Beddawi Camp again . . .

Feudal Lord Amine Gemayel welcomes the Lebanese Government's overture to Syria !

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"The Christians of Lebanon are deeply divided" - Patriarch Sfeir . . . Well Daaaaah!

The Balestinians perform the largest paramilitary show in the 10,452km2 since 1991 under the watchful eyes of our beloved Politicians who appear to have forgotten that nearly 100,000 Lebanese died due to the Balestinians.

Austrian Officials reveal that the Syrian reactors hit by Israel earlier this year contained Uranium.

Faked 10,000 and 20,000 Lebanese pounds denominations are circulating the streets of Lebanon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Army Intelligence arrests the so-called "Abi Jarrah", one of the most wanted terrorists hiding in the Balestinian Camp of Ain Heloueh.

As long as the same Families are ruling the Lebanon . . . Nothing will ever change . . . SAY NO TO FEUDALISM . . .

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Teachers' Association of the Private Schools will be om strike on November 18, 2008 to ask for pay raises.

Fist fighting is reported between the bodyguards of Minister Mario Aoun and those of his PM Saniora!!!

"Lebanon is once again the Switzerland of the Middle East" - President Michel Sleiman.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Independent Observers question the sudden re-overture of the Lebanese Officials towards Syria as they are flocking to Damascus one after the other starting from the Minister of the Interiors, to the Minister of Defense as well as the Head of the Internal Security Forces to name a few.

Unconfirmed intelligence reports reveal that Al-Qaeda's Chieftain in Ain Helwoueh Terror Camp has left Lebanon to Iraq.

Michel Aoun's strategy for National Defense is based in the Swiss Model whereby ALL citizens get to carry arms and are trained to defend their country from . . .or defend their Politicians from . . .

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fight Terror with Terror - That is the Motto used by Syria, Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Syria claims to have arrested the Terror Cell that was behind the recent Bombing on the Damascus Airport Road. The Cell, according to Damascus, is funded and ordered by the Hariri Movement of Lebanon and by the Exiled Ex-Syrian VP Abdul Halim Khaddam.

Vote Your Conscience - Do Not Sell it to the highest Bidder.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fist fighting is reported at the Lebanese University between Lackeys of Jaajaa and Lackeys of Aoun.

Meanwhile, Aoun and Jaajaa are seen on TV exchanging jokes at the Entrance of the Presidential Palace yesterday.

Aoun submits to President Sleiman his vision of the Defense Strategy for Lebanon at the request of the Latter.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Lebanese living in Congo are urging theire Government to evacuate them away from the Civil War that is devastating the country.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

For the 1st time in History of the Human Kind: White People may be voting-in a Black person to lead the USA and .... the World.

The Lebanese Government decides to increase the Tax on interest rates earned by Depositors from 5% to 7%.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Opposition in Northern Lebanon led by Feudal Lords Karameh and Franjieh wins the elections of the Lawyers' Syndicate.

Warlods Al-Wali Jumblat and Berri oppose the abolishment of unnecessary funds that were founded to spread money to certain people at the cost of the nation.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

US Democratic Candidate Obama warns Syria from shipping any weapons to Hezbolla.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Observers are noticing the increase of Sunni Muslim Fundamentalism in Northern Lebanon.

President Sleiman meets the Pope in the Vatican.

As-Safir newspaper reports that the Lebanese Army has arrested an intelligence cell working for Mossad in the Western Beqaa region. The cell has been provided by highly advanced technological spy ware.

Friday, October 31, 2008

President Sleiman appeared on a TV interview hosted by a Lebanese child hit by Cancer. The show was a major success.

Explosions are heard in the Balestinian Terror Camp of Ain Helwoueh overnight.

Hezbolla's Chieftain Hassan Nasroulla informs Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri that he has no objection to meeting Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat.

Meanwhile, the Maronites are still split and Feudal Lord Franjieh still refuses to meet Warlord Jaajaa.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The UNRWA has started the cleaning of debris and demolished buildings in the Balestinian Terror Camp of Ain Heloueh which was the scene of heavy gun battles between Terrorists and the Lebanese Army last year.

Opinion Polls reveal that Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun would win the largest number of Parliamentary seats at the up-coming elections with 27 seats followed by Amal/Hezbolla coalition who would get 25 seats and Hariri's Future Movement would get 23 seats.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Al-Akhbar newspaper reports that the real brain and leader behind the Kataeb Party is Joyce Gemayel, wife of Amine Gemayel and not Amine himself.

Israel reports that the US Commando attack on the Terror Cell in Syria was done in full coordination with the Syrian Intelligence.

President Sleiman meets the Pope on Friday.

Several Christian Lebanese accuse Syria for forbidding Sleiman Franjieh to meet and reconcile with Samir Jaajaa.

Michel Aoun confirms that he will visit Syria before the end of 2008!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do You feel like a YoYo? What was totally forbidden on Michel Aoun is today blessed on Saad Hariri. Two Years ago, Aoun was seen as a traitor to the Majority for signing a Memorandum of Understanding but Today, Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri is being praised for his secret meeting with Hezbolla's Ayatolla Hassan Nasroulla!!!

Double Jeapordy: A similar secret meeting is expected between Nasroulla and Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat.

Syria is crying wolf to the international community after one of its Terror Launch center was eradicated by the US Air Force 2 days ago.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Retail stores in the historic district of Junieh are flooded by rain water due to lack of proper public drain network.

The US Air Force Shells suspected Terror area in Syria along its Iraqi borders killing 8 people.

Can someone explain to the people of Lebanon why on earth did the Vice-Head of Egypt's Intelligence Apparatus meet with Non-official Lebanese Leaders during the past 48 hours?

Hezbolla Grand Ayatollah Hassan Nasroulla denies allegations that His Party of God is involved in drug trafficking.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The rise of Sunni Muslim fundamentalism in Northern Lebanon has become beyond control as Saudi Arabia is spending Millions of Dollars to counter the rise of Iran's Hezbolla.

The countdown for the US Presidential elections has reached its last 10 Days. Historically speaking, the Democrats are anti-Lebanon while the Republicans are more pro-active towards her.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our Politicians are selling us and Our Country to the highest Bidder. It is high
time to Say NO to traditional politics + feudal families + warlords +
clergymen ruling the 10,452km2.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lebanese President Michel Sleiman has instructed his advisers to create a "national coalition front" to represent his ideologies as a new parliamentary block during the up-coming Spring 09 elections in the Lebanon similar to what the late President Fouad Chehab did in the early to mid 60's by what became known as the Chehabist Movement.

The New Sleiman Movement can very well be headed by none else than chameleon Michel Murr.

Israel approves the Saudi initiative calling for a comprehensive peace treaty with Lebanon, Syria and the remaining Arab countries.

The Lebanese media is reporting today what RAPIO reported a week ago: Giving the Lebanese ID card to 100,000 Christian Iraqis against 100,000 Muslim Balestinians in Lebanon. What a trade: Our Politicians forced the educated Lebanese to run away from Lebanon in order to replace them by Arab Foreigners . . . How lucky can we be . . .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jaajaa forces accuses Syria for putting stumbling points to block the inter-Maronite reconciliation.

As always, roads and arteries in Lebanon are blocked after heavy rain due to the bad management of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maronite Deputy predicts that Minority Chieftain will only get 20% of the Christian votes during the next parliamentary elections.

US Intelligence sources reveal that Iran will be able to develop its 1st Nuclear Bomb by February 2009.

Meanwhile, Arab Intel sources have revealed that Meir Dagan, Israel Head of the super spy agency Mossad was assassinated while on visiting Jordan about 10 days ago.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Michel Aoun announces that his visit to Syria is a matter of time.

The rapprochement meetings between Jaajaa and Franjieh on the one hand and between Nasroullah and Hariri are eminent.

Watch out who YOU will be voting for. DO you really want to vote-in the same Politicians who brought you misery and war to the 10,452km2? Think about it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Remains of 5 bodies were discovered by a Shepperd in the town of Jezzine. The human bones dated to over 20 years and were wrapped with ropes.

Lackeys of the Hariri Clan accuse their fellow lackeys of Nabih Berri of beating and injuring 3 of them in the Burj Abi Haidar sector of Muslim West Beirut.

Watch out who you vote for in Spring 2009. Do NOT vote for the same Politicians, Warlords, Feudal Lords who brought misery to you and to Lebanon. Stand-up and Say NO to Traditional Politics. Vote your conscience and do NOT accept bribes.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A lightning meeting takes place between Presidents Sleiman and Sarcozi at the Francophone Conference in Canada.

The Lebanese Security continues its investigation with the Terror Cells planning a major attack on UNIFIL Forces with highly advanced liquid chemicals.

Masses take place in Ashrafieh and Rabieh in memory of the brutal murder of Danny Chamoun and his family.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Certain Lebanese Media (i.e Al-Akhbar and As-Safir newspapers) are trying to create an irreversible schism between Jaajaa's Forces and Aoun's Followers by publishing that the Former is planning to abolish the Latter militarily within the Christian Camp.

The Security apparatus arrests Two Terror Cells planning attacks against UNIFIL Forces in Southern Lebanon.

Lebanese Banks Audi, Intercontinental and Canadian Lebanese did not issue any denial that they have been requested to be audited due to suspicious dealing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Christians in Lebanon are preparing to receive a new wave of Christian refugees from Iraq as the prelude to give a citizenship to equal amounts of Christians and Balestinian Muslims in the Lebanon.

Jaajaa informs the Egyptians that had his Militia behaved within the Christian community in the same way as Hezbolla in May 2008, it would have eliminated his arch-rival Michel Aoun from the Christian camp within hours.

Tracy Chamoun, daughter of assassinated Lebanese feudal Lord Dany Chamoun accuses anew Warlord Samir Jaajaa for the assassination of her late father, mother and entire family. Tracy rejects the alliance between her Uncle Dorry and Jaajaa while she supports the politics of minority Chieftain Michel Aoun.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lebanese and Syrian media reveal that the Ambassadors between Lebanon and Syria will be Christians!!!

"Lonely Planet" classifies Beirut as the Second most intriguing City in the World for Tourism for the Year 2009 after the Belgium City of Antwerp; while Chicago came in Third!!!

President Sleiman leaves to Canada tomorrow to participate in the Francophone Conference.

The Lebanese Security apparatus arrests 20 members of Al-Qaeda in Lebanon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Major Fire spreads in the Chouf Mountains.

Syrian Dic-tator signs a decree for the exchange of diplomatic missions between Syria and Lebanon; thus making it the first time in history whereby Syria acknowledge the independence of Lebanon from the so-called Greater Syria which was created by the Ottoman Empire and the French Mandate.

Three Lebanese Banks are exposed after the world stock market crisis: Intercontinental Bank, Lebanese Canadian Bank and Audi Bank

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Security Forces in Lebanon foils down a major Terror attempt against the Lebanese Army. A terrorist was planning to dress-up in Lebanese Army fatigues and blow-up himself inside an Army bus.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun is seen as the Spokesman of the Christians in the Middle East.

Now hear this: President Sleiman meets King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia - Michel Aoun meets Iranian President Ahmadi Najad = Samir Jaajaa meets Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak - - - And you wonder why the Christians are divided!!!!

CIA Director Michael Hayden is scheduled to visit Lebanon next week.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Lebanese Army arrests the Terror Cell responsible for the latest bombings against it in Tripoli. The Cell is comprised of Balestinians and Lebanese Sunni Muslim Jihadists.

Amine Gemayel nominates a Kataeb Candidate, Samer Saadeh, son of former Kataeb President George Saadeh, in Batroun to run against the current Lebanese Forces Deputy Antoine Zahra during the next Parliamentary elections.

A complete media blackout is placed on Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun's visit to Iran!!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

129 cases of food poisonning are reported in Northern Lebanon.

President Michel Sleiman heads to Saudi Arabia today.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun sees Iran as "The Protector" of the Christians in the Middle East!

An eminent meeting is expected between Al-Wali Jumblat and his once ally-foe-ally-foe Hezbolla.

Pro-Syrian Politicians in Lebanon have started lobbying publicly for the open return of Syria to the 10,452 km2.

A young Muslim Arab lures his Muslim Lebanese girlfriend from her work out on the street of Sassine Square in Christian Ashrafieh where he shot her in the head and then turned the gun and shot himself.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Minority Chieftain and once Chief anti-Syria Michel Aoun is reported to be visiting Iran before the end of the month.

Syria hands over the 2 American Journalists it kidnapped.

Unconfirmed reports reveal that Majority Leader Al-Wali Jumblat is dropping his closest Druze ally Marwan Hamadeh in favour of Druze Billionaire Bahij Abou Hamzah during the next parliamentary elections.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just In = As expected, the Two US Citizens believed kidnapped in Lebanon turned out to be kidnapped and arrested by the Syrian Baath Regime! Syria has officially informed the US Government that the 2 American Journalists are held in a Syrian Jail.

Two American Journalists who checked in at Mozart Hotel in Muslim West Beirut are reported kidnapped by the US Embassy in Lebanon as they have informed their friends that would be traveling to Muslim Tripoli via Christian heartland of Byblos.

Believe it or not = Lebanon has decided to file a law suit against Israel to stop the latter from claiming that Hummus and Falafel are Israelis instead of Lebanese.

After deploying over 10,000 troops and tanks along its borders with the Lebanon, Syria has moved in its Special Forces towards Northern Lebanon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Syria deploys Tank Regiments along its borders with the Beqaa Valley putting Israel on high alert and the Lebanese back in the chicken house. . .

The reconciliation dialogue between Jaajaa and Franjieh has received a set back.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The US Embassy in Lebanon warns of a possible major terror attack during the first half of October 2008.

Meanwhile, the US Administration warns Syria against a renewed invasion of the Lebanon.

Michel Aoun announces that the naturalization of the Balestinians in the Lebanon has become a reality and is no longer subject for discussion.

Investigations reveal that the bomb that blew up in Tripoli during Ramadan was placed in a motorbike and was detonated by a remote control.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Media reports reveal that Lebanon and Syria could be exchanging Ambassadors on Lebanon's Independence Day, the 22nd of November 2008.

RA P I O reiterates its question to the People of Lebanon: Does the Lebanese Government have real authority of power outside Ashrafieh, Kesrouan, Byblos and Metn regions?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Al Balad newspaper reports that Warlord Jaajaa and Feudal Lord Franjieh are expected to kiss and make-up at the Presidential Palace today.

Russian Nuclear Warships enter the Mediterranean Sea for the first time in history whereby they are expected to dock in both Libyan and Syrian Ports.

An American military study recommends that the US does NOT supply the Lebanese Army with any weapons until after the results of the Parliamentary elections in Lebanon next spring.

Meanwhile, a bomb was thrown at a Lebanese Army armored personnel carrier in Tripoli overnight.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Unconfirmed Israeli reports reveal that the United States has warned Syria twice in late September 08 against any renewed invasion of its troops into the Lebanon.

The Maronite League expects an eminent reconciliation meeting between Warlord Samir Jaajaa and Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun accuses PM Fouad Saniora of embezzling public money to fund the electoral campaign of his Hariri Clan allies.

Only in Lebanon: The Ministry of Telecommunications has auctioned-off special mobile / cellular numbers including (70) 888 888 and (70) 70 70 70. Sadly to say that in a country where many people cannot even afford a piece of bread or send their kids to school, the numbers were actually sold to Lebanese buyers for the record amounts of US $170,000 and $450,000 each respectively. SHAME. If the Government needed this money, it should have raised the fund via lottery instead of heaving the filthy rich monopolizes this event.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chief Procrastinator Patriarch Sfeir leaves Lebanon to the Vatican empty handed as he was unable to unite his church's Leadership.

Meanwhile, the Maronite League is meeting the Maronites Deputies in an attempt to come-up with at least one single denominator which would unite the split Maronites in Lebanon and in the diaspora. Good Luck...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Warlord Samir Jaajaa delegates his wife Strida to meet and create a rapprochement for election purposes with Former Minister of Interior and Feudal Lord Michel Murr. You should be reminded that Murr was a driving force behind the imprisonment of Jaajaa for over 10 years and responsible for issuing orders to arrest and beat-up dozens of Jaajaa followers during the Syrian occupation of the Lebanon.

Hezbolla orders his command members not to go to Syria in order to avoid assassination by intelligence operatives working there.

A Russian Nuclear Destroyer is scheduled to dock in the Syrian port City of Tartus, few Kilometers away from Lebanon. Reports reveal that Russia and Syria are planning to set a permanent Nuclear base in Syria.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Syrian Diplomacy and its intelligence apparatus are lobbying with the international community for their overt return to Lebanon.

The US approves the sale of 25 new Stealth F-35 super-jets to Israel while it refuses to supply the Lebanese Army with a single bullet.

Israel accuses Syria of resuming its military Nuclear program.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

R A P I O wishes its Muslim Readers a Happy Eid.

Syrian Dic-tator is insisting on returning his suppressive armed forces into Lebanon. A wish that may come true due to the split in the Lebanese "Leadership" and the blessing of the West once again.

4 Lebanese Soldiers are reportedly dead is the official result of the bus bombing that took place in Tripoli yesterday.

Unconfirmed reports talk about a possible meeting between arch-rivals and warlords Jaajaa and Franjieh before Christmas.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Lebanese Army Van has been the latest target of terrorism in Tripoli today for the second time since Summer. At least 7 soldiers were killed and 17 wounded when a Renault blew-up as the bus drove by.

Intelligence reports revealed by the media indicate that Senior Al-Qaeda leaders have infiltrated into Lebanon to undertake major Terror activities based from Lebanon.

All signs converge on a potential massive military re-entry of the Syrian Commandos into Northern Lebanon under the pretext to take out Al-Qaeda.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lebanese media reports that Foreign Affairs Minister Fawzi Saloukh did not return back with President Sleiman on the same plane after being accused by the White House of leaking confidential talks to Hezbolla and the media.

The death toll of the bomb that blew-up on the Damascus Airport Road has reached over 70.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The White House accuses Lebanese Foreign Affairs Minister Fawzi Salloukh, a lackey of Berri and Hezbolla, of leaking the outcome of the confidential meeting between Presidents Bush and Sleiman which were also attended by Salloukh.

At least 17 people were killed and 14 others wounded by a massive explosion on the Damascus Airport Highway. This could be the pretext for Syria to enter Lebanon publicly under the pretext to crush the Muslim Islamists Jihadists Al-Qaeda basis there.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Finally, President Sleiman got to meet President G.W. Bush at the White House.

The Warlords and Feudal Lords agree to have their respective Posters removed from the Capital... Till next election campaign!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

While the so-called Christian Leaders are still bickering, the Muslim Leaders are inching closer to unite which was culminated by a meeting between Representatives of Hezbolla with Tycoon Saad Hariri.

Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces could nominate Journalist and Terror Victim May Chidiac for a Parliamentary Seat in Kesrouan.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

President Sleiman addressing the UN in New York: Force Israel to stop its attacks and terror on Lebanon!

Sleiman completely ignored the Syrian and Iranian Terror groups WITHIN Lebanon.

Sleiman did not meet Bush as scheduled.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh accuses Warlord Samir Jaajaa of killing his wife's father.

Like in 1976, the entrance of Syrian Troops into Lebanese territories was announced weeks after it really happened. Today, the Lebanese media is only reporting that the Syrians have amassed 10,000 soldiers at Lebanon's Northern borders but the same media is not reporting yet that some of these troops have infiltrated into Lebanon since September 13, 2008.

President Sleiman is scheduled to meet President G. Bush in the White House today.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Samir Jaajaa Lebanese Forces amasses Thousands of supporters to commemorate the death of their Martyres.

During the ceremony which took place in Junieh and not in the usual place of Harisah, Jaajaa issued a public apology to all the pain he may have caused to anyone during the years of war in the Lebanon.

Jaajaa's arch Maronite rivals, Aoun and Franjieh, are expected to reply back to his speech later on today.

Meanwhile, Syria is reinforcing its troops along its borders with the Lebanon near Tripoli.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

President Michel Sleiman heads to the White House to meet President Bush; thus making him the first Lebanese President to enter the American power house since Amine Gemayel back in the 80's.

Jaajaa's Lebanese Forces plans a large gathering in Junieh today.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Joke Du Jour: Lebanese Interior Minister Ziad Baroud announces that the Lebanese Emigrants will be allowed to Vote starting with the Year . . . 2013 . . .

Syria is reportedly providing Hezbolla with Russian Intelligence Satellite Photos of Israeli military installations.

The Streets of Christian Lebanon are boiling due to the behavior of Sleiman Franjieh and Samir Jaajaa.
Israeli media is now reporting that Two Syrian commando battalions accompanied by reconnaissance and engineering corps units have crossed into Lebanon and taken up positions in seven villages, most of them Allawite Muslim, outside Tripoli since September 13, 2008. They are the vanguard of a large armored force poised on the border. Damascus has signaled to Washington and Paris: Don’t interfere.
It is the largest Syrian force to invade Lebanon since Damascus was forced to end its occupation of the country in May 2005, three months after former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri was assassinated.

Christian Lebanon is in mourning following the killing of two of Franjieh's and Jaajaa's thugs. The mourning is not for the dead but for the misery that these killings may bring about. . .

A rapprochement is underway between Majority Tycoon Saad Hariri and Minority Supreme Ayatollah Hezbolla Chieftain Hassan Nasroulla.

The Lebanese Government is set to privatize the Two Mobile Phone companies.

The Government also decided to remove all political banners and photos from the streets of the Capital . . . of course outside Hezbolla Land in the southern suburbs.

10 Russian warships have docked in Syrian ports.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two people killed and at least 3 others were wounded in gun battles between thugs of Feudal Lord Sleiman Franjieh and Warlord Samir Jaajaa in the Christian villages of Northern Lebanon.

Minority Chieftain General Michel Aoun reveals to the media that President General Michel Sleiman entrusted him to put forward a National Defense Strategy which encompasses the weapons of Hezbolla and their usage.

The Christians of Lebanon MUST be prepared to be led by either Franjieh or Jaajaa after the death of Aoun. . . What a choice Ya Maaaann....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The only common denominator the Warlords had during their so-called national dialogue session of yesterday is that their luxury leather seats were not comfortable and should be replaced for their next meeting ! ! ! (this is the truth folks)

Heavy tension remains in the Balestinian Camp of Ain El-Heloueh in Southern Lebanon following killings and counter killings of heads of various gangs and thugs. Meanwhile, this camp like all other camps in the Lebanon remain outside the authority of the Lebanese Government.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

R A P I O questions the real Authority of the Lebanese Government if it exists outside the Metn, Kesrouan, Byblos and certain neighbourhoods of Beirut. . .

On the 26th anniversary of the massacres of Balestinians in Sabra and Shatila by pro-Israeli gunmen, heavy fighting has been reported in the Balestinian camp of AIn Helwoueh in Southern Lebanon killing a Fatah Boss.

Today, the so-called National Dialogue is scheduled to presume at the Lebanese Presidential Palace under the auspices of President Michel Sleiman.

Unknown thugs have thrown Six hand grenades on various shops in the Muslim sector of Mazraa and Tayouneh in West Beirut.

A Bomb was found before it exploded in the Byblos district village of Lassa near a ancient Church which had been occupied by Hezbolla followers.

Al-Wali Jumblat's Party hold a first reconciliation meeting with Hezbolla.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The pro-Syrian Lebanese Daily Ad-Diyar reports that the Christians would be better off living in a Federal system.

As preparations for the parliamentary elections start to take place, certain power houses in the country have started rendering bribery services to their constituents in order to gain their votes.

In the same token, Al-Wali Jumblat is reported to be ready to reconcile his so-called differences with Hizbolla in order to have a stronger electoral backing in the Aley-Baabda districts.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

26 Years ago like today, The President of the 10,452 km2 was martyred. Bashir is alive within us.

Syrian Agent Wi'am Wahhab accuses the Late Rafiq Hariri as being the Head of the Syrian Intelligence Apparatus in Lebanon.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Local, regional and international Observes are noticing the start of yet another shift in Al-Wali Jumblat's political trend and adherence as he is courting the pro-Syrian parties in Lebanon anew.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Al-Wali Jumblat confirms that the Christians within the Majority coalition (i.e. the Lebanese Forces and Kataeb) are no longer relevant and have become a burden.

Heavy tension prevails after street fighting in both Aakar and Baalbeck among various Muslim belligerents.

Dorry Chamoun warns of a massive Hezbolla victory during the next parliamentary elections which could turn the Western image of Lebanon by 180 degrees.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A car bomb takes out a member of the Arslan Clan in the Druze Aley District of Baysour.

Israel warns Hezbolla for counter-kidnapping its leaders if the Latter succeeds to kidnap Israeli citizens outside of Israel.

No.2 in Al-Qaeda Anwar Zawahiri ridicules Hezbolla.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

President Michel Sleiman announces the start of the new round of the so-called National Dialogue among the Lebanese Warlords to start at 11:00am on September 16, 2008.

President Sleiman hosts an Iftar at the Presidential Palace on the occasion of Ramadan.

Israel warns the Lebanese government to contain Hezbolla before Hezbolla succeeds in kidnapping any Israeli Citizen as expected.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Special Parliamentary committee set in motion the voting process for Lebanese Emigrants.

Sunni Muslims and Alawites in Tripoli agree to a cease all fighting.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun accuses the Hariri owned newspaper Al-Mustakbal of "Media Prostitution".

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hariri Motorcade is shot at in Northern Lebanon leaving Six people wounded.

Bashar Assad aims at resending his armed forces into Lebanon via the Alawite Sunni community in Tripoli.

Hezbolla's Chieftain Nasroulla announces his readiness to start internal dialogue... His Way and Only His Way...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Has Tripoli, Lebanon replaced Afghanistan as the New Global Al-Qaeda Base?

The Turkish President is on official visit to Armenia in an attempt to be recognized by the European community. Will a public apology from Turkey for all the massacres it committed against the Armenians follow?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Al Balad Newspaper reports that 6 Warlords rule the Lebanon outside the Constitution. How true.... And those Loosers are: Jaajaa, Hariri, Nassralla, Berri, Aoun and Jumblat.

Friday, September 5, 2008

French President Nicola Sarkozi warns Iran from an Israeli attack during his visit to Syria.

Syrian Dic-tator Bashar Assad announces that Lebanese "President" Michel Sleiman agreed to join the direct peace talks with Israel!!!! Shouldn't Lebanon be announcing such a message????

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reports being infiltrated on the unpublicized recent second marriage of Eternal Speaker and Warlord Nabih Berri ti the Lebanese Ambassador to Britain Inaam Osseiran.

The Wedding has reportedly coasted the Lebanese taxpayer nearly US $725,000 and took place in London. Inaam is Nabih's second wife after Randa.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun defends Hezbolla's shooting down of Lebanese Pilot Samer Hanna!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Egyptian Police arrests Talaat Hashem, the Egyptian Billionaire for ordering the assassination of Lebanese pop singer Sozanne Tamim.

Israeli newspapers are reporting that Israel has successfully blocked Hezbolla from kidnapping Five Israelis worldwide in recent operations.

Syrian Dic-tator predicts an eminent attack by Israel on Syria, Iran or Lebanon and states that any attack on Iran will have major international consequences.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A precarious calm prevails in the Northern Region of Aaakkar after the interference of the Lebanese Forces.

The Majority rejects a joint Army-Hezbolla commission to investigate the shooting down of a Lebanese Army Pilot by Hezbolla over the week-end.

Monday, September 1, 2008

R A P I O wishes its Muslim Readers a Ramadan Kareem.

On the eve of Ramadan, heavy armed confrontations are reported a new in Northern Lebanon between Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Alawites. Some are calling it "Ethnic Cleansing Iraqi Style!"

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The wave of condemnations against Hezbolla continues against its shooting down of Amy Pilot Samer Hanna Harb whose body was put to rest in his hometown of Tannourine yesterday.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun escapes to France to avoid any media or public confrontation regarding Hezbolla's actions against the Lebanese Army.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

General Jean Kahwaji is officially appointed as the 13th Lebanese Army General Commander.

Hezbolla and the oppressed media in Lebanon are claiming that the Hezbolla assassin who killed Army Pilot Lieutenant Samer Hanna Harb has been turned over to the so-called Lebanese Authorities. Believe it or not.

Meanwhile, the Hezbolla men who imprisoned, interrogated and tortured the second Army Pilot remain at large.

Friday, August 29, 2008

All of Lebanon is condemning the shooting down of the Lebanese Army Helicopter at short range by Hezbolla that led to the death of Lieutenant Hanna and the capture of his pilot.

Hezbolla is now officially a State within the State and demarcation lines need to be established between Hezbolla-Land and whatever is remaining from the 10,452km2.

Nest question is: How can anyone now remove Hezbolla from the Christian and Druze high mountains of Sannine and Barouk?

US President George Bush has set 25 September 08 to receive Lebanese President Michel Sleiman at the White House.

It is reported that Major General Jean Kahwaji is set to be appointed the new Lebanese Army General Commander. Al-Wali Jumblat is opposing the appointment of Kahwaji.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Massoud (Pussy) Ashkar has announced his candidacy for the Maronite Parliamentary Seat for Ashrafieh stating that he is following the foot steps of the Late Bashir Gemayel.

The Lebanese Army comes under fire in Tripoli by armed thugs.
Balestinian "President" arrives to Beirut today... Alla Yestour.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Lebanese are preparing to receive up-coming elections' bribery money ! ! ! Two Bad. . .

A United Nations Report confirms a massive flow of weapons from Syria into Lebanon.

Citizens of Northern Lebanon have been repeatedly blocking roads with burning tires to protest the lack of electricity inside their homes while the streets of Beirut are lid DURING the day.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Street fighting between thugs of Hariri and thugs of Berri is reported overnight in the Mohamad Al-Hout / Ras Nabeh Sector of Muslim West Beirut. The Lebanese Army is called upon to settle the issue.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunni Fundamentalist Muslim Chief Cleric Shaikh Shahal calls upon Shia Muslim Hezbolla to apologize for the Sunni in Lebanon if Hezbolla wants to start a real dialogue with other Muslims of Lebanon.

Al-Wali Jumblat urges the Citizens of Tripoli to unite in order NOT to give the Syrian Regime the needed pretext to return to the Lebanon.

Heavy rains hit the agricultural regions of the Beqaa Valley and Northern Lebanon.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Coushner in Lebanon on a brief mission.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Hariri Clan attacks the Lebanese Army with erroneous statements.

Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun is set to tour Southern Lebanon today for the first time since he left the Army Command. The visit will cover Qana, Rmeish, Bent Jbeil and Jezzine.

Citizens of Lebanon remain without electricity inside their homes while the Lebanese Government and the Ministry of Energy illuminate the streets of Lebanon DURING the DAY ! ! ! Amazing Country...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Your Politicians have succeeded in turning the Lebanon in a living Hell.

Armed fighting took place overnight between the Lebanese Army and Thugs belonging to unknown Politicians in the Mazraa District of Muslim West Beirut.

The Lebanese Government failed to agree on the Lebanese Army General Chief of Staff due to bickering among the Politicians.

Friday, August 15, 2008

All of Lebanon Says NO TO TERRORISM while putting the bodies of the Lebanese Army soldiers who fell by a cowardly act to rest in a mass memorial at Tripoli's Stadium.

Israel accuses Al-Wali Jumblat of signing a military pact with Hezbolla to run joint military patrols the Druze high mountains adn to allow Hezbolla to establish an early warning post on the peeks of Barouk.

Hezbolla Chieftain Nasroulla calls for a national dialogue for a comprehensive defense and security strategy for the country.

RAPIO will be back to publication on August 23, 2008.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Al Qaeda strikes back - Tripoli and Lebanon are in mourning.

Saniora declares an hour of national mourning today whereby the entire country will cease work for one hour in memory of those who fell victim of the Terrorist bus bombings in Tripoli yesterday. 20 civilians and soldiers are killed and 45 others wounded.

Lebanon and Syria have agreed to establish Diplomatic ties for the first time since their respective independence from French Mandate. Let us hope Syria is NOT fooling the World one more time...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

News Flash = Terrorism strikes back in Lebanon. A bus was blown-up in Tripoli killing at least 20 people.

President Michel Sleiman heads to Syria to meet the Dic-tator,

The Majority is now accusing Hezbolla for attempting to oppress freedom of speech and expression within the Parliament.

Kuwait announces a state of War after the US has moved Three new attack warships into the Persian Gulf; thus fearing an eminent attack on Iran and a possible closing of the Gulf.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Al-Balad Newspaper reports that Solange Gemayel has decided to break away from the political line of her brother-in-law Amine Gemayel namely during the next parliamentary elections in Ashrafieh.

Severe verbal attacks and counter-attacks between Hezbolla's Deputies and Deputies from the Majority over the weapons of the Former.

Unconfirmed reports reveal that the hired assassin of Lebanese Singer Susan Tammim was found killed in his prison cell in Egypt where he was arrested two days ago.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Killer of Lebanese Singer Susanne Tamim has been arrested on a Yacht in Egypt. Susanne was stabbed to death nearly 3 weeks ago in Dubai. Her assassin, an Arab, confessed to have been paid $3Million by an Egyptian Tycoon to execute Tamim.

Israel announces that Syrian M. Sleiman was assassinated recently because he was the mastermind behind providing Hezbolla with anti-aircraft surface to air missiles.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Lebanese Politicians show their clear differences inside the Parliament.

Hizbolla's Deputies Forbid Majority Deputy to speak their mind about Hezbolla and order them to "Close their Mouth".

Deputy Solange Gemayel informs her ally PM Designate Fouad Saniora that she is not going to give him her vote of confidence during the confirmation session.

... And the Bla Bla Bla continues...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Michel Aoun officially opens his War with the Balestinians of Lebanon requesting their immediate disarmament before disarming Hezbolla.

Lebanon is witnessing one of its most populated summers ever as Lebanese Emigrants and Foreigners continue to flock in.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The world is now in a wait and see situation whether Israel will attack Hizbolla's newly deployed early warning state-of-the -art radar systems on the hill tops of the Druze and Christian heartland of Lebanon.

The charade of the vote of confidence for the new Saniora Government is set to begin today. Over 60 Deputies are expected to open their mouths and bla bla bla ... bla bla bla...

While Druze arch rivals Al-Wali Jumblat and Talal Arslan have agreed to be co-runners in the next parliamentary elections, Maronite arch rivals and feudal Lords Sleiman Franjieh and Micho Mouawad have decided to continue their bickering till one of them decides to join or reject the renewed Syrian hegemony over the Lebanon.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lyna Kilikian of Lebanon won the Gold Medal for Art Work in the Beijing Olympics.

Israel describes the new Lebanese Government Plan of Fouad Saniora as a "Big success for Hizbolla".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Plans underway to allow Lebanese Emigrants to vote from their respective 2nd homeland for the first time ever. Will the Lebanese Politicians allow it?

On the other hand studies are underway also to allow the voting age to be 18 instead of the current 21.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

President Sleiman's visit to Syria is set for August 13, 2008.

A new Army General is expected to be appointed by the Government soon after the Latter obtains the confidence vote by the Lebanese Parliament this week.

Lebanese Armenian TV Anchorman Nishan has been intercepted and severely beaten-up overnight.

Monday, August 4, 2008

After seizing the peeks of the Christian Mountains of Sannine, Hezbolla takes over the heights of the Druze mountains of Barouk in order to establish early warning posts.

The Lebanese Politicians have agreed on a plan for the Saniora Government!

President Michel Sleiman is set to visit Syria shortly to discuss the Shebaa Farms and the delineation of the Lebanese-Syrian borders. Sleiman has been urged to bring back with him the Lebanese held hostage in Syrian Jails for decades. Will he have the guts to raise this subject with the Syrian Dick-tator?

Intelligence sources reveal that Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister Walid Mouallem may be on his way out and could be replaced by Bashar’s Personal Advisor Ms. Butheina Saaban.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

UN and Cypriot Forces were used to settle down the Fires of Souk El-Gharb.

Christian Emigration out of Lebanon has reached an alarming point of no return.

Vote for Elie Bitar as the next Super Star.

R A P I O will be taking its annual summer break effective tomorrow and will be back to publication on Monday, August 4, 2008.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fires rage in Lebanon namely in Bourj Hammoud and Souk El Gharb where they have become out of control.

At least 177 Lebanese are known to be held hostage in the jails belonging to the Syrian Baath Regine.

Western Intelligence fear eminent attacks by Hezbolla in both North and Southern America.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shame and humiliation adorn Lebanon once again as Mothers, Sisters, Sons and Fathers of Lebanese detained for years in Syrian jails without trial were beaten-up by their own Lebanese Army when they were protesting the visit of Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister to the Lebanese Presidential Palace. S H A M E to see desperate Lebanese still being beaten-up by their own Government.

President Michel Sleiman heads to Syria for his meeting with the Dic-tator Bashar.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Israel puts its diplomatic missions on high alert fearing an eminent attack by Hezbolla to revenge the assassination of Master Terrorist Emad Moghnieh.

German sources expect Lebanon to join the peace negotiation with Israel by year end!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

President Michel Sleiman in Syria by end of July 08.

Still no official reaction or statement from the Lebanese Government regarding Hezbolla and Iranian Revolutionary Guards occupying the Peaks of Mount Sannine in the Christian Heartland.

Balestinian and Al-Qaeda Islamists are fighting each other in the Balestinian Camp of Ain El-Helouweh in Southern Lebanon.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Israel openely vows to target Hezbolla's released Prisoner Samir Quntar now that he is no longer apprehended.

R A P I O Will not be published Saturday, July 19th 2008.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Three Senior Representatives of the Lebanese Forces participated in the official welcoming ceremony for the Hezbolla Prisoners released by Israel yesterday.

Observers noted that the ONLY Lebanese major Politician who did not attend the VIP stand to receive Hezbolla's fighters released by Israel was Al-Wali Jumblat.

Reports reveal that the Peaks of Mount Sannine in the heartland of Christian Lebanon have been taken over by the Iranian elite Pasdaran and Revolutionary Guards to man advanced radars to detect early warning signals from Israeli air force jets taking off from Israel.

The New Government of Lebanon is dubbed "The Caspers' Cabinet" because 29 of its 30 members were wearing white suites during the official photo ceremony!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Al Balad newspaper reveals that Israeli Intelligence Sources have confirmed that Hezbolla has taken over the hills of Mount Sannine [2,600 meters in height above sea level] in the Christian Heartland of Lebanon. Neither Hezbolla nor the Lebanese Government has denied this report which means it is true.

The Lebanese Government declares Today a National Holiday to celebrate the return of Hezbolla Prisoners from Israel expected to take place at noon local time.

Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister is expected in Beirut by Monday to extend an official invitation to President Michel Sleiman to visit Syria... Alla Yestour...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Solange Gemayel expresses her unhappiness with the appointment of Elie Marouni as Minister of Tourism saying that she is more qualified for the job!!!!!!!!!

Hezbolla's Lebanon prepares to receive its Prisonners from Israel.

Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak accuses Hezbolla of preparing to launch a new attack on Israel after the exchange of Prisonners.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Syrian Dic-tator Bashar Assad indirectly (the typical Syrian way) gives Lebanon the green light to start dialogue with Israel similar to the one that is taking place currently between him and Israel.

Carlos Edde announces his withdrawal from the March 14 Majority coalition and hints to re-join Minority Chieftain Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement.

An Israeli Spokesman reveals that the exchange of Prisoners between Israel and Hezbolla will take place this Wednesday.